

单词 些微
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-ing〕It was worth it to see all those smiling faces.看到所有那些微笑的面庞,这么做是值得的。柯林斯高阶〔IMPROVE〕You've established the general direction you want to go in, now you need to fine-tune your plans. 你已确定了总目标,现在你需要对你的计划作些微调。朗文写作活用〔LEAST〕A tiny crack in the tent allowed the bare minimum of light in. 帐篷上一个细小的裂缝透进了些微的亮光。朗文写作活用〔adjustment〕She made some slight adjustments to the recipe.她对食谱做了一些微小的改进。韦氏高阶〔blemish〕These are minor blemishes on a remarkably smooth operation.这些只是一次异常顺利的行动中存在的些微不足之处。外研社新世纪〔change〕Her voice changed subtly.她的嗓音有些微妙的变化。牛津搭配〔clean room〕The microchips are manufactured in a clean room.这些微芯片是在无尘室里生产的。韦氏高阶〔dearly〕These small gains were very dearly bought.这些微小的收益是付出巨大的代价才获得的。外研社新世纪〔dissociation〕Biology The process by which some microbes differentiate or mutate.【生物学】 离异,分离变异:一些微生物变异或经历突变的过程美国传统〔edge〕Had she imagined the slight edge to his voice? 她有没有感觉到他的声音里透出些微怒气?麦克米伦高阶〔evolve〕Slowly, these tiny organisms evolved into multicelled creatures.慢慢地,这些微小的有机体进化成了多细胞生物。麦克米伦高阶〔exercise〕Never keep on exercising if you have even the slightest chest pain.若感到胸口有些微疼痛, 那就别再进行锻炼了。外研社新世纪〔fawn〕Color A grayish yellow brown to light grayish or moderate reddish brown.【色彩】 浅黄褐色:发灰的黄褐色,有点浅灰或些微的红褐美国传统〔fine〕It needs a few fine adjustments.它需要进行一些微调。外研社新世纪〔grumble〕There have been grumblings about the party leader.对该党的领导人有一些微词。柯林斯高阶〔hair's breadth〕We won by a hair's breadth.我们以些微之差赢了对手。牛津高阶〔hair〕He was a hair off on the count.他数的数有些微误差。韦氏高阶〔hydrogenase〕An enzyme in certain microorganisms that catalyzes the formation of hydrogen.放氢酶:某些微生物中的催化氢所生成的一种酶美国传统〔impracticable〕Owing to slight miscalculation, the invention proved to be impracticable.由于些微的计算错误,这一发明不适于使用。英汉大词典〔kindness〕Small kindnesses meant a lot to her.些微的善意表现对她而言意义重大。牛津搭配〔little〕It's often the little things that count the most.常常是一些微不足道的东西发挥的作用最大。剑桥高阶〔manage〕He managed on the meagre income his wife earned.他靠妻子挣来的些微收入勉强过活。英汉大词典〔marginal〕We have to make marginal adjustments.我们得做些微的调整。文馨英汉〔miniature〕I bought some miniature furniture for my niece's doll's house.我为侄女的玩具屋买了一些微型家具模型。剑桥高阶〔minor〕There may be some minor changes to the schedule.时间安排上也许会有些微的变动。牛津高阶〔nature〕Nature gave these tiny creatures the ability to reproduce quickly when food is abundant.自然赋予这些微生物在食物充足时快速繁殖的能力。剑桥高阶〔nose ... out〕He was nosed out in the finals by a younger player.他在决赛中以些微之差败给了年轻的选手。21世纪英汉〔oscillation〕There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.全球气温总是有些微小的波动。外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.这些微小的尘埃可深深地吸入肺部。牛津高阶〔periplast〕An outer layer surrounding the cell membrane of certain microorganisms, such as a spirochete.质膜:某些微生物,如螺旋体,包围细胞壁的外层膜美国传统〔piddly〕I don't want to argue about piddly details.我不想为这些微不足道的细节争辩。韦氏高阶〔pip〕He was pipped at/to the post for the top award.他到终点时以些微之差被超越,失去了冠军。牛津高阶〔produce〕The investment produces a small income.这项投资能得到些微收益。英汉大词典〔relaxation〕There must be no relaxation in our high standards.我们坚持高标准,对此决不容许有些微放松。英汉大词典〔selenosis〕Poisoning, especially of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium found in some plants, in the soil, or in some microorganisms.硒中毒:因摄入某些植物、土壤或在某些微生物中发现的硒而引起的中毒,尤指家畜的中毒美国传统〔sign〕I detected the subtle signs of disapproval.我觉察到一些微妙的征兆,有人可能会反对。牛津搭配〔so〕The particles are so small as to be almost invisible.这些微粒小得几乎看不见。朗文当代〔stuff〕She wants us to smile more, and stuff like that.她希望我们多一些微笑,多一些那样的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔subtlety〕Some of the subtleties of the language are lost in translation.语言中的一些微妙之处在译文中丢失了。朗文当代〔subtle〕Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened.她对事件的描述跟实际发生的情况有些微妙的出入。牛津高阶〔touch〕He did not actually touch the substance, but may have inhaled it.他并没有实际接触那种物质,但也许吸进了一些微粒。牛津搭配〔vapour〕The particles then form a vapour.然后这些微粒形成了蒸气。牛津搭配〔vary〕As they're handmade, each one varies slightly.由于它们是手工制作的,彼此都会有些微小的差异。柯林斯高阶Atoms are made up of smaller particles--protons, neutrons and electrons--some of which are made up of even smaller ones, called quarks.原子是由微粒--质子、中子和电子组成的,其中有些微粒是由更小的叫作夸克的粒子组成的。剑桥国际I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original. 我认为译者没有把原文中的一些微妙之处翻译出来。译典通It is sometimes said that there are no true synonyms in the English language, and that all words have a slightly different meaning.人们有时说英语中没有真正意义上的同义词,所有的词义都有些微的不同。剑桥国际It might be necessary to make a few slight modifications to the design.可能需要对这款设计进行一些微小的改进。牛津商务She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is typically English.她的态度有点含蓄和些微冷淡, 这是典型的英国式的。剑桥国际The last year has seen a slight improvement in the economy.去年经济有一些微小的改进。剑桥国际The sum of all these small changes has had a huge effect on the industry.所有这些微小的变化加在一起对这个产业产生了巨大的影响。牛津商务The system is set up but it needs some fine-tuning.系统已装配好,但需要做些微调。牛津商务There may be some minor changes to the plan.计划可能会有一些微小的改动。牛津商务There must be no relaxation in our high standards. 我们坚持高标准,决不容许有些微放松。译典通These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes. 这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见。译典通




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