

单词 以图
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Medea〕A princess and sorceress of Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, lived as his consort, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity.美狄亚:科尔喀斯国的公主及女巫,她帮助伊阿宋取得了金黄色的羊毛织物,做了伊阿宋的妻子,又因伊阿宋的不忠诚而杀了他们的子女以图报复美国传统〔REVENGE〕Hamilton's supporters later tried to get even with Jefferson by calling him an adulterer. 汉密尔顿的支持者后来称杰斐逊为通奸者以图报复。朗文写作活用〔buy〕To bribe in order to proceed without interference or be exempted from an obligation or from prosecution.买通:贿赂以图不受干扰地持续进行或免于某一责任或依法处理美国传统〔cast〕He cast his work in the form of a chart.他以图表形式呈现了自己的作品。外研社新世纪〔cast〕He cast his work in the form of a chart.他把他的工作以图表形式作系统的说明。英汉大词典〔chronograph〕An instrument that registers or graphically records time intervals such as the duration of an event.记时仪:登记或以图记录时间间隔(如事件期间)的仪器美国传统〔constituent structure〕An analysis, often in the form of a schematic representation, of the constituents of a construction, such as a sentence.成分结构:对句子等结构的所作的成分分析,常以图表为表现形式美国传统〔convenience〕When I'm doing the cooking, we use all frozen stuff for convenience.我做饭的时候, 我们全部都用速冻食品以图省事。外研社新世纪〔cover your tracks〕Roberts covered his tracks by throwing the knife in the river.罗伯茨把刀扔进河里以图掩盖痕迹。剑桥高阶〔gear〕Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.那名赛跑选手绕过最后一个弯道后开始加速,以图超越同组的其他选手。牛津高阶〔graphically〕This data is shown graphically on the opposite page.对页以图表显示这些数据。牛津高阶〔graphical〕A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1.结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。柯林斯高阶〔liquidate〕The government tried to stabilize the economy by liquidating the national debt.政府清偿国债以图稳定经济。英汉大词典〔pattern〕To cover or ornament with a design or pattern.(以图案)装饰,覆盖:用某种花样或图案装饰或布置美国传统〔picture〕The story is told in pictures.这个故事是以图画的形式讲述的。牛津搭配〔remembrance〕I took the photos as a pictorial remembrance of the trip.我拍了照片,作为对那次旅行以图片保存的纪念。英汉大词典〔render〕To represent in a drawing or painting, especially in perspective.表现:以图像或绘画表现,尤指用透视画法美国传统〔wink〕Her extravagance is usually winked at; her husband thinks he's buying a quiet life.他对妻子大手大脚花钱睁一只眼闭一只眼,他想这么着可以图个清静。英汉大词典〔wrest〕The men had returned to wrest back power.这些人已经回来以图重新夺取权力。柯林斯高阶The business plan is full of hard data in the form of tables and graphs.这商业计划满是以图表形式出现的硬资料。牛津商务The country has restored diplomatic relations with its neighbours in an attempt to gain international respectability.这个国家已恢复了与其邻国的外交关系,以图赢得国际威望。剑桥国际The religion of ancient Egypt emerged from the worship of tribal deities represented as totemic animals.古埃及的宗教信仰产生于对以图腾动物为代表的部落神的膜拜。剑桥国际The structure of the engine was explained in diagrammatic form.发动机的结构以图解形式解释。剑桥国际They hushed up the scandal in an effort to save face. 他们掩盖了丑闻以图保全面子。译典通




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