

单词 伤害的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HONEST〕My client extends his sincere apologies to anyone who may have been hurt by his actions. 我的当事人对被他的行为伤害的人表示真诚的道歉。朗文写作活用〔I couldn't/can't say〕It is hard to say what caused the injury.很难说造成伤害的原因是什么。韦氏高阶〔Roman holiday〕A violent public spectacle or disturbance in which shame, degradation, or physical harm is intentionally inflicted on one person or group by another.骚乱的野蛮场面:一种某人或群体有意使另一人或群体遭受羞耻、耻辱或身体上的伤害的暴力的公开表演或骚乱美国传统〔Widal test〕A test of blood serum that uses an agglutination reaction to diagnose typhoid fever.肥达氏测试:用凝集反应来诊断伤害的一种血清测试美国传统〔at-risk〕Social services keep lists of at-risk children.社工组织保留有在家里可能遭受伤害的孩子名单。牛津高阶〔battered child〕A child upon whom multiple, continuing, often serious nonaccidental injuries have been inflicted usually by parents, guardians, or other caregivers.受虐儿童:遭受多次的连续性伤害的儿童,通常为严重的非意外伤害,由其父母、监护人或其他看管者加诸给他们美国传统〔bouldering〕Basic or intermediate climbing carried out on relatively small rocks that can be traversed without great risk of bodily harm in case of a fall.攀登运动:一种在可跨越的小岩石中进行的初级或中级的攀登运动,在发生摔倒的情况下也不会冒太大身体伤害的危险美国传统〔bunker mentality〕An attitude of extreme defensiveness and self-justification based on an often exaggerated sense of being under persistent attack from others.地堡理念,自以为是的心态:极度戒备并自我开脱的态度,基于夸大被他人长期伤害的感觉美国传统〔call〕Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.和受到这么大伤害的儿童打交道需要非常讲究方法,也需要非常细心周到。朗文当代〔crock〕One that is worn-out, decrepit, or impaired; a wreck.病弱者:破旧、残缺或受到伤害的东西;病弱者美国传统〔dagger〕Something that agonizes, torments, or wounds.引起痛苦的事:引起痛苦、烦恼、伤害的东西美国传统〔damage〕The cutlass felt like a weapon that could do serious damage.弯刀感觉像是那种会造成严重伤害的武器。外研社新世纪〔defense〕The act of defending against attack, danger, or injury.防御:保护以使不受攻击、危险或伤害的行为美国传统〔deleterious〕Having a harmful effect; injurious.有害的;造成伤害的美国传统〔doubt〕The refugees, without a doubt, are the most vulnerable.毫无疑问, 这些难民是最容易受到伤害的。外研社新世纪〔doubt〕The refugees, without a doubt, are the most vulnerable.难民无疑是最易受到伤害的。柯林斯高阶〔family〕They help find emotionally damaged children placements with adoptive families.他们帮助感情受到伤害的孩子找到领养他们的家庭。牛津搭配〔fight〕We will continue our fight to protect vulnerable children.我们要继续奋斗,保护易受伤害的孩子们。麦克米伦高阶〔from〕I will keep you safe from harm.我会保护你,不让你受到伤害的。朗文当代〔fun〕Police suspected that the boys, whose fun and games hurt a lot of people, were on drugs.警方怀疑那些经常胡闹、给多人造成伤害的男孩子有吸毒行为。外研社新世纪〔grievance〕The cause of hardship or harm.苦难的原因:磨难或伤害的原因美国传统〔grievous bodily harm〕They were both found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm.他们两人都被判造成他人严重人身伤害的罪名成立。柯林斯高阶〔harmless〕Incapable of causing harm.不会造成伤害的美国传统〔harm〕The risk of harm from wild animals is very slight here.在这里被野兽伤害的风险非常低。外研社新世纪〔heal〕He said it was time for the country's wounds to be healed.他说该是结束对该国各种伤害的时候了。麦克米伦高阶〔impassible〕Not subject to suffering or pain.不受伤害的,不感苦痛的美国传统〔inflict〕When someone deliberately inflicts damage, it is a matter for the police.故意搞伤害的人应由警方处理。