

单词 乱糟糟
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔All we can do〕My hair is a mess. I can't do anything with it.我的头发乱糟糟的。真没办法。韦氏高阶〔OFFER〕Will anyone volunteer to help me clean up this mess? 有谁愿意帮我把这乱糟糟的地方收拾干净?朗文写作活用〔SEX〕All day they made love on the unmade bed. 他们整天就在乱糟糟的床上做爱。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕Hoskins beard was tangled and unkempt. 霍斯金的胡子缠在一起,乱糟糟的。朗文写作活用〔any〕Don't just stuff your things into the drawer any old how.不要把东西乱糟糟地塞在抽屉里。麦克米伦高阶〔awry〕Her hair was all awry.她的头发乱糟糟的。韦氏高阶〔bedevil〕The lengthy talks had been bedevilled by internal divisions.冗长的会谈因为内部部门的细分而显得乱糟糟的。外研社新世纪〔before〕Clean up that mess before your father sees it.快把这乱糟糟的东西收拾干净,免得让你父亲看见。麦克米伦高阶〔brow〕He had thick brown hair and shaggy brows.他一头浓密的棕色头发,眉毛乱糟糟的。柯林斯高阶〔bugger〕The town is being buggered up by the invasion of tourists.这个小城因游客大批涌到而弄得乱糟糟的。英汉大词典〔butchery〕Something botched; a bungle.乱糟糟:被糟蹋的东西;一团糟美国传统〔caller〕She ushered her callers into a cluttered living-room.她把来访者带到一间乱糟糟的客厅。外研社新世纪〔cityscape〕The cityscape is cluttered with factories.城市乱糟糟的,到处都是工厂。韦氏高阶〔clear〕Adam, clear up this mess before your father sees it.亚当,在你父亲看到之前,把这乱糟糟的东西收拾干净。朗文当代〔comb out〕Her mother combed the tangles out.她妈妈把乱糟糟的头发梳理好。韦氏高阶〔comfortable〕In our business, we need people who are comfortable in an unstructured environment.我们这个行业需要的是能在乱糟糟的环境里应付自如的人。朗文当代〔confused〕Everything's confused at the office at the moment because of building work.由于施工, 眼下办公室里一切都乱糟糟的。外研社新世纪〔cord〕He pulled explosives and some tangled cord from his bag.他从他的包里掏出炸药和一些乱糟糟的绳子。朗文当代〔despairing〕She looked despairingly at the mess.她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。牛津高阶〔disarray〕The room was in disarray.房间乱糟糟的。韦氏高阶〔disorderly〕It's a disorderly sort of a house with books and papers lying around everywhere.那座房子里乱糟糟的,到处都是书籍和报纸。剑桥高阶〔havoc〕Children can create havoc in a house.孩子们有时会把屋子弄得乱糟糟的。英汉大词典〔heap〕His clothes lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.他的衣服乱糟糟地堆在地板上。牛津搭配〔hell〕Dad will give us hell when he sees that mess.爸爸要是看见那乱糟糟的样子会骂我们的。牛津高阶〔helter-skelter〕He now faces another crisis in his helter-skelter existence.他乱糟糟的生活中现在又面临着另一个危机。外研社新世纪〔helter-skelter〕He now faces another crisis in his helter-skelter existence.他乱糟糟的生活中现在又面临着另一个危机。柯林斯高阶〔hide〕Her tangled hair hid her face.乱糟糟的头发遮住了她的脸。朗文当代〔hit〕Ranieri returned, saw the mess, and hit the roof.拉里回来看到乱糟糟的情况,便大发雷霆。朗文当代〔imbroglio〕A confused heap; a tangle.乱糟糟的一堆;混乱的状态美国传统〔jumble〕He rummaged through the jumble of papers on his desk.他在书桌上乱糟糟的一堆文件中翻找东西。剑桥高阶〔ladder〕Her hair was a mess and there was a ladder in her tights.她头发乱糟糟,裤袜脱了线。柯林斯高阶〔lovely〕You've made a lovely mess in here.你把这里弄得乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔lumber〕All his books lumbered on the desk.他所有的书乱糟糟地堆在书桌上。21世纪英汉〔madhouse〕It's like a madhouse in here.这里像个疯人院,乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔mad〕There were people everywhere – it was all a bit mad! 到处都是人,有点乱糟糟的。麦克米伦高阶〔matted〕Her hair was matted with mud and rain.她的头发乱糟糟的,满是泥浆和雨水。剑桥高阶〔mess about with〕Who's been messing about with my papers? They're all out of order.谁在乱动我的文件?全给搞得乱糟糟的。21世纪英汉〔mess up〕My little brother has messed up my DVDs.小弟弟把我的DVD弄得乱糟糟的。外研社新世纪〔messily〕Dad cooks when Mum is busy, he makes me clean up my messy room.妈妈忙的时候爸爸做饭,他还让我清理我乱糟糟的房间。柯林斯高阶〔messy〕The house was always messy.这房子总是乱糟糟的。牛津高阶〔messy〕Vicky is a really good cook but she's messy.维基菜烧得真不错,不过她把东西弄得乱糟糟的。剑桥高阶〔mess〕My hair's such a mess today! 我的头发今天乱糟糟的!剑桥高阶〔mess〕She hates mess.她讨厌到处乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔mess〕The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。柯林斯高阶〔mess〕They had managed to mess up the whole office.他们竟然把整个办公室搞得乱糟糟的。麦克米伦高阶〔mess〕Try not to make a mess because I've been cleaning.尽量不要搞得乱糟糟的,因为我一直在清理。麦克米伦高阶〔mix sth up〕Your jigsaw puzzles and games are all mixed up together in that box.你的拼图玩具和游戏用具都乱糟糟地混在那个盒子里。剑桥高阶〔muddle〕His mind was a muddle.他心里乱糟糟的。韦氏高阶〔muddle〕Sorry about the mess – we're in a bit of a muddle at the moment.很抱歉这么乱 — 我们现在有点儿乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔muddle〕Whenever I go to Europe I get in a muddle about/over (= become confused about) how much things cost.我每次去欧洲,总是把钱弄得乱糟糟的搞不清。剑桥高阶〔muss〕He reached out and mussed my hair.他伸出手把我的头发弄得乱糟糟的。外研社新世纪〔now〕The guests are coming any minute now, and the house is still a mess.我们的客人马上就要到了,可家里还是乱糟糟的。剑桥高阶〔patchy〕Their work is patchy at best.他们的工作最好也是乱糟糟的美国传统〔pell-mell〕In a jumbled, confused manner; helter-skelter.乱糟糟地,杂乱地:处于一种混乱或迷惑的方式;杂乱地美国传统〔ruffled〕Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head.她的短发顶心乱糟糟的,周围一圈却很平整,十分怪异。柯林斯高阶〔scruffy〕They live in a scruffy part of town.他们住在镇上乱糟糟的地段。剑桥高阶〔sort〕I need to sort out the mess on my desk.我得把我书桌上乱糟糟的东西清理一下。麦克米伦高阶〔tangled up〕A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。柯林斯高阶〔tangled〕Your bedclothes are all tangled up.你的床褥乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔tangle〕A confused, intertwined mass.纠缠,纠纷:乱糟糟缠在一起的一团美国传统〔tangle〕A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。外研社新世纪〔tangle〕Her hair had got into a hopeless tangle.她的头发乱糟糟地缠成了一团。麦克米伦高阶〔tangle〕Her hair was a mass of tangles.她的头发乱糟糟的。牛津高阶〔tangle〕Her hair was full of tangles after being out in the wind.在外面吹了风之后,她的头发变得乱糟糟的。朗文当代〔tangle〕John was sitting on the floor in a tangle of blankets.约翰坐在地板上一堆乱糟糟的毯子中间。朗文当代〔tangle〕To mix together or intertwine in a confused mass; snarl.使混乱,使纠纷:将…混成或扭结成乱糟糟的一团;使…纠结美国传统〔tousled〕Naomi stood in front of them, her face flushed, her hair tousled.娜奥米站在他们面前,她的脸红红的,头发乱糟糟的。剑桥高阶〔tumble〕A tumble of books and papers covered the desk.书籍和报纸乱糟糟地堆满书桌。英汉大词典〔tumble〕His feet met the tumble of clothing.他的双脚踩到了乱糟糟的一堆衣服。外研社新世纪〔unscramble〕To straighten out or disentangle (a jumble or tangle); resolve.解开:理清或解开(一堆乱糟糟的或纠结成一团的东西);解开美国传统〔untidily〕Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap.衣服被乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。柯林斯高阶〔untidily〕Her long hair tumbles untidily around her shoulders.她的一头长发乱糟糟地披散在肩上。外研社新世纪〔untidily〕Her long hair tumbles untidily around her shoulders.她的一头长发乱糟糟地披散在肩上。柯林斯高阶〔untidy〕Clothes were thrown in an untidy heap.衣服被乱糟糟地扔成一堆。外研社新世纪〔untidy〕I'm afraid the house is rather untidy.恐怕房子里面乱糟糟的。牛津搭配〔whirl〕Her mind was in a whirl(= in a state of confusion or excitement).她脑子里乱糟糟的。牛津高阶〔wild〕Her hair was rather wild.她头发乱糟糟的。牛津搭配〔willy-nilly〕She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer.她把她的衣服乱糟糟地扔进抽屉里。剑桥高阶〔willy-nilly〕Without order or plan; haphazardly.没有顺序地;乱糟糟地;杂乱地美国传统〔wiry〕Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.她粗硬的头发向上梳起,在头顶乱糟糟地盘成了个发髻。柯林斯高阶〔wiry〕Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.她粗硬的头发被推到头顶, 盘成了一个乱糟糟的发髻。外研社新世纪〔wreck〕When you're here, this place is a wreck! 你一到这里,这地方就变得乱糟糟!朗文当代〔years〕Her bedraggled pony-tail put years on her.她乱糟糟的马尾辫让她看起来非常显老。外研社新世纪Her hair was matted with mud and rain.他的头发乱糟糟的,满是泥浆和雨水。剑桥国际His clothes and hair were in disarray (= were untidy).他的衣服和头发乱糟糟的。剑桥国际His desk was a complete tumble of papers and books. 他的书桌上乱糟糟地堆满了报纸和书籍。译典通I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.我不得不大喊大叫,好让人能在这乱糟糟的喧闹声中听见我。剑桥国际Naomi stood in front of them, her face flushed, her hair tousled.内奥米站在他们面前,她的脸红红的,头发乱糟糟的。剑桥国际She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle. 她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找出些有用之物。译典通The whole office was in a state of disorder --she couldn't find a thing that she looked for.整个办公室乱糟糟的----要找的东西她一样也找不到。剑桥国际Toys cluttered up the room. 玩具乱糟糟地堆满房间。译典通Vicky cooks really well but she's rather messy.维琪烧菜烧得真不错,不过她把东西弄得乱糟糟的。剑桥国际We had ten children at the party and chaos reigned all afternoon.我们聚会上有十个孩子,整个下午都是乱糟糟的。剑桥国际When I opened the box all I could see was a tangle of wires.我打开盒子,看到的只是一团乱糟糟的电线。剑桥国际With four small children running around, the place is a madhouse.因为四个孩子到处乱跑,这个地方变得乱糟糟的。剑桥国际




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