

单词 从国外
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUBBISH/GARBAGE〕The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad. 政府已宣布禁止从国外进口有毒废料。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕About half the graduate students in the program come from overseas. 这个课程约有一半的研究生是从国外来的。朗文写作活用〔annex〕It was said to be annexed from abroad.据说它是从国外得来的。21世纪英汉〔attend to sb/sth〕I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad.我每次从国外旅行回来,一到办公室就会有一大堆的事情需要处理。剑桥高阶〔earn〕We buy everything abroad with the money earned from oil imports.我们用进口石油赚到的钱从国外购买一切商品。柯林斯高阶〔exodus〕A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.大批医生的离去正迫使政府从国外招聘。朗文当代〔foreign correspondent〕A correspondent who sends news reports or commentary from a foreign country for broadcast or publication.驻国外记者:从国外为电台、电视台或出版物发新闻报道或评论的记者美国传统〔import from〕China imports a large amount of grains from overseas.中国从国外进口大量粮食。21世纪英汉〔in season/out of season〕They import asparagus when it is out of season here.本地芦笋过季时,他们就从国外进口。韦氏高阶〔indication〕All the indications are that we are going to receive reasonable support from abroad.所有迹象都表明,我们将从国外获得有力支持。柯林斯高阶〔over〕And now over to our foreign correspondent for the news from abroad.现在请听驻外记者从国外发回的报道。韦氏高阶〔quarantine〕The quarantine for a dog entering Britain from abroad is six months.从国外进入英国的狗的检疫隔离期为6个月。英汉大词典〔recall〕The ambassador was recalled from abroad.大使被从国外召回。韦氏高阶〔replenish〕Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad.粮食储备通过从国外进口得到了补充。剑桥高阶〔resort to〕Some schools have resorted to recruiting teachers from overseas.一些学校从国外招聘老师。外研社新世纪〔source〕They are sourcing from abroad in order to save money.为了节省开支他们从国外获得原料美国传统〔who〕My wife, who has been abroad recently, hopes to see you soon.我刚从国外回来的妻子希望能很快见到你。英汉大词典He returned home from service abroad with a nasty dose of the clap.他从国外服兵役归来,得了肮脏的淋病。剑桥国际He was fit as a fiddle when he came back from abroad. 他从国外回来时身体很好。译典通His lordship will be out of the country until next week.大人他下周才从国外回来。剑桥国际The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.该协会所有的钱是从国外投资中获得的。剑桥国际They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain. 他们的粮、棉依赖从国外进口。译典通They are sourcing from abroad in order to save money. 为了省钱,他们的材料、零件从国外开源。译典通They just returned from abroad. 他们刚从国外回来。译典通We buy cars abroad and then sell them on to customers in the UK.我们从国外购买汽车,然后再转售给英国的客户。牛津商务




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