

单词 举措
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MORE〕an approach which is gaining ground in schools 在学校里越来越为大家所接受的一项举措朗文写作活用〔actively〕the White House says the president is not actively considering such a move. 白宫说总统对这样的举措并不作积极考虑。柯林斯高阶〔base〕an attempt to strengthen the city's economic base (=things that produce jobs and money) 加强本市经济基础的一项举措朗文当代〔belatedly〕the government's belated attempts to alleviate the plight of the poor. 政府一再拖延的扶贫举措柯林斯高阶〔belated〕a belated attempt to increase support 一个迟来的增加资助的举措朗文当代〔catastrophe〕moves to avert a national catastrophe 避免全国性灾难的举措牛津搭配〔challenge〕a new and vibrant initiative to meet the challenge of the 21st century 一项迎接 21 世纪挑战的充满生气的新举措朗文当代〔complexion〕a move which changed the political complexion of the country 改变国家政局的举措牛津高阶〔deflationary〕the government's refusal to implement deflationary measures. 政府拒绝实施通货紧缩举措柯林斯高阶〔direction〕a step to change your life in a positive direction 积极地改变你生活方向的举措牛津搭配〔educative〕the educative value of allowing broadcasters into their courts允许电视台进入他们的审判庭这一举措的教育意义外研社新世纪〔exercise〕a cost-cutting exercise 削减成本的举措麦克米伦高阶〔flexibility〕an initiative to encourage greater flexibility in teaching and learning 鼓励加大教与学灵活性的举措牛津搭配〔follow-through〕the task of finding a durable solution to the refugee problem as a follow-through to the very temporary measures找到解决难民问题的长久之计, 以作为诸项临时措施的后续举措外研社新世纪〔growth〕new measures to control the growth of traffic on the roads 控制道路车辆增加的新举措牛津搭配〔hasten〕moves intended to hasten an end to the war想要促使战争早日结束的举措外研社新世纪〔initiative〕a local initiative aimed at economic regeneration 以经济复兴为目标的地方新举措牛津搭配〔initiative〕a new initiative against car theft 打击汽车盗窃的新举措牛津搭配〔initiative〕an initiative for peace and human rights 旨在维护和平、保障人权的新举措牛津搭配〔initiative〕pioneering initiatives in bioengineering 生物工程的开拓性新举措牛津搭配〔initiative〕the government's major new initiative on crime 政府关于犯罪问题的重大新举措牛津搭配〔integration〕a move towards / toward greater internal integration in Europe 促进欧洲内部更紧密融合的举措牛津搭配〔menace〕a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of illegal drugs 旨在打击非法毒品威胁的新举措牛津高阶〔orthodoxy〕the latest step in a purge of liberals and a return to political orthodoxy. 肃清自由派、回归政治正统理念的最新举措柯林斯高阶〔penetrate〕moves designed to block enemy penetrations. 旨在阻止敌人渗透的举措柯林斯高阶〔problem〕new measures aimed at tackling the drug problem 旨在解决毒品问题的新举措朗文当代〔profile〕a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks能使埃及在即将举行的和谈中大大抬高姿态的举措外研社新世纪〔racism〕measures to combat racism 针对种族主义的种种举措牛津搭配〔remould〕a new phase in the attempt to remould Labour's image. 重塑工党形象举措的新阶段柯林斯高阶〔restlessly〕a major new initiative to placate the country's restless intellectuals. 安抚国家不安分的知识分子的重大新举措柯林斯高阶〔stimulate〕new measures to stimulate the economy 刺激经济的新举措麦克米伦高阶〔stroke〕a bold liberty stroke (或a stroke for liberty) 一次争取自由的大胆举措英汉大词典〔successful〕a politically successful move 政治上的成功举措牛津搭配〔win〕moves to win the support of the poor. 赢得穷人支持的举措柯林斯高阶attempts to attract graduate recruits to the oil industry 吸引毕业生到石油行业应聘的举措牛津商务transformative deals that move companies into new lines of business 将公司带入新业务领域的转型举措牛津商务




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