

单词 买到
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕She knew of a place where designer clothes were to be had at bargain prices. 她知道有一个地方可以廉价买到名师设计的服装。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕That picture? Oh, I picked it up last week at a little shop downtown. 那幅画吗?哦,那是我上周在市区一家小商店里碰巧买到的。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕Did you get any bargains at the market? 你在市场上买到便宜货了吗?朗文写作活用〔DELICIOUS〕You can get some very nice bread at Walker's bakery. 在沃克面包店你可以买到很好的面包。朗文写作活用〔DOUBT〕I doubt whether I'll be able to find a decent car for the price I can afford. 我不清楚以我能出得起的价钱能否买到一辆好车。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Under an EC directive unleaded petrol must be made available throughout Britain. 按照欧盟的规定,无铅汽油必须在英国各地都能买到。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Didn't you know you can buy disposable contact lenses now? 你不知道现在可以买到日抛型隐形眼镜了吗?朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕You can buy Coca-Cola all over the world. 世界各地都能买到可口可乐。朗文写作活用〔and〕I'll try and find out where we can buy tickets.我会试着去找找看哪儿能买到票。麦克米伦高阶〔antiquarian〕It was bought not from any old second-hand bookshop but from an antiquarian bookseller.这本书不是从老二手书店而是从一个古书商那里买到的。外研社新世纪〔anywhere〕Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? 你知道我在哪儿可以买到二手计算机吗?牛津高阶〔anywhere〕You can buy clothes like these anywhere.这样的衣服到处都可以买到。朗文当代〔anywhere〕You can buy stamps almost anywhere.你几乎能在任何地方买到邮票。外研社新世纪〔around〕It's a good idea to shop around to get the best deal on your insurance.多走几家保险公司以买到最好的保险,这是个好主意。麦克米伦高阶〔availability〕Check the availability of bottled water before you set off.你动身之前核实一下能否买到瓶装水。牛津搭配〔availability〕The drug's lack of availability presents a serious problem for them.这种药现在很难买到,这给他们造成了一个大麻烦。韦氏高阶〔available〕The drug is readily/widely/easily available in Europe.这种药在欧洲很好买到。韦氏高阶〔blackmarket〕You could buy anything you needed on the black market.在黑市上你需要什么就能买到什么。牛津搭配〔buy〕Old bicycles can be bought quite cheaply.旧自行车很便宜就能买到。牛津搭配〔buy〕They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets.这些东西现在可以在超市买到新鲜的。外研社新世纪〔can〕This is not something money can buy.这可不是金钱所能买到的。英汉大词典〔cheaply〕I'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else.我相信我能在别的地方更便宜地买到这种物品。牛津高阶〔cheap〕I got a cheap flight at the last minute.我在最后一刻买到了一张便宜的机票。剑桥高阶〔chemist〕There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection.很多能够消除这种感染的药膏在药店就能买到。柯林斯高阶〔clinch〕I hear he finally clinched the deal to buy the land he wanted.我听说他最终做成了这笔交易,买到了他想要的地。剑桥高阶〔compare〕The report compares the different types of home computer available.这份报告比较了目前可以买到的不同类型的家用计算机。朗文当代〔cross off〕They have enough trouble finding nutritious food without crossing meat off their shopping lists.不把购物单上的肉类食品划掉, 他们很难买到营养食物。外研社新世纪〔cross〕Whenever I buy something, I cross it off the list.每当我买到一样东西,就把它从清单上划掉。朗文当代〔deal〕You can get some good deals on the internet.在互联网上可以买到便宜货。朗文当代〔desire〕There's a growing desire among consumers for more organic products.消费者越来越希望能买到更多的有机产品。牛津搭配〔dispute〕He says it's the best musical equipment you can buy, but I think that's open to dispute.他说那是能买到的最好的音乐设备,但我认为这种说法不一定对。剑桥高阶〔distributor〕You can get the book through your local distributor.你可以通过当地经销商买到这本书。牛津搭配〔do-it-yourself〕The materials you need are available from any good do-it-yourself store.所需材料可以从任何好的 DIY 商店买到。牛津高阶〔drop〕I've got your books – I'll drop them round to your place later.我买到你要的书了,晚些时候我送到你那里去。朗文当代〔edition〕A paperback edition is now available at bookshops.平装本现在在书店可以买到。柯林斯高阶〔envy〕They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们羡慕地看着她最近买到的东西。牛津高阶〔fashion〕If you buy an outfit in the sales, be careful it's not already out of fashion.如果你在打折时买衣服, 当心不要买到过时货。外研社新世纪〔fit〕When buying a rucksack, it is important to get a good fit.买帆布背包时,重要的是要买到合适的。麦克米伦高阶〔gourmet〕Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。柯林斯高阶〔halfway〕You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。柯林斯高阶〔hand〕Since then I have bought any of his recordings I have been able to lay my hands on.从那时起, 他的专辑我能买到的都会去买。外研社新世纪〔have〕It's Sunday and the shops are closed, so you've had it.今天是星期日,商店都关门,所以你甭想买到东西了。英汉大词典〔have〕You can have this shirt at that price.按那个价格你可以买到这样的衬衫。21世纪英汉〔hundred〕Today you can buy hundreds of flavours of ice-cream.