

单词 乱写
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ballot〕Don't spoil your ballot by writing in the wrong place.别在不该写字的地方乱写使选票失效。英汉大词典〔cobble〕He cobbled together an essay in twenty minutes.他在二十分钟内胡乱写了一篇文章。文馨英汉〔deface〕He was fined for defacing library books.他因在从图书馆借来的书上乱写乱画而被罚款。剑桥高阶〔notepad〕She scribbled something in her notepad.她在她的记事本上乱写了一通。外研社新世纪〔peg〕The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.有关警察局长的这篇特写是依据那几场暴乱写成的。英汉大词典〔scrabble〕A scribble; a doodle.乱写的字;乱涂的画美国传统〔scrabble〕The act or an instance of scrabbling.乱涂:乱写乱画的动作或事例美国传统〔scribble〕Among the scribbles in my travel notebook I find an attempt at a Zen poem.在我胡乱写下的游记里, 有一首仿禅诗。外研社新世纪〔scribble〕At school he scribbled all over the desk.他在学校满书桌乱写乱画。外研社新世纪〔scribble〕To write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style.乱写:根本不注意清晰度或形式的匆匆地写美国传统〔squirt〕I caught my neighbour's son writing graffiti on our wall, the little squirt.邻居的儿子在我们的墙上乱写乱画时被我逮个正着,这个小东西。剑桥高阶〔tag〕Someone tagged the walls of the school.有人在学校的墙上乱写乱画。韦氏高阶〔waffle〕If you don't know the answer, it's no good just waffling (on) for pages and pages.假如你不知道答案,一页接一页地乱写也没用。剑桥高阶〔waffle〕To speak, write, or act evasively about.唠叨:胡乱写或说或做…美国传统I wish the children would stop chalking (things) on the classroom walls.我希望孩子们停止用粉笔在教室墙上乱写乱画。剑桥国际She'd doodled all over her textbooks.整本教科书都被她乱写乱画过了。剑桥国际Someone had sprayed obscene graffiti on the wall outside school.有人在校外的墙上乱涂乱写淫秽的话。剑桥国际Your doodles can tell you things about your personality.你的乱写乱画可以指明你的性格。剑桥国际




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