

单词 丽莎
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕Twenty-one-year-old Elizabeth Parker will be the soloist in tonight's concert. 21岁的伊丽莎白·帕克将是今晚音乐会的独唱歌手。朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕George and Elizabeth had visited 15 apartments and had found something wrong with each one. 乔治和伊丽莎白看了15套公寓,发现每套都有问题。朗文写作活用〔Baffin〕A region of northeast Northwest Territories, Canada, including Baffin Island, the Queen Elizabeth and Parry islands, and Melville Peninsula.巴芬:位于加拿大西北地区东北部的一个地区,包括巴芬岛、伊丽莎白女王岛和帕里岛,以及梅尔维尔半岛美国传统〔Elizabethan〕Elizabethan drama 伊丽莎白一世时代的戏剧朗文当代〔Elizabethan〕Elizabethan poetry 伊丽莎白女王一世时代的诗歌韦氏高阶〔Elizabethan〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of Elizabeth I of England or her reign.伊丽莎白一世的:英国伊丽莎白一世或其统治的、与之有关的或表现为之的美国传统〔HELP〕Clarissa was no help - she just sat around and watched TV. 克拉丽莎帮不了忙一她就坐着看电视。朗文写作活用〔KIND〕Why don't you talk to Elizabeth? She's always sympathetic. 你为什么不跟伊丽莎白去谈谈呢?她一直很有同情心。朗文写作活用〔Regina〕Elizabeth R.伊丽莎白女王英汉大词典〔Regina〕Elizabeth Regina 伊丽莎白女王(略作E.R.)文馨英汉〔R〕Elizabeth R 伊丽莎白女王朗文当代〔R〕Elizabeth R 伊丽莎白女王麦克米伦高阶〔TELL〕Between you and me, I think Elizabeth is a bit of a nightmare. 只有你我知道,我觉得伊丽莎白有点可怕。朗文写作活用〔accede〕Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne in 1952.伊丽莎白女王二世1952年即位。外研社新世纪〔age〕Is Elizabeth of age yet? 伊丽莎白成年了没有? 英汉大词典〔bed〕Elizabeth was sitting on her bed writing a letter.伊丽莎白正坐在床上写信。牛津搭配〔break through〕Despite everything, Elizabeth's human side keeps breaking through.不管怎样,伊丽莎白还是不断显露出其作为普通人的一面。柯林斯高阶〔breathtaking〕She then proceeds – with breathtaking arrogance – to describe Elizabeth as ungrateful.她接着说下去——带着惊人的傲慢——称伊丽莎白是忘恩负义。外研社新世纪〔catch〕Melissa caught a whiff of the woman's scent.梅丽莎闻到了那个女人身上的香水味。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕Eliz. 2 1972 c. 60 i.e., Gas Act,1972 伊丽莎白二世 1972年律目 60,即1972年国会制定的瓦斯法英汉大词典〔chorus〕An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.解说员:在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员美国传统〔collect〕Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project.伊丽莎白一直在为完成学校的一份课题作业收集蜗牛。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特教堂加冕。外研社新世纪〔deck up〕Elisabeth decked herself up for the dancing party.伊丽莎白打扮整齐,准备参加舞会。21世纪英汉〔disapproval〕Clarissa shook her head in disapproval.克拉丽莎责备地摇摇头。朗文当代〔dress〕She dressed up in Elizabethan costume for the fancy-dress ball.她穿着伊丽莎白时代的服装去参加化装舞会。英汉大词典〔drum〕Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the table.丽莎不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲桌子。朗文当代〔dull〕Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.伊丽莎白在这里生活就决不会无聊了。朗文当代〔elizabethan〕Shakespeare was an Elizabethan.莎士比亚是伊丽莎白女王一世时代的人。牛津高阶〔enamoured〕He was greatly enamoured of Elizabeth.他十分倾心于伊丽莎白。朗文当代〔enigmatic〕The Mona Lisa has a famously enigmatic smile.蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑非常有名。剑桥高阶〔enthuse〕Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。柯林斯高阶〔enthuse〕Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance, and character of Provencal cuisine.伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。外研社新世纪〔except〕Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry.克拉丽莎除了表示很抱歉之外,想不出有什么话好说。朗文当代〔expense account〕He put Elizabeth's motel bill and air fare on his expense account.他把伊丽莎白的汽车旅店账单和飞机票都记在了自己的开销账簿上。外研社新世纪〔fame〕The town's only claim to fame (=the only reason why it is well known) is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it.该镇出名的唯一原因是女王伊丽莎白一世曾来过这里。朗文当代〔famous〕Da Vinci's world-famous portrait of the Mona Lisa 达‧芬奇的那幅世界著名的肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》朗文当代〔fancy〕The man who really caught Elizabeth's fancy was her neighbour.真正得到伊丽莎白青睐的男子是她的邻居。外研社新世纪〔feasibility study〕The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Elizabeth Falls.公司同意对在伊丽莎白瀑布建水电站进行可行性研究。剑桥高阶〔first〕Queen Elizabeth the First (=written as Queen Elizabeth I) 伊丽莎白女王一世朗文当代〔follow〕James I followed Elizabeth I.詹姆斯一世继承了伊丽莎白一世的王位。牛津同义词〔follow〕They followed the plan that Elizabeth had worked out.他们采用了伊丽莎白的计划。朗文当代〔groom〕Queen Elizabeth rides with a groom yesterday at Windsor Castle in London.昨天, 伊丽莎白女王和一名王室侍从官在伦敦温莎城堡骑马。外研社新世纪〔groundling〕A spectator in the cheap standing-room section of an Elizabethan theater.后座站票观众:坐在伊丽莎白式剧场的廉价座位上的观众美国传统〔hear〕Teresa heard about the decision later.特丽莎后来听说了那个决定。朗文当代〔hot〕Elizabeth's really hot on nuclear physics.伊丽莎白对核物理极感兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕He gave his imitation of Queen Elizabeth's royal wave.他模仿伊丽莎白女王挥手致意。柯林斯高阶〔impose on〕Clarissa was like that, she imposed on people.克拉丽莎就是这样, 老麻烦人。外研社新世纪〔inside〕He was silent, but Elizabeth could sense the anger burning inside him.他沉默不语,但伊丽莎白能感觉到他正怒火中烧。麦克米伦高阶〔leave ... out〕Elizabeth was left out in the dancing party.伊丽莎白在舞会上受到了冷落。21世纪英汉〔liken sb/sth to sb/sth〕She's been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor.人们说她很像年轻时的伊丽莎白‧泰勒。剑桥高阶〔loud〕Lisa's voice comes through loud and clear.丽莎的声音清楚地传过来。外研社新世纪〔lump〕There was a lump in Elizabeth's throat as she gazed at the child.伊丽莎白看着孩子,哽咽欲哭。朗文当代〔nee〕Mrs Elizabeth Davis, nee Williams 伊丽莎白‧戴维斯太太,娘家姓威廉斯朗文当代〔nickname〕We always use the nickname Beth for our daughter Elizabeth.我们总是把女儿伊丽莎白昵称为“贝丝”。剑桥高阶〔occur〕The same idea had occurred to Elizabeth.伊丽莎白也想到了同样的主意。外研社新世纪〔occur〕The same idea had occurred to Elizabeth.伊丽莎白也想到了这个主意。柯林斯高阶〔of〕Speaking of Elizabeth, here she is.说伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白就到。剑桥高阶〔ooze〕The Elizabethan house oozes charm.这幢伊丽莎白时期的房子散发着迷人的魅力。柯林斯高阶〔pay〕Elizabeth refused to pay up.伊丽莎白拒绝支付欠款。朗文当代〔peck〕Elizabeth walked up to him and pecked him on the cheek.伊丽莎白走向他, 匆匆吻了一下他的脸颊。外研社新世纪〔perform〕Thomas and Elisa performed a rousing duet for violin and piano.托马斯和伊丽莎共同表演了一曲激动人心的小提琴钢琴二重奏。剑桥高阶〔period〕The house was built during the Elizabethan period.这座房子是在伊丽莎白时期建造的。剑桥高阶〔pick on〕Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer.女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。柯林斯高阶〔play〕The part of Elizabeth was played by Cate Blanchett.伊丽莎白这一角色由凯特 · 布兰切特扮演。牛津高阶〔practitioner〕Elizabeth Quan is a London-based practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.