如今你可以买到很多种口味的冰激凌。柯林斯高阶〔knockoff〕You can buy a nice knockoff watch from them.你能从他们那儿买到质量很好的仿制名牌手表。柯林斯高阶〔less〕Many basic goods are now rationed. Less and less is available.很多基本商品现在都要定量供给。能买到的东西越来越少。柯林斯高阶〔light〕He showed us a rare edition on which he had lighted in a bookshop.他让我们看他在一家书店偶然买到的一部珍本。英汉大词典〔lucky〕Tickets were available only for the lucky few.只有少数幸运的人买到了票。韦氏高阶〔mini-〕Provisions may be purchased from the mini-market.或许能在小型超市里买到日常用品。柯林斯高阶〔natch〕He bought the most expensive car he could find, natch.当然啦,他买了他能买到的最昂贵的汽车。韦氏高阶〔ointment〕A range of ointments and creams is available for the treatment of eczema.有一系列治疗湿疹的油膏和乳膏可以买到。柯林斯高阶〔only〕At present these televisions are only available in Japan.目前这种电视机只有在日本才能买到。剑桥高阶〔only〕The drug is available only by prescription. = The drug is available by prescription only.这种药只有凭处方才能买到。韦氏高阶〔perfectly〕You can buy perfectly good instruments for a lot less.你可以少花一大笔钱买到顶好的仪器。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕She got the tickets for £20 each, but charged us £25 and pocketed the difference.她以每张20英镑的价钱买到这些票,却向我们要价25英镑,私吞了其中的差价。麦克米伦高阶〔policy〕You can take out a policy (=buy one) for as little as $11.00 a month.你每月只需花区区 11 美元就可买到一份保险。朗文当代〔premium〕Hard-to-get train tickets can be bought at a premium.紧俏的火车票能以高价买到。英汉大词典〔prescription〕Some drugs are only available by / on prescription.有些药物只有凭医生的处方才能买到。牛津搭配〔price〕Food is available, at a price (= at a high price).食物可以买到,不过出价要高。牛津搭配〔price〕You can get goat's cheese at the local delicatessen – at a price! 你可以在当地的熟食店买到山羊奶酪 — 不过价格很高!朗文当代〔purchase〕Souvenirs can be purchased at the gift shop. = You can purchase souvenirs at the gift shop.在那家礼品店里可以买到纪念品。韦氏高阶〔push〕Pushing to the front of the queue, he managed to get the last tickets.他挤到队伍前面设法买到了最后几张票。麦克米伦高阶〔ready-made〕Different types of icing can be purchased ready-made.可以买到各式各样现成的糖霜。麦克米伦高阶〔ready〕You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops.你可以在文具店买到已印好的遗嘱单。柯林斯高阶〔replacement〕Do you know where I can get the replacement part? 你知道我从哪儿能买到替换零件吗?牛津搭配〔roof〕Here you can buy food, clothes, and electrical goods all under one roof.就在这一家店里你可以买到食物、衣服和电器。朗文当代〔shop〕I went around all the shops but I couldn't find a present for him.我逛遍了所有的商店,却没有给他买到一件礼物。牛津搭配〔sort〕There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.现在可以买到许许多多不同种类的蘑菇。柯林斯高阶〔spec〕We just turned up at the airport on spec, hoping that we'd be able to get tickets.我们只不过到机场去碰碰运气,希望能买到机票。剑桥高阶〔steal〕I got loads of photographic apparatus at a steal.我以非常低廉的价格买到了大批大批的摄影器材。英汉大词典〔substantial〕She purchased her tickets at a substantial discount.她以超低折扣买到了票。韦氏高阶〔supplemental〕You'll probably be able to buy supplemental insurance at an extra cost.再额外多付一些钱的话,你或许就能买到附加险。柯林斯高阶〔value〕Every customer is looking for value for money.每位顾客都想买到划算的东西。朗文当代〔whatnot〕You can buy snacks and whatnot at the bar.你可以在酒吧店里买到小吃以及诸如此类的东西。剑桥高阶〔wholesale〕Ican get it for you wholesale.我可以给你按批发价买到。麦克米伦高阶〔year〕The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year.全球化的经济意味着全年都可买到各种水果和蔬菜。牛津搭配All merchandise is sold as is--no refunds, no exchanges.所有商品买到是怎么样就是怎么样----不能退,也不能换。剑桥国际At the pyramids tourists can buy pictures of ancient Egyptian gods on papyrus.在金字塔这里,游客们能够买到印在纸莎草上的古埃及神灵的图片。剑桥国际Getting the right products in our stores isn't rocket science—it's common sense.在我们商店买到合适的商品并非难事 ── 仅凭常识就行。牛津商务I didn't have much luck (= success) trying to find a birthday present for Sam.我并未买到送给萨姆的生日礼物。剑桥国际I was quite lucky to get tickets because they're only doing the play for a limited season/run (= a short period) .我非常幸运能买到票,因为他们演出的时间非常有限。剑桥国际If you are willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket.如果你愿意乘夜晚的航班,你就可买到一张便宜得多的机票。剑桥国际If you like, I can get that camera you want cheaper for you wholesale.如果你愿意,我可以把你想要的那架照相机按批发价便宜些为你买到。剑桥国际If you wait until the January sales, you might be able to get it at half-price.如果你等到一月份的大降价,你也许能以半价买到它。剑桥国际In the market you can buy affordable copycat (=very similar) versions of expensive perfumes.市场上你可以买到冒充昂贵香水的便宜仿制品。剑桥国际Investors have a chance to pick up some bargains.投资者有机会买到廉价货。牛津商务It's just my luck (= typical of the bad things that usually happen to me) not to be able to get tickets for the concert.我总是那么倒霉,没买到音乐会的票子。剑桥国际Lavