

单词 众人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASHAMED〕I had to apologize in front of everyone - it was so humiliating. 我不得不在众人面前道歉—这真是太丢脸了。朗文写作活用〔BEHAVE〕Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly, even in their private lives. 公众人物应该行为端正负责,即使是在私生活方面也应如此。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Most people delight in a bit of scandal, especially when it involves public figures. 大多数人都是有点丑闻就津津乐道,涉及公众人物的时候尤为如此。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕By demonstrating his floating contraption - part surfboard, part kayak and part sailboard - Halfon hopes to create a tide of attention. 通过展示那个又像冲浪板,又像轻型独木舟,又像帆板的浮水的怪物,哈尔丰期望能引来众人的目光。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕Many gays reacted with outrage at the tactic of ‘outing’ senior public figures. 许多同性恋者对使资深公众人物“曝光”的策略反应极为愤怒。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕If you are a public figure you can't afford to be too sensitive to criticism. 如果你是公众人物,就不能对别人的批评反应过敏。朗文写作活用〔advantage〕A large crowd will be an advantage for the home team.观众人数多将是主队的优势。外研社新世纪〔ahem〕It is not unknown for valuable display items to go, ahem, missing.贵重的展品,呃哼,丢失的话,会众人皆知。柯林斯高阶〔apportion〕He tried to apportion blame for this very serious wastage of talent.他试图把这种严重浪费人才的责任分摊到众人头上。外研社新世纪〔assail〕He was assailed with insults and abuse as he left the court.他离开法庭时,遭到众人的辱骂。剑桥高阶〔athleticism〕Her athleticism drew the admiration of the crowd.她的运动才能令众人赞叹不已。柯林斯高阶〔attendance〕Attendance is down so far this season.目前本赛季的观众人数在下滑。韦氏高阶〔attendance〕Attendances at the cinemas are falling fast.各家电影院的观众人数正在急剧下降。英汉大词典〔audience〕The audience was enormous.观(或听)众人数众多。英汉大词典〔average〕The audience figures were lower than average for this sort of film.对于这种类型的电影而言,这样的观众人数是低于平均水平的。剑桥高阶〔awkward〕As a teenager he was painfully awkward in company.作为一个十几岁的少年,他在众人面前十分局促不安。牛津搭配〔beneficial〕He hopes the new drug will prove beneficial to/for many people.他希望新药将有益于众人。韦氏高阶〔breastbeating〕Some British public figures have indulged in breastbeating about colonialism.一些英国公众人物肆意显露自己对殖民主义的愧疚。剑桥高阶〔case〕It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case.公众人物要打赢诽谤案官司可能非常困难。外研社新世纪〔catch〕The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared.观众人数之多出乎所有人的意料。外研社新世纪〔character assassination〕A vicious personal verbal attack, especially one intended to destroy or damage a public figure's reputation.诽谤:恶意的人身言语攻击,尤指意在破坏或玷污某位公众人物声誉的诽谤美国传统〔climb〕The FA Cup Final's audience climbed to 12.3 million.观看英格兰足总杯决赛的观众人数增加到1,230万。柯林斯高阶〔closet〕More public figures are finding the courage to come out of the closet.越来越多的公众人物开始有勇气承认自己是同性恋了。牛津搭配〔come〕All things come alike to all.临到众人头上的事都是一样的。英汉大词典〔company〕It is bad manners to whisper in company(= in a group of people).在众人面前窃窃私语是不礼貌的行为。牛津高阶〔composite〕The main character in her latest novel is a composite of several public figures of that era.她那新小说中的主人公是集那个时期几位公众人物形象于一身的综合形象。剑桥高阶〔congratulations〕The crowd got to their feet, applauding and yelling congratulations.众人起立鼓掌,欢呼祝贺。牛津搭配〔curtain off〕Something was going on around a bed in the centre of the ward, but it had been curtained off from prying eyes.病房中央的病床周围有事发生, 但是一条布帘挡住了众人窥探的眼睛。外研社新世纪〔derision〕He became an object of universal derision.他成了众人嘲弄的对象。