

单词 亚麻
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Belgian〕Belgian beer/chocolate/linen 比利时啤酒/巧克力/亚麻布韦氏高阶〔CLOTHES〕There was a man in a linen suit standing at the bar. 一个穿亚麻套装的男子站在吧台旁。朗文写作活用〔FOLD〕Linen is a beautiful fabric but it creases very easily and needs to be pressed regularly. 亚麻是一种很漂亮的布料,可是很容易起折痕,需要经常熨烫。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕Linseed oil helps restore the shine to a dull surface. 亚麻籽油可以有助恢复暗淡表面的光泽。朗文写作活用〔batiste〕A fine, plain-woven fabric made from various fibers and used especially for clothing.上等亚麻布:用各种纤维织成的一种上等细薄织物,主要用来做衣服美国传统〔blanch〕Workers were blanching linen in the sun.工人们正在把亚麻布放在阳光下晒白。21世纪英汉〔boll〕The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax.棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴:某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻美国传统〔brake〕A toothed device for crushing and beating flax or hemp.剥麻机:挤榨和打碎亚麻或大麻的具齿装置美国传统〔burlap〕A strong, coarsely woven cloth made of fibers of jute, flax, or hemp and used to make bags, to reinforce linoleum, and in interior decoration.粗麻布:一种黄麻、亚麻或大麻纤维制成的结实的粗厚织物,用于打包、加固大油布的承接力和用于室内装饰美国传统〔canvas〕A heavy, coarse, closely woven fabric of cotton, hemp, or flax, used for tents and sails.帆布:一种厚重、粗糙、密织的棉、麻或亚麻织物,用来做帐篷或帆布美国传统〔closet〕Abbr. cl.A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies, or clothing.缩写 cl.小橱,橱柜:放置亚麻制品、家庭用品或衣服的橱柜或封闭的壁龛美国传统〔comfortable〕Linen is very comfortable to wear.亚麻布穿起来非常舒服。朗文当代〔company〕Smithe and Company, makers of fine linen亚麻细布生产商史密斯公司外研社新世纪〔corporal〕A white linen cloth on which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.圣餐布:圣餐进用时用来放置献祭圣物品的一种白色亚麻布美国传统〔cretonne〕A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers.大花窗帘棉布:一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套美国传统〔damask〕A rich patterned fabric of cotton, linen, silk, or wool.锦锻:由棉布、亚麻、绸缎或羊毛制成的图案丰富的织物美国传统〔distaff〕A staff that holds on its cleft end the unspun flax, wool, or tow from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand.(手工)纺纱杆:在杆的开裂的一端夹有未纺的亚麻、羊毛或丝束,手转动木杆,线从中纺出美国传统〔doily〕A small ornamental mat, usually of lace or linen.装饰垫布:通常由花边或亚麻布做成的装饰性小垫布美国传统〔drape〕The child was draped in expensive linens.那孩子身上裹着昂贵的亚麻布服装。英汉大词典〔drape〕The tables were draped in linen.桌子全都用亚麻桌布覆盖。韦氏高阶〔dresser〕She had always been a smart dresser and had on one of her linen frocks.她一向衣着讲究,这回穿的是她众多亚麻连衣裙中的一条。柯林斯高阶〔duck〕A durable, closely woven heavy cotton or linen fabric.帆布:耐用的密织的棉或亚麻重织物美国传统〔exchange〕Wool and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.毛料和木材被运到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。牛津搭配〔feel〕Linen raincoats have a crisp, papery feel.亚麻布雨衣有一种挺括如纸的手感。外研社新世纪〔fibranne〕A linenlike fabric made of spun-rayon yarn.黏胶短纤维(织物):由人造短纤维纱制成的亚麻状织物美国传统〔flaxen〕Made of or resembling flax.亚麻的:亚麻制的或象亚麻的美国传统〔flaxseed〕The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.亚麻籽:用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子美国传统〔flaxy〕Resembling flax, as in texture.像亚麻的:质地象亚麻纤维的美国传统〔flax〕Any of several similar plants.类似亚麻的几种植物的任一种美国传统〔flax〕Color A pale grayish yellow.【色彩】 亚麻色:一种浅灰黄色美国传统〔flax〕The fine, light-colored textile fiber obtained from this plant.亚麻纤维:从这种植物中获得的纤细的浅色纺织纤维美国传统〔fustian〕A coarse, sturdy cloth made of cotton and flax.棉亚麻混粗布:由棉和亚麻制成的粗糙而结实的布美国传统〔hope chest〕A chest used by a young woman for clothing and household goods, such as linens and silver, in anticipation of marriage.