

单词 体积的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔auxesis〕Growth resulting from increase in cell size without cell division.细胞增大:指由于细胞体积的增大而非细胞分裂而导致的生长美国传统〔bulky〕Having considerable bulk; massive.大的,巨大的:有可观体积的;巨大的美国传统〔cubature〕The determination of the cubic contents of a solid.求体积法:对某一固体体积的测定美国传统〔cubical〕Of or relating to volume.体积的:体积的或与体积有关的美国传统〔density〕The mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature.比重:在特定压力和温度条件下某物质单位体积的质量美国传统〔drop〕To become less, as in number, intensity, or volume.减少:数量、密度或体积的减少美国传统〔energy density〕The energy per unit volume of a region of space.能量密度:每单位体积的能量美国传统〔expansion〕Increase in the dimensions of a body.身体体积的增加美国传统〔grow〕To increase in size by a natural process.生长,成长:自然进程中体积的增加美国传统〔heat of combustion〕The amount of heat released per unit mass or unit volume of a substance when the substance is completely burned.燃烧热:每单位质量或体积的物质完全燃烧后所释放出的热量美国传统〔isothermal〕Of or designating changes of pressure and volume at constant temperature.等温状态下压力和体积变化的:属于或命名在恒温下压力和体积的变化的美国传统〔liquid measure〕A unit or system of units of liquid capacity.液量单位:液体体积的单位或单位系统美国传统〔liquid measure〕The measurement of liquid capacity.液量:液体体积的测量美国传统〔mammoth〕Something of great size.庞然大物:具有硕大体积的东西美国传统〔pneumatometer〕An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.呼吸气量测定器;肺活量计:用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器美国传统〔proof〕The alcoholic strength of a liquor, expressed by a number that is twice the percentage by volume of alcohol present.强度标准:某种酒的酒精强度,用现存酒精体积的两倍百分比数来表示美国传统〔rise〕The bread dough should rise to double its original size.生面团发起之后应该有它原来体积的两倍那么大美国传统〔solid〕A substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous.团体:有固定的形状和体积的物质;既不是液态,也不是气态的东西美国传统〔solid〕Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.固体的:固定的形状和体积的;不是液体或气体的美国传统〔uprise〕To increase in pitch or volume; swell.(体积的)膨胀,(声音的)变高:音调,音量升高;在数量等方面逐渐扩大;膨胀美国传统〔volumetric〕Of or relating to measurement by volume.体积的,容积的,测容积(体积的)的:属于或关于测量容积的美国传统〔volume〕Let the bread rise to twice its original volume.让面包发酵到原来体积的两倍。麦克米伦高阶〔weigh ... down〕Do you know if a piece of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of iron?你知道一块铅是否比同样体积的铁重?21世纪英汉




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