

单词 了不得
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔deal〕So she's got a part in the school play? Big deal! 哦,她参加学校的戏剧演出啦?真是了不得哦!麦克米伦高阶〔head〕The change in government finally brought matters to a head.政府的变动使得这些问题最终到了不得不解决的地步。外研社新世纪〔heart〕Promise me you won't tell him what I have said. Cross your heart and hope to die! 答应我你决不把我说的话讲给他听。你给我发誓,说了不得好死! 英汉大词典〔lift〕The city has temporarily lifted its ban on smoking in bars.市政府临时撤销了不得在酒吧吸烟的禁令。韦氏高阶〔lulu〕Her house was a lulu.她的房子真是了不得。英汉大词典〔lulu〕It's a lulu!这可真是了不得!外研社新世纪〔lumme〕Two years ago they set London on fire. Lumme, that was a night.两年前他们轰动了伦敦。嗨!那天晚上可真了不得!英汉大词典〔offend〕She had carefully worded her comments so as not to offend anyone.为了不得罪人,她的评论措辞很小心。韦氏高阶〔offend〕The careful language is designed not to offend.谨慎措词就是为了不得罪人。朗文当代〔prize〕That hen has produced a prize egg, bigger than any I've ever seen.那母鸡下了一个了不得的蛋,比我看到过的都大。英汉大词典〔quite〕It must be quite some car.那辆汽车肯定很了不得。牛津高阶〔restriction〕At the turn of the century, Congress imposed/placed a height restriction of 13 storeys on all buildings in Washington.在世纪之交,国会对华盛顿的建筑实行了不得超过13层的高度限制。剑桥高阶〔some〕I call that some speech.我认为那篇演说很了不得。文馨英汉〔some〕She lived to be ninety-nine years old and only weighed eighty pounds but she'd raised eight kids. That was some tough woman!.她活到了 99 岁的高龄,体重虽然只有 80 磅,却养了 8 个孩子。真是个了不得的女人!柯林斯高阶〔unenviable〕It put me in the unenviable position of having to lie.这令我陷入了不得不说谎的尴尬境地。柯林斯高阶〔unenviable〕It put me in the unenviable position of having to lie.这使我陷入了不得不说谎的尴尬境地。外研社新世纪I think we've reached the point of no return (= the state from which we have to advance) with our car, and we're going to have to get a new one.我想我们到了不得不处理我们的汽车,去买一辆新车的地步了。剑桥国际The boy was all aflame with curiosity. 小男孩因为好奇而激动得了不得。译典通




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