

单词 乱打
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Don Quixote〕An impractical idealist bent on righting incorrigible wrongs.堂吉诃德式人物:不切实际的胡乱打报不平的理想主义者美国传统〔bash about〕He bashed him about with a bludgeon and went on his way.他用大头棒把他乱打一通, 然后扬长而去。外研社新世纪〔flail〕He flailed wildly as she tried to hold him down.她试图按住他,他就乱踢乱打。朗文当代〔flail〕She ran from the house in a terrible rage, her arms flailing in the air.她怒不可遏地从房子里跑出来,手臂在空中乱挥乱打。剑桥高阶〔lash out〕He lashed out in desperate self-defence.他拼命自卫, 猛踢乱打。外研社新世纪〔lash out〕I cannot condone what I did. I just lashed out.我不能宽恕自己的行为。我当时完全是乱打一气。外研社新世纪〔lay about〕The mad man laid about him with a big stick.那个疯子拿着根大棍子对他乱打一气。21世纪英汉〔lay〕She laid about herself with her stick to keep the dogs off.她挥棒乱打以赶走那几条狗。牛津高阶〔lay〕She proceeded to lay about her with her umbrella.接着, 她用伞劈头盖脸地朝四周乱打一气。外研社新世纪〔strike out〕Frampton struck out blindly, hitting not Waddington, but an elderly man.弗兰普顿乱打一通,没有打到沃丁顿却打到了一位老人。柯林斯高阶〔strike out〕He struck out blindly.他乱打一通。外研社新世纪He was hitting out in all directions and had to be restrained by the police.他四处乱打,只能由警察制服。剑桥国际The ruffian laid about in desperation. 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。译典通They hailed blows upon the guy. 他们将那个家伙乱打一通。译典通We were only teasing her about her spots when she suddenly struck out in all directions (= started hitting people uncontrollably).我们不过是拿她的雀斑开玩笑可她却突然像发疯似的乱打人。剑桥国际




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