

单词 bridal
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔array〕bridal array 新娘礼服英汉大词典〔bridal〕a bridal bouquet 婚礼的花束麦克米伦高阶〔bridal〕a bridal chamber 洞房英汉大词典〔bridal〕a bridal gown 新娘的礼服牛津高阶〔bridal〕a bridal gown 新娘礼服朗文当代〔bridal〕a bridal shop/gown 婚庆店;婚纱韦氏高阶〔bridal〕a bridal shop; the hotel's bridal suite.供新娘买用品的商店;旅馆的结婚套间美国传统〔bridal〕a bridal shower(= a party for a woman who will get married soon) 女子新婚前的送礼会牛津高阶〔bridal〕a bridal suite 新婚套房英汉大词典〔bridal〕a bridal suite(= a set of rooms in a hotel for a couple who have just got married) 宾馆的新婚套间牛津高阶〔bridal〕a bridal veil 婚纱英汉大词典〔bridal〕the bridal party(= the bride and the bridegroom and the people helping them at their wedding, sometimes used to refer only to the bride and those helping her) 新人及协助其婚礼的人牛津高阶〔bridal〕the bridal party.新娘亲友团柯林斯高阶〔shower〕a bridal shower 为新娘举行的送礼会英汉大词典〔shower〕a bridal shower.为新娘举行的送礼会美国传统〔shower〕a bridal shower.为新娘举行的送礼聚会柯林斯高阶〔shower〕have a bridal shower 为庆贺待嫁新娘而开礼物赠送会文馨英汉〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱朗文当代〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱牛津高阶〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘的面纱英汉大词典〔veil〕a bridal veil 新娘面纱韦氏高阶〔wear〕bridal wear 新娘服装朗文当代




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