

单词 住在美国
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alabama〕A tribe of the Creek confederacy formerly inhabiting southern Alabama and now located in eastern Texas.亚拉巴马部落:克里克联盟的一个部落,以前居住在美国亚拉巴马州南部,现在定居在得克萨斯州东部美国传统〔Gullah〕One of a group of people of African ancestry inhabiting the Sea Islands and coastal areas of South Carolina, Georgia, and northern Florida.格勒人:住在美国南卡罗来纳州、乔治亚州和佛罗里达州北部沿海一带及沿海岛屿上的具有非洲血统的人群之一员美国传统〔Hispano〕A native or resident of Spanish descent living in the southwest United States.西班牙裔美国人:居住在美国西南部的,具有西班牙血统的美国人美国传统〔Hualapai〕A Native American people inhabiting northwest Arizona south of the Grand Canyon.华拉柏:居住在美国大峡谷南部,亚利桑那州西北部的一支北美土著人美国传统〔Maidu〕A Native American people inhabiting northeast California south of Lassen Peak.迈杜人:居住在美国加利福尼亚东北部都拉森峰以南的美洲土著民族美国传统〔Papago〕A Native American people inhabiting desert regions of southern Arizona and northern Sonora, a state of northwest Mexico.帕帕戈族:居住在美国亚利桑那州南部和索诺拉州北部的沙漠地区,墨西哥西北部一州的美洲土著居民美国传统〔Pima〕A Native American people inhabiting south-central Arizona along the Gila and Salt rivers.皮玛族人:居住在美国亚利桑那州中南部希拉河和索尔特河沿岸的美洲土著人美国传统〔Spanish American〕A U.S. citizen or resident of Hispanic descent.(美国的)西班牙人:居住在美国的西班牙后裔居民美国传统〔Tiwa〕A group of Pueblo peoples of northern New Mexico.蒂瓦人:居住在美国新墨西哥州北部普韦布洛人部族美国传统〔Winnebago〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting the Green Bay area of Wisconsin, with present-day populations in Wisconsin and Nebraska.温内贝戈人:原本居住在美国威斯康星州格林贝地区的美洲土著人,现在人口聚集在威斯康星州和内布拉斯加州美国传统〔his〕My relatives all live in the States – his are in France.我的亲戚都住在美国 — 他的亲戚都在法国。朗文当代〔homestay〕Live with an American family in homestay and learn the language and customs.住在美国家庭,学习他们的语言与习俗。牛津高阶〔latter〕The former lives in the US, the latter in Australia.前者住在美国, 后者住在澳大利亚。外研社新世纪〔southwest〕We live in the Southwest now.我们现在住在美国西南部。英汉大词典〔state〕He had at one time lived in the States.他有一段时间曾住在美国。英汉大词典Although he's now living in America, I feel he's with me in spirit (= I feel he is present and is influencing me, in a way that is not physical).尽管现在他住在美国,但我感觉他的心与我同在。剑桥国际He continued to subscribe to the British journal ‘The Economist’while he was living in the States.他住在美国时继续订阅英国杂志《经济学家》。剑桥国际




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