

单词 他所做
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEGAL〕This was the first of several actions that were of questionable legality, and which eventually led to his resignation. 他所做的几件事都令人质疑其合法性,这是当中的第一件,而这最终导致了他的辞职。朗文写作活用〔acknowledgment〕He has finally received the acknowledgment he deserves for his charitable work.他所做的慈善工作终于得到了应有的嘉奖。韦氏高阶〔acknowledgment〕They presented him with an award in acknowledgment of his charitable work.为表彰他所做的慈善工作,他们给他颁了奖。韦氏高阶〔admire〕All those who knew him will admire him for his work.所有认识他的人都敬佩他所做的工作。柯林斯高阶〔diminish〕Nothing could diminish the importance of his contributions.没有什么能够贬低他所做贡献的重要性。韦氏高阶〔excuse〕I'm not excusing him for what he did.对他所做的事, 我不会坐视不理的。外研社新世纪〔expiation〕He sought expiation for what he had done.他为他所做的事寻求赎罪。文馨英汉〔forgive〕Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything.尽管如此,他瞬间显露出的天赋还是会让你原谅他所做的一切。柯林斯高阶〔gumption〕I'd never have had the gumption to do what he had done.我根本不会有勇气去做他所做的事。外研社新世纪〔horror-struck〕He was horror-struck at what he'd done.他对他所做的事感到非常惊恐。文馨英汉〔implementation〕He did not do enough to secure the implementation of the desired reforms.确切实行所希望的改革,他所做的还嫌不够。文馨英汉〔lie〕The claims he has made are nothing but a pack of lies.他所做的声明只不过是骗人的鬼话。韦氏高阶〔malice〕I harbor no malice toward him for what he has done.对于他所做的,我并不怀恨他。文馨英汉〔marvellous〕He's done a marvellous job of the decorating.他所做的装饰真是棒极了。剑桥高阶〔mission〕A powerful sense of mission underpins everything he does.强烈的使命感支撑着他所做的一切。牛津搭配〔misunderstand〕I'm not saying what he did was good, don't misunderstand me.别误会,我并不是说他所做的是好事。柯林斯高阶〔omission〕He described their omission from the team as the hardest decision he has taken.他说把他们排除在球队之外是他所做出的最艰难的决定。外研社新世纪〔plenty〕He talks plenty, but that's all he does – talk.他说得很多,但他所做的也就仅仅是说说而已。麦克米伦高阶〔pokable〕All he had ever done was poke a team or explore the trail or push cattle along.他所做的事就是激励队伍向前、探索道路或者驱赶畜群。21世纪英汉〔recognition〕His work has never gained the international recognition it deserves.他所做的工作从未获得应有的国际赞誉。麦克米伦高阶〔regret〕His face showed no sign of regret for what he had done.他的脸上没有为他所做过的事流露出丝毫的懊悔。麦克米伦高阶〔repay〕How can we repay him for everything he's done? 我们怎么才能报答他所做的一切呢?朗文当代〔run〕In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.通常他所做的唯一运动就是进出出租车。牛津搭配〔variance〕What he did was at variance with what he'd promised to do.他所做的与他曾答应要做的不相符合。英汉大词典〔warp〕What he did has warped from the path of the common sense.他所做的已经违背了常情。21世纪英汉〔what〕What annoys me is the way he boasts about what he's done.让我生气的是他夸大他所做的事情的方式。麦克米伦高阶〔witness to〕What he has done witnesses to his ability.他所做的证实了他的能力。21世纪英汉〔workmanship〕His workmanship is obvious in everything he does.他的技艺可清楚地见之于他所做的每一件事情。英汉大词典All he has done is illegal. 他所做的一切均属非法。译典通Although he's my son, I felt morally bound to tell the police what he'd done.虽然他是我的儿子,但我觉得道义上我有义务告诉警察他所做的一切。剑桥国际He accuses me of being bored with the relationship when all he's doing is projecting his dissatisfaction onto me! 他指责我对我们的关系厌烦了,然而他所做的一切就是把不满都发泄在我身上!剑桥国际He blushed at the thought of what he'd done.想到他所做的一切他脸红了。剑桥国际His work in leather is always of a very high standard.他所做的皮制品总是有很高的水平。剑桥国际It's not surprising she doesn't trust him any more considering what he did.考虑到他所做的一切, 她不再信赖他是不足为奇的。剑桥国际My brother has always taken a single-minded approach to everything he does--he works single-mindedly.我兄弟总是一心一意地去完成他所做的每一件事----他工作得很专心。剑桥国际She has no small influence (= a large influence) on the decisions he makes.她对他所做的决定影响很大。剑桥国际What he did has seriously diminished him in many people's eyes.在许多人眼中,他所做的事严重贬低了自己。剑桥国际




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