

单词 任之
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕There's a great difference between ordinary loyalty and blind faith. 一般意义上的忠诚和盲目信任之间有很大的区别。朗文写作活用〔balance〕I struggle to balance work and family commitments.我努力在工作和家庭责任之间寻求平衡。剑桥高阶〔balance〕People need to strike a balance between rights and responsibilities.人们需要在权利和责任之间取得平衡。外研社新世纪〔child-care〕One of parents' primary responsibilities is child-care.父母的基本责任之一是抚育孩子。英汉大词典〔complacent〕U.S. officials were accused of being complacent about terrorism.美国官员被控对恐怖主义听之任之。外研社新世纪〔conflict〕The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty.这故事讲的是典型的爱情与责任之间的矛盾。牛津高阶〔connive〕He called for an independent investigation to find out whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.他要求调查腐败官员是否接受了贿赂而对质量低劣的建筑工程听之任之。剑桥高阶〔daylight robbery〕The government are letting them get away with daylight robbery.政府对他们的漫天要价听之任之。外研社新世纪〔deck〕Clear the decks before you think of taking on any more responsibilities.在考虑承担更多责任之前一定要先料理完手头的事。柯林斯高阶〔encourage〕One of the chief duties of a teacher is to encourage his students.教师的主要责任之一是帮助学生们进步。21世纪英汉〔enormity〕I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.责任之大让我惊慌失措。柯林斯高阶〔enormity〕I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.责任之大让我无所适从。外研社新世纪〔experience〕It is a matter of common experience that disorder will increase if things are left to themselves.如果听之任之,情况就会越来越槽,这是人们普遍的经验。牛津搭配〔fallibility〕The fallibility of science is one of the great betrayals of our times.科学的不可靠是我们这个时代最大的不信任之一。外研社新世纪〔fall〕He was the head of the intelligence service until his fall from grace.失去人们的信任之前,他是情报部门的负责人。朗文当代〔fuck〕They'll just fuck you over if you let them.要是你听之任之的话,他们就会欺负你。朗文当代〔fuzzy〕There's a fuzzy line between parents' and schools' responsibilities.家长的责任与学校的责任之间界线是模糊的。朗文当代〔happen〕Don't just sit back and let it happen.不要坐视不理,听之任之。牛津搭配〔leave〕Left to themselves, our kids would spend most of their time watching TV.如果听之任之的话, 我们的孩子就会把大部分时间花在看电视上。外研社新世纪〔let it lie〕Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months.他们没去报警,好几个月对此都听之任之。剑桥高阶〔pass ... by〕I cannot pass the matter by without making a protest.我不能对此事听之任之。21世纪英汉〔pass〕Carol could see Andrew was furious and wasn't going to let this one pass.听之任之麦克米伦高阶〔ride〕What he had said was wrong, and I knew I shouldn't just let it ride.他说的话是错的,我知道我不能听之任之。朗文当代〔take〕Jane took over as director after Richard retired.理查德退休后,简接任主任之职。麦克米伦高阶〔tear〕He is torn between his career and his responsibilities as a father.在事业和作为一个父亲的责任之间,他难以抉择。韦氏高阶〔theme〕The book's theme is the conflict between love and duty.本书的主题是爱与责任之间的冲突。朗文当代〔unchallenged〕We can't allow her comments to go unchallenged.我们不能对她的评论听之任之。剑桥高阶〔unchecked〕This habit, if left unchecked , may cause serious problems later.这种习惯如果听之任之,以后可能会引发严重的问题。朗文当代Instead of going to the police they let things lie for a couple of months.他们不是去报警而是听之任之地过了几个月。剑桥国际The government connive at the problem because it would cost them too much to solve it.政府对该问题听之任之,因为要解决它付出的代价太大。剑桥国际The new mayor promised to declassify all the past documents after he took office. 新任的市长上任之后答应将所有过去的文件解密。译典通The residents of the city are experiencing palpable signs of progress after the new mayor took office. 新市长上任之后,市民感受到显而易见的进步。译典通




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