牛津高阶〔embarrassed〕He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention.他因自己成为众人注目的中心而感到很尴尬。牛津高阶〔emulation〕Excellent teachers will always excite admiration and emulation.优秀的教师总是会获得众人的景仰和模仿。外研社新世纪〔equal〕The film demands attention, and has no equal in cinema history.那部电影众人瞩目,在电影史上无与伦比。柯林斯高阶〔everybody〕Everybody's business is nobody's business.众人之事无人管。文馨英汉〔example〕She should remember that she is a mother and a public figure and that others may follow her example.她应该记住自己是位母亲,也是位公众人物,别人可能会以她为榜样。柯林斯高阶〔example〕She should remember that she is a public figure and that others may follow her example.她应该谨记自己是位公众人物, 别人可能会效仿她。外研社新世纪〔eye〕One expects people in the public eye to behave with a certain degree of decorum.人们期待公众人物能够在一定程度上做到行为得体。外研社新世纪〔fall〕The programme was cancelled because of falling audience figures.因为观众人数越来越少,节目被取消了。麦克米伦高阶〔figure〕He's a public figure and a role model for impressionable youngsters.他是个公众人物, 是易受影响的年轻人的楷模。外研社新世纪〔finite〕The audience of this concert is a finite body.这场音乐会的听众人数有限。英汉大词典〔free-for-all〕The press conference turned into a free-for-all.新闻发布会演变成一场众人参与的口舌之战。韦氏高阶〔gate〕Their average gate is less than 23,000.他们的平均观众人数不到23,000人。外研社新世纪〔gate〕Tonight's game has attracted the largest gate of the season.今晚比赛吸引的观众人数创本赛季之最。牛津高阶〔grab〕I jumped on the wall to grab the attention of the crowd.我跳到墙上以便吸引众人的注意。外研社新世纪〔hail〕The crowd hailed blows on him.众人把他痛打了一顿。21世纪英汉〔highlight〕Matches flared, momentarily highlighting the faces.火柴着了,发出的光把众人的面孔照亮了片刻。英汉大词典〔hook〕He led her to the masses with his arm hooked round her waist.他搂着她的腰,把她领到众人面前。21世纪英汉〔hope〕Everybody knows they haven't got a hope in hell of forming a government anyway.众人皆知他们根本就无力组建政府。柯林斯高阶〔impropriety〕He has a reputation for impropriety.他举止轻浮,众人皆知。韦氏高阶〔in-joke〕Her personal life had become a bitter in-joke upon herself.她的私生活已成了她生活圈子里众人狠狠嘲弄的笑料。英汉大词典〔intimacy〕He refused to tell it to me except in the intimacy of his room.除非避开众人耳目在他房间里谈,否则他不肯把这件事告诉我。英汉大词典〔large〕Large crowds gather each year in George Square in Glasgow.格拉斯哥的乔治广场每年都是众人云集。麦克米伦高阶〔lash〕His stirring words lashed the crowd into wild excitement.他那激动人心的话语令众人群情激奋。麦克米伦高阶〔laughter〕He delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter.那句台词他拿捏得恰到好处, 引得众人哈哈大笑。外研社新世纪〔libel〕It's much harder to prove libel when the alleged victim is a public figure.如果诽谤的受害者是一个公众人物, 那么要证明诽谤这个事实将更难一些。外研社新世纪〔limelight〕A focus of public attention.众人注目的中心美国传统〔limpet〕The Prime Minister clung to his job like a limpet, despite calls for him to resign.首相不顾众人要求他辞职的呼声,死赖在职位上不下台。牛津高阶〔mesh〕The chairman meshed everyone's views.主席集中了众人的意见。英汉大词典〔opinion〕Contrary to popular opinion, not all of Hitchcock's movies were great.与众人的看法相反,不是所有希区柯克的电影都很棒。牛津搭配〔outrage〕Many politicians and members of the public expressed outrage at the verdict.许多政治家和公众人物表达了对这一判决的愤慨。剑桥高阶〔patchy〕Attendance at these matches has been rather patchy recently.最近这些比赛的观众人数时多时少。牛津搭配〔perceive〕He is perceived as a religious man.众人认为他是个虔诚的教徒。英汉大词典〔plant〕A person placed in a group of spectators to influence behavior.密探:被放入一群旁观者中影响众人行为的人美国传统〔preach〕Christ began preaching to large crowds.基督开始向众人布道。朗文当代〔prettily〕Her prettiness had been much admired.她的美貌让众人羡慕不已。柯林斯高阶〔public nuisance〕Back in the 1980s drug users were a public nuisance in Zurich.