牛津搭配〔innocence〕She replied to her father's accusations in tones of injured innocence.她以一种无辜受到伤害的语气回应父亲的指责。牛津搭配〔intended〕The intended victim of the fire was Margaret.这起纵火事件计划伤害的对象是玛格丽特。外研社新世纪〔invulnerable〕Impossible to damage, injure, or wound.无懈可击:无法损害或伤害的美国传统〔malice〕Law The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another.【法律】 预谋:无正当意图或理由地去做导致别人伤害的错误行为的动机美国传统〔offend〕To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in.使不愉快:使不高兴、愤怒、憎恨或受伤害的感情美国传统〔offer〕John offered an embarrassed, almost hurt expression.约翰的脸上现出一种窘迫乃至自尊心受到伤害的表情。英汉大词典〔per se〕Research shows that it is not divorce per se that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents.研究表明,对孩子造成伤害的不是离婚本身,而是父母间持续的矛盾。剑桥高阶〔prejudicial〕Detrimental; injurious.损害的;伤害的美国传统〔public〕Peaceful demonstrations that do not cause a public nuisance (= do not harm other people) are a fundamental right in any truly democratic country.不会对公众造成任何伤害的和平示威在每一个真正的民主国家都是一种基本权利。剑桥高阶〔restitution〕The act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.赔偿:赔偿或补偿损失、损坏或伤害的行为;赔偿美国传统〔secret service〕The Secret Service has a responsibility to protect the President from harm.特勤局有保护总统不受伤害的责任。剑桥高阶〔sharp〕There is a sharp distinction between crimes which involve injury to people and those that don't.造成人身伤害的犯罪和未造成人身伤害的犯罪之间界线分明。剑桥高阶〔simple fracture〕A bone fracture that causes little or no damage to the surrounding soft tissues.单纯骨折:对周围的软组织造成的伤害很小或没有造成伤害的骨折美国传统〔substantiate〕Reports that children had been hurt have not been substantiated.有关儿童受到伤害的报道并未得到证实。剑桥高阶〔succour〕Her organization gave succour and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged.她的机构向那些情感上受到过伤害的人提供帮助和支持。剑桥高阶〔sympathy〕He acted with some sympathy towards / toward his victim.他的行为带着对受他伤害的人的些许同情。牛津搭配〔threaten〕These verbs mean to foretell or give signs of impending peril, evil, or injury.这些动词指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险、灾祸或伤害的迹象。美国传统〔threat〕An indication of impending danger or harm.坏兆头:即将有危险或伤害的迹象美国传统〔understand〕Her actions wounded him in a way he did not really understand.她的行为伤害了他,但他也不太明白是如何伤害的。牛津搭配〔unmolested〕Not interfered with, disturbed, or harmed.平静的:未被干涉侵扰,或伤害的美国传统〔vulnerable〕Susceptible to physical injury.易受伤的:身体易受伤害的美国传统〔with〕He looked at her with a hurt expression.他带着受伤害的神情看着她。牛津高阶Anger can function as a shield against (= a way of avoiding suffering) even more painful emotions of loss and hurt.发怒的作用是能避免更痛苦的失落和伤害的情绪。剑桥国际Hold still (=Don't move), this won't hurt.别动,这不会有伤害的。剑桥国际The ozone layer is a shield which protects the earth against the sun's radiation.臭氧层是一层能保护地球不受太阳辐射伤害的屏障。剑桥国际The policy exceptions include claims for sports injuries.保险单除外责任包括运动伤害的索赔。牛津商务There is a sharp distinction between crimes which involve injury to people and those which don't.构成伤害的犯罪和不构成伤害的犯罪有着泾渭分明的区别。剑桥国际Wounded national pride and economic discontent combined to form an explosive mixture that led to war.受到伤害的民族自尊心和经济上的不满情绪交织在一起,一触皆发,导致了战争。剑桥国际




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