

单词 体相
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕The twins were joined together at birth and had to be separated in a very delicate operation. 这两个孪生儿出生时身体相连,不得不进行相当精细的手术把他们分开。朗文写作活用〔Midlands〕A region of central England. It roughly corresponds with the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia and is today a highly industrialized area.英格兰中部地区:英格兰中部地区。与盎格鲁-撒克逊的麦西亚王国疆域大体相当,今为一高度工业化的地区美国传统〔Y-chromosome〕If a Y-chromosome pairs up with an X-chromosome during fertilization, a male baby will result.如果受孕过程中一个Y染色体与一个X染色体相结合,则发育为男婴。剑桥高阶〔alignment〕Further consultation is needed to explore whether it is possible to bring the two groups into alignment.需要进一步磋商, 以探讨是否有可能使这两个团体相互配合。外研社新世纪〔beta-adrenergic〕Of, relating to, or being a beta-receptor.β-肾上腺素受体的:β-肾上腺素受体的、与β肾上腺素受体相关的美国传统〔bodily〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the body.肉体的:身体的,与身体相关的或属于身体的美国传统〔broadly〕Many of the findings in this study are broadly similar to those of Johnes (1990).这项研究的许多发现与乔纳斯(1990)的结果大体相似。剑桥高阶〔coxa〕Zoology The first segment of the leg of an insect or other arthropod, joining the leg to the body.【动物学】 基节:昆虫或其他节肢动物的腿的第一节,它使腿与身体相连美国传统〔despise〕The two groups despise each other.这两个团体相互鄙视。剑桥高阶〔endothermic〕Biology Of or relating to an organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temperature of its surroundings; warm-blooded.【生物学】 温血的:属于或与能产生热量以维持体温高于其周围环境温度的生物体相关的;温血的美国传统〔fairly〕He enjoys fairly good health.他身体相当健康。麦克米伦高阶〔form〕A proportioned model that may be adjusted for fitting clothes.可调整大小比例的模型:与人体相称的,常可调整的模型,以适用各种服装美国传统〔fray around/at the edges〕Without the unifying forces of the army and the monarchy, it seems, the nation would begin to fray at the edges.要不是军队和君主政体相结合,该国看来就会分崩离析了。剑桥高阶〔good〕Her health is pretty good. = She's in pretty good health.她身体相当健康。韦氏高阶〔greater/better/more than the sum of its parts〕The team lacks standout players, but it has proved to be greater than the sum of its parts.这个球队缺乏优秀的选手,但是整体配合证明要胜过个体相加。韦氏高阶〔heft〕Despite their considerable heft, buffalo are agile creatures.尽管身体相当重,水牛是很灵活的。剑桥高阶〔individual〕A single animal or plant as distinguished from a species, community, or group.动植物个体:与物种、组织或群体相对立的作为个体存在的单个动物或植物美国传统〔individuation〕The act or process of individuating, especially the process by which social individuals become differentiated one from the other.个性形成:个性化的过程或行为,尤指社会性的个体相互离异的过程美国传统〔metasomatism〕The process by which the chemical composition of a rock is changed by interaction with fluids; replacement of one mineral by another without melting.交代变化,换质(作用):岩石的化学成分通过与液体相互作用而发生变化的过程;一种矿物不经熔化被另一种矿物替代美国传统〔opposition〕Placement opposite to or in contrast with another.反对的立场:与另一物体相对或处于相对的情况美国传统〔organic〕Having properties associated with living organisms.有机的:拥有同活的有机体相联系的性质的美国传统〔peer pressure〕Pressure from one's peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them.同侪压力:举止行为要与同侪团体相类似或被其接受的压力美国传统〔per capita〕Equally to each individual.和每一个体相等的美国传统〔phocomelia〕A birth defect in which the upper portion of a limb is absent or poorly developed, so that the hand or foot attaches to the body by a short, flipperlike stump.短肢畸形,海豹肢畸形:一种先天性的缺陷,即肢体的上半部分没有或是发育不全,因此手或脚都是靠、短小的鳍状残肢与身体相连美国传统〔polytene〕Relating to or having large, multistranded chromosomes whose corresponding chromomeres are in contact.(染色体)多线性的:关于或具有大型的多束染色体的,它与其相对应的染色体相接触美国传统〔proportion〕Babies have big heads in proportion to their bodies.与身体相比, 婴儿的脑袋都大。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕His feet seem very small in proportion to his body.和他的身体相比,他的脚似乎显得太小了。剑桥高阶〔relation〕Its brain is small in relation to(= compared with)its body.和它的身体相比,它的大脑很小。牛津高阶〔repulsion〕Physics The tendency of particles or bodies of the same electric charge or magnetic polarity to separate.【物理学】 斥力:具有相同的电荷或磁极的粒子或物体相分离的倾向美国传统〔roughly〕We're roughly the same age.我们的年龄大体相当。麦克米伦高阶〔satisfy〕He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions.他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。柯林斯高阶〔similarity〕There was a very basic similarity in our philosophy.当时我们的人生观在根本上是大体相同的。外研社新世纪〔sphery〕Resembling a celestial body.与天体相似的美国传统〔steering gear〕The mechanism by which dispositions of the steering controls of a vehicle are transferred to the part that interacts with the external medium.操舵装置:将汽车方向控制器的位置转到与外部传导体相作用部分的装置美国传统〔substantially〕The two women hold substantially equivalent positions in the two companies.这两位女士在这两家公司中的职位大体相当。麦克米伦高阶〔tesseract〕The four-dimensional equivalent of a cube.立方体的四维模拟:与一立方体相等的四维体美国传统〔throughout〕The national tragedy of rival groups killing each other continued throughout 1990.这种敌对团体相互残杀的全国性悲剧持续了整个20世纪90年代。外研社新世纪〔turgid〕His prose is rather turgid.他的散文文体相当浮夸。英汉大词典〔unfit〕I'm rather unfit at the moment.我目前身体相当不好。外研社新世纪〔wing〕Something that resembles a wing in appearance, function, or position relative to a main body.翼状物:在外形、功能或与主体相对的位置上与翅膀类似的东西;翼状物美国传统Her head is ridiculously big in proportion to her body.和她的身体相比,她的头大得滑稽。剑桥国际Her job is broadly similar to mine. 她的工作和我的大体相似。译典通Tonight the charity believes up to 5000 people will be sleeping on the streets.慈善团体相信今晚会有达5000个人睡在大街上。剑桥国际You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms. 你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物。译典通




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