在20世纪80年代, 吸毒者在苏黎世是被众人所唾弃的。外研社新世纪〔public property〕He couldn't handle being public property.他无法适应作为公众人物的生活。外研社新世纪〔public property〕He couldn't handle being public property.当一个公众人物,他无法应付。柯林斯高阶〔public property〕Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family.索菲嫁入王室后,即成为公众人物。牛津高阶〔publicly〕One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum.人们期望公众人物的私生活能检点些。柯林斯高阶〔publicly〕The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery.昨天坎特伯雷大主教严厉抨击了几位与人通奸的公众人物。柯林斯高阶〔public〕Her job keeps her in the public eye.她的工作使她为众人所熟知。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕He's always trying to put me down.他总是想方设法使我在众人面前下不了台。麦克米伦高阶〔raise (a few) eyebrows〕Jemma's miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting.杰玛穿超短裙去参加董事会会议,令众人惊讶不已。剑桥高阶〔reach〕The congregation reached into many hundreds.教堂会众人数达好几百。英汉大词典〔ready〕His warmth and ready wit endears him to everyone.他的热情和机敏使他深受众人喜爱。外研社新世纪〔record〕He is the latest public figure to go on (the) record about corruption in politics.他是最近一个记录在册的政治上贪污腐败的公众人物。牛津搭配〔reinforcement〕The crowd was very large and police reinforcements were called in.群众人数太多,因此召集了警察来增援。牛津搭配〔ridicule〕He's become an object of ridicule (= a person that everyone thinks is stupid and criticizes or laughs at).他成了众人嘲弄的对象。剑桥高阶〔roundly〕He was roundly disliked/ignored.他为众人所厌恶/忽视。韦氏高阶〔selectively〕If public figures seek publicity to further their careers, they can't be selective about it.如果公众人物想通过吸引公众的关注来推进事业,他们可能会不加选择。柯林斯高阶〔shy〕He is very shy about singing in public.他羞于在众人面前唱歌。麦克米伦高阶〔stake〕He staked £25 on the favourite(= for example, in horse racing).他在那匹众人看好的马上押了 25 英镑。牛津高阶〔stare〕I screamed and everyone stared.我尖叫一声,众人都盯着我看。牛津高阶〔stress〕She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.她承受不了作为一个公众人物的生活压力和紧张。牛津高阶〔theatre-goer〕The number of theatre-goers has declined.去剧院看戏的观众人数下降了。外研社新世纪〔topple〕The statue of the dictator was toppled (over) by the crowds.独裁者的雕像被众人推倒了。剑桥高阶〔unnecessary〕He just humiliated her in front of everyone - it was so unnecessary.他就在众人面前羞辱她——这太不合适了。剑桥高阶〔vulgar〕Of or associated with the great masses of people; common.平民的,普通的:大众人民的,与大众人民有关的;普通的美国传统〔watershed〕Bad language before the watershed is widely resented.在成人节目时间之前出现的脏话深为众人憎恶。柯林斯高阶〔well liked〕A colleague described him as well liked and respected by all.一位同事说,他是个很受众人喜爱和尊敬的人。剑桥高阶〔which〕She again demonstrated the qualities for which she is admired by so many people.她再次展示了她那令众人佩服的品质。韦氏高阶〔win-win〕The agreement is a win-win for everyone.这协议对众人皆有利。朗文当代〔work〕Everybody's work is nobody's work.【谚】众人之事没人管。文馨英汉〔wow〕Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz.本·坦卡德的爵士乐使众人为之叫绝。柯林斯高阶〔wow〕Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz.本•坦卡德的爵士乐使众人为之叫绝。外研社新世纪He dropped his bombshell last week when he said he was leaving.上周当他说要离开时令众人大吃一惊。剑桥国际He just humiliated her in front of everyone--it was so unnecessary.他就是在众人面前羞辱了她----那是根本不必要的。剑桥国际Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule. 她的行为使她受众人嘲笑。译典通Several lit candles highlighted the faces. 几支点燃的蜡烛照亮了众人的面孔。译典通She's a well-known hypochondriac, complaining of everything from a throbbing knee to a sore ear.她是个众人皆知的疑病症患者,她会从膝颤到耳痛抱怨一切。剑桥国际




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