伊丽莎白‧康是一位在伦敦执业的中医医师。剑桥高阶〔proud〕Elizabeth was proud to be able to put the letters PhD after her name.伊丽莎白为能在她的名字后加上“博士”二字而自豪。外研社新世纪〔queen〕Queen Elizabeth 伊丽莎白女王麦克米伦高阶〔recreation〕They are seeking to build a faithful recreation of the original Elizabethan theatre.他们正在试图如实再现伊丽莎白时期剧院的原貌。柯林斯高阶〔reigning〕Queen Elizabeth II is the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.女王伊丽莎白二世是联合王国的当今君主。英汉大词典〔remarry〕Richard Burton famously remarried Elizabeth Taylor.理查德‧伯顿和伊丽莎白‧泰勒的再婚经历为人熟知。剑桥高阶〔rub〕He regularly rubbed shoulders with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and Kylie Minogue.他经常与伊丽莎白·泰勒和凯莉·米洛这样的人接触。柯林斯高阶〔rule〕Elizabeth I ruled for many years.伊丽莎白一世在位多年。牛津同义词〔sennet〕A call on a trumpet or cornet signaling the ceremonial exits and entrances of actors in Elizabethan drama.喇叭信号:伊丽莎白一世时期戏剧演出中指示演员退场登场的喇叭或短号的信号美国传统〔snuggle〕She snuggled up in Clarissa's lap to listen to the story.她蜷伏在克拉丽莎的腿上听故事。朗文当代〔standing〕Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her.伊丽莎白受到邀请,可以随时去她家住。柯林斯高阶〔succeed〕Elizabeth II succeeded George VI.伊丽莎白二世继承乔治六世。牛津同义词〔succeed〕Elizabeth succeeded to the throne in 1558.伊丽莎白 1558 年继承王位。牛津搭配〔term〕George and Elizabeth have come to terms with the fact that they will never have children.乔治和伊丽莎白已经接受了他们不能有孩子的事实。朗文当代〔the〕Elizabeth the First伊丽莎白一世外研社新世纪〔throne〕Elizabeth II ascended/came to the throne (= became queen of Britain) when her father died.伊丽莎白二世在其父逝世后登上王位。剑桥高阶〔tutor〕Roger Ascham, tutor to Queen Elizabeth 罗杰・阿斯卡姆,伊丽莎白女王的私人教师牛津搭配〔under〕The coinage was reformed under Elizabeth I(= when she was queen).英国币制在伊丽莎白一世时代作了改革。牛津高阶〔under〕The drama in England flourished under Elizabeth I.在伊丽莎白一世时代英国戏剧繁荣兴旺。21世纪英汉〔warmly〕Elizabeth warmed to her theme as the letter continued with her favourite lament.随着这封信接下来进入到伊丽莎白最喜欢抱怨的内容,她开始奔向主题。柯林斯高阶〔writing〕The list was in Elizabeth's writing.这个名单是伊丽莎白写的。牛津搭配Elizabeth R 伊丽莎白女王剑桥国际Elizabeth is remarkably well-informed (=she knows a lot about many different things).伊丽莎白见识非常广。剑桥国际I was baptized Elizabeth (= given the name Elizabeth when I was baptized), but my friends call me Beth.我的教名是伊丽莎白,可朋友们都叫我贝思。剑桥国际It's uncanny how much you and Elizabeth look like sisters.奇怪的是你和伊丽莎白看上去真像姐妹。剑桥国际Liza Minelli plays a chanteuse in the film “Cabaret”.丽莎·米内利在电影《卡巴莱酒吧》中扮演一个酒吧女歌手。剑桥国际Liza will loan you a suitcase/loan a suitcase to you.丽莎会借给你一只箱子。剑桥国际People have compared me to Elizabeth Taylor.人们把我比作伊丽莎白·泰勒。剑桥国际Sir Francis Drake was a famous Elizabethan.弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士是著名的伊丽莎白一世时代的人物。剑桥国际The Mona Lisa has a famously enigmatic smile.画像上的蒙娜·丽莎有着著名的神秘微笑。剑桥国际The QE2 is a cruise liner. “ 伊丽莎白女王二号”是艘游轮。剑桥国际The children were all given a Coronation medal when Elizabeth was crowned queen.伊丽莎白加冕为女王时,孩子们都得到一块加冕典礼纪念章。剑桥国际The shortcomings of the British diet is something of a hobby-horse for Elizabeth.英国的饮食缺点是伊丽莎白经常谈到的话题。剑桥国际We all wished Lisa (good/the best of) luck in/with her exams.我们都祝丽莎考试成功。剑桥国际




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