

单词 亚细亚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abydos〕An ancient town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern-day Turkey. It was the scene of the legendary tale of Hero and Leander.阿比杜斯:小亚细亚的一个古老城镇,位于今天土耳其达达尼尔海峡的亚洲海岸。希罗与勒安得耳的传说即发生于此地美国传统〔Anatolia〕The Asian part of Turkey. It is usually considered synonymous with Asia Minor.安纳托利亚:土耳其的亚洲部分,一般认为等同于小亚细亚美国传统〔Barnabas〕Christian convert and missionary with Saint Paul to Cyprus and Asia Minor.巴拿巴:随同圣保罗去塞浦路斯和小亚细亚的基督教徒和使者美国传统〔Cnidus〕An ancient Greek city of Asia Minor in present-day southwest Asiatic Turkey. It was noted for its wealth and its magnificent buildings and statuary.克尼杜斯:古希腊小亚细亚城市,位于今土耳其亚洲部分的西南,以其富有和宏伟建筑与雕像而著称美国传统〔Colophon〕An ancient Greek city of Asia Minor northwest of Ephesus. It was famous for its cavalry.克勒芬:小亚细亚古希腊一座城市,位于以弗所西北部,以其骑兵而闻名美国传统〔Colossae〕An ancient city of central Asia Minor. It was the site of an early Christian church to which Saint Paul addressed his Epistle to the Colossians.哥罗西:小亚细亚一古城,为早期圣保罗向哥罗西人传使徒书时的教堂所在地美国传统〔Cybele〕The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient Asia Minor.西布莉:古代小亚细亚的弗里吉亚自然女神美国传统〔Myra〕An ancient Lycian city of southern Asia Minor. A major seaport, it was one of the chief cities of the region.米拉:小亚细亚南部的一座吕西亚古城,一个重要的海港,是该地区的主要城市之一美国传统〔Mysia〕An ancient region of northwest Asia Minor. It passed successively to Lydia, Persia, Macedon, Syria, Pergamum, and Rome.密细亚:小亚细亚西北的一个古代地区,它相继受吕底亚、波斯、马其顿、叙利亚、佩加马和罗马管辖美国传统〔Nicholas〕Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor who is often associated with Santa Claus and the custom of gift-giving at Christmas.尼古拉斯:小亚细亚半岛上米拉的主教,他通常与圣诞老人和圣诞节赠送礼物的习俗联系在一起美国传统〔plunder〕The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.小亚细亚的富饶地区遭到侵略者的劫掠。朗文当代〔sultana〕A small yellow seedless raisin of a kind originally produced in Asia Minor.苏丹葡萄:一种黄色的无核小葡萄,原产于小亚细亚美国传统




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