

单词 众多
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔acquaintance〕a cross-section of the senator's vast acquaintance参议员认识的众多人中的典型外研社新世纪〔ardent〕one of the President's most ardent supporters总统众多忠实支持者中的一人外研社新世纪〔battery〕a battery of journalists and television cameras. 一大群记者和众多电视摄像机柯林斯高阶〔burden〕be burdened with a large family 为子女众多所累英汉大词典〔circle〕a large circle of friends.众多的朋友。牛津同义词〔contingent〕a large contingent of American troops 一支人数众多的美国分遣部队牛津搭配〔discharge〕the quiet competence with which he discharged his many college duties. 他得以胜任众多大学职务的那种内秀柯林斯高阶〔dowdy〕playing hostess to a lot of officials and their dowdy wives. 接待众多官员及他们衣着落伍的夫人柯林斯高阶〔dowdy〕playing hostess to a lot of officials and their dowdy wives以女主人身份招待众多官员和打扮俗气的官太太们外研社新世纪〔drone〕one of many office drones 办公室里众多的寄生虫之一韦氏高阶〔fringe〕the numerous fringe meetings held during the party conference. 在全党大会期间召开的众多次要会议柯林斯高阶〔garnish〕garnished with many fine figures of goddesses用众多精致女神像装饰的外研社新世纪〔generalized〕a generalized discussion about admirable singers对众多受追捧歌手泛泛的讨论外研社新世纪〔host〕a whole host of problems众多的问题外研社新世纪〔idiosyncrasy〕one of the many idiosyncrasies of English spelling 英语拼写众多的特点之一朗文当代〔large〕a large population 众多的人口英汉大词典〔leftism〕changes which would move the party away from the dreamy leftism that alienated so many people. 将使该党远离不切实际的左派思想的变革,这一思想曾令其疏远了众多民众柯林斯高阶〔legion〕a legion of stories about noisy neighbours有关吵闹的邻居的众多故事外研社新世纪〔location〕an art movie with dozens of exotic locations. 在众多异域之地取景的艺术片柯林斯高阶〔locker-room〕locker-room interviews; locker-room stories that could not be told in mixed company. 更衣室会见;不能在众多同伴中讲的更衣室故事美国传统〔mess〕the many reasons why the economy is in such a mess. 经济陷入如此困境的众多原因柯林斯高阶〔minority〕a large German-speaking minority in the east of the country 在国家东部一个人口众多的讲德语的少数民族牛津高阶〔much〕the much criticized UN peacekeeping mission to Somalia 受到众多批评的联合国索马里维和行动麦克米伦高阶〔multiplicity〕a multiplicity of colors/ideas/styles 众多的颜色/想法/款式韦氏高阶〔multitude〕a multitude of choices 众多的选择韦氏高阶〔multitude〕a multitude of friends; 众多的朋友;美国传统〔multitude〕the multitudes using the internet 众多使用因特网的人们剑桥高阶〔myriad〕the country's myriad problems 这个国家的众多问题麦克米伦高阶〔nationality〕the many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia. 组成埃塞俄比亚的众多民族柯林斯高阶〔nationality〕the many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia组成埃塞俄比亚的众多民族外研社新世纪〔plenitude〕a plenitude of choices 众多选择韦氏高阶〔plurality〕a plurality of influences 众多的影响牛津高阶〔plurality〕the plurality of factors affecting the election 影响选举的众多因素朗文当代〔pock〕one of the many craters that pock the moon's surface 形成月球坑洼表面的众多火山口之一韦氏高阶〔populous〕a populous seaport 人口众多的海港城市韦氏高阶〔show business〕a charity dinner attended by a host of showbiz personalities 有众多娱乐界名人参加的慈善晚宴剑桥高阶〔spoil〕a gold ring that was part of the spoil众多珍藏品中的一枚金戒指外研社新世纪〔teem〕a house overflowing with guests; 有着众多宾客的房子;美国传统〔vocabulary〕many differences of vocabulary between formal and informal language 正式与非正式用语在词汇方面的众多区别英汉大词典〔widely〕a widely read magazine 一本读者众多的杂志朗文当代




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