嫁妆箱:一个年轻女子在结婚之前存放衣物和家常用品,如亚麻和银器等的箱子美国传统〔huckaback〕A coarse absorbent cotton or linen fabric used especially for toweling.浮松布:一种吸收性好的粗糙的棉或亚麻织物,尤用于毛巾美国传统〔inkle〕A colored linen tape woven on a simple, narrow loom and used for trimmings.亚麻有色织带:在简单的窄织机上织出来的有色纱带,用于装饰美国传统〔inkle〕The yarn or thread used in making this tape.制亚麻有色织带所用的纱或纱线美国传统〔lap〕A continuous band or layer of cotton, flax, or other fiber.柿卷:一层或连续的亚麻或其它纤维轮子的卷状物美国传统〔laundress〕A woman employed to launder clothes or linens.洗衣女工:雇来清洗衣服或亚麻制品的妇女美国传统〔laundry〕A commercial establishment for laundering clothes or linens.洗衣店:清洗衣服或亚麻制品的商业性机构美国传统〔laundry〕Soiled or laundered clothes and linens; wash.衣物:弄脏的或已洗好的衣服和亚麻制品;要洗的衣服美国传统〔linen〕Linen sheets are very hard to iron.亚麻床单很难烫平。外研社新世纪〔linen〕Made of flax or linen.亚麻的:亚麻布或亚麻制成的美国传统〔linen〕Paper made from flax fibers or having a linenlike luster.亚麻纤维制成的纸:亚麻纤维制成的纸或具有亚麻织物光泽的纸美国传统〔linen〕Resembling linen.与亚麻布相似的美国传统〔linen〕Sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, towels and napkins are linens.床单、枕套、台布、毛巾及餐巾都是亚麻织品。英汉大词典〔lingerie〕Archaic Linen articles, especially garments.【古语】 亚麻织品,尤指衣服美国传统〔linseed oil〕A yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of flax and used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes and in linoleum, printing inks, and synthetic resins.亚麻籽油:从亚麻籽中提取的浅黄色油,在油漆、上釉、油布、印刷油墨和合成松脂中用作干性油美国传统〔linseed〕The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed.亚麻籽:亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁美国传统〔linsey-woolsey〕A coarse, woven fabric of wool and cotton or of wool and linen.麻(经)毛(纬)交织物:一种用羊毛和棉花或由羊毛和亚麻组成的一种粗织物美国传统〔lint〕Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds.棉绒:由刮亚麻布得到的软绒,用于包扎伤口美国传统〔lubricate〕Use a touch of linseed oil for lubrication.用一点亚麻籽油来润滑一下。柯林斯高阶〔lubrication〕Use a touch of linseed oil for lubrication.用少许亚麻籽油来润滑一下。外研社新世纪〔majestically〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen caftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍,衬出其棕色的皮肤,显得十分高贵。柯林斯高阶〔majestic〕Anna looked tanned and majestic in her linen kaftan.安娜穿着亚麻长袍, 衬出其棕色的皮肤, 显得十分高贵。外研社新世纪〔mislay〕They mislaid the linoleum.他们把亚麻油毡放错了地方美国传统〔napery〕Household linen, especially table linen.餐桌用布:家用亚麻织物,尤指桌布美国传统〔pall〕A linen cloth or a square of cardboard faced with cloth used to cover the chalice.圣餐杯的罩布:用来盖圣餐杯的亚麻布或覆有布的一块厚纸板美国传统〔pantry〕A small room or closet, usually off a kitchen, where food, tableware, linens, and similar items are stored.食品储藏室:一个小房间或柜橱,通常与厨房相邻,用来储藏食物、餐具、亚麻纸或相类似的东西美国传统〔part〕Use turpentine and linseed oil, three parts to two.使用松节油和亚麻籽油, 比例为3:2。外研社新世纪〔putty〕A doughlike cement made by mixing whiting and linseed oil, used to fill holes in woodwork and secure panes of glass.油灰:面状的胶泥,由白垩粉和亚麻油混合而成,用于填补木制口上的小洞和固定窗上的玻璃美国传统〔ramie〕The flaxlike fiber from the stem of this plant, used in making fabrics and cordage.苎麻纤维:从这种植物的茎里提取出来的亚麻状纤维,用于制织物或绳索美国传统〔reddish〕Nicky's got reddish-blond hair.尼基的头发是微微发红的亚麻色。剑桥高阶〔ret〕To moisten or soak (flax, for example) in order to soften and separate the fibers by partial rotting.将…沤软:将(例如亚麻)弄湿或浸湿以使其变软并通过部分腐烂来分离纤维美国传统〔ripple〕A comblike, toothed instrument for removing seeds from flax and other fibers.粗钢梳:一种梳状带齿的工具,用来除去亚麻或其他纤维上的籽美国传统〔rochet〕A white ceremonial vestment made of linen or lawn, worn by bishops and other church dignitaries.白色法衣:一种主教或其他高级神职人员穿的由亚麻布或上等细布制成的白色礼服美国传统〔sackcloth〕A rough cloth of camel's hair, goat hair, hemp, cotton, or flax.麻衣:用骆驼毛、山羊毛、大麻纤维、棉花或亚麻纤维制成的布美国传统〔scutch〕To separate the valuable fibers of (flax, for example) from the woody parts by beating.打(麻):通过敲打把有价值的纤维(例如亚麻)从木质部分中分离出来美国传统〔sideboard〕A piece of dining room furniture having drawers and shelves for linens and tableware.餐具柜:餐室中的一种家具,有用以放亚麻台布和餐具的抽屉和搁板美国传统〔soften〕Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。牛津高阶〔spruce〕Mr Bailey was looking very spruce in a white linen suit.贝利先生穿着一身白色亚麻布套服,看上去真帅。朗文当代〔stand〕Linen can stand very high temperatures.亚麻能经受很高的温度。朗文当代〔textile〕Linen, cotton, silk, nylon and wool are common textile materials.亚麻、棉花、蚕丝、尼龙和羊毛都是常用的纺织原料。英汉大词典〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔ticking〕A strong, tightly woven fabric of cotton or linen used to make pillow and mattress coverings.坚质条纹绵布:一种用棉花或亚麻制成的结实且织得很紧的织物,用作枕头或床垫的罩美国传统〔toile〕A sheer fabric, such as linen or cotton.薄亚麻织物:一种很薄的织物,如亚麻或棉美国传统〔toweling〕Any of various fabrics of cotton or linen used for making towels.毛巾料:用来制造毛巾的任何种类的棉或亚麻织物美国传统〔towhead〕A head of white-blond hair resembling tow.一头黄发:象亚麻纤维一般满头淡黄色头发美国传统〔trend〕Linen is on trend again this summer.亚麻衣料今年夏天再次流行。牛津搭配〔trousseau〕The possessions, such as clothing and linens, that a bride assembles for her marriage.嫁妆:新娘为其婚姻而置办的财物,如衣服和亚麻制品美国传统〔tucker〕A piece of linen or frill of lace formerly worn by women around the neck and shoulders.领布:以前的妇女围在脖子或肩上的一块亚麻或加褶的花边美国传统〔turban〕A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head.头巾:传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一条长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上美国传统〔unbleached〕It was the colour of unbleached linen.这是亚麻布原本的颜色。外研社新世纪〔useful〕Household bleach is useful for stains on white cotton and linen.家用漂白剂对白棉布及亚麻布上的污渍很有效。外研社新世纪〔washerwoman〕A woman who washes clothes and linens for a living.洗衣妇:洗衣服或亚麻布以谋生的妇女美国传统〔washing machine〕A usually automatic machine for washing clothes and linens.洗衣机:通常为一自动机器,用于洗衣服或亚麻制品美国传统〔white goods〕White fabrics, usually of cotton or linen.白色织物:白色布料,通常是棉或亚麻的美国传统〔whiten〕Bleach will whiten the linens.漂白剂会漂白亚麻织物。韦氏高阶〔work on〕She worked a dragon on the new linen cloth.她在新的亚麻布上绣了条龙。21世纪英汉〔wrinkle〕Linen clothing wrinkles easily.亚麻布料容易起皱。韦氏高阶Flax is used for making linen.亚麻用来织亚麻布。剑桥国际I've been wearing this linen jacket all summer.我一夏天都在穿这件亚麻布做的上衣。剑桥国际I've spotted a linen jacket that I think I might buy.我看到一件亚麻茄克,我想我也许会买下来。剑桥国际It is the best place to shop for souvenirs such as linen tablecloths or crystal.这是一家最好的纪念品商店,有诸如亚麻台布、水晶等供选购。剑桥国际It's the nature of linen to crumple easily.容易起皱是亚麻布的特性。剑桥国际Linen is a coarse-grained fabric.亚麻布是一种质地粗糙的织物。剑桥国际Linen is cooler than other fabrics and ideal for hot weather.亚麻布织品比其他料子凉爽,天热时穿用最为理想。剑桥国际Linoleum consists of canvas that has been covered with a mixture of powdered cork and linseed oil under high pressure while being heated.合成地毡是由在加热高压条件下用粉状软木与亚麻油混合物覆盖其表面的毡布制成的。剑桥国际Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint. 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。译典通She was wearing a linen suit and a string of pearls.她身穿一套亚麻装,颈戴一串珍珠链。剑桥国际The police are looking for a white man in his early twenties with brown eyes and shoulder -length blonde hair (= hair that touches his shoulders).警察正在找一个二十出头的白种男人,棕色眼睛,亚麻色的齐肩发。剑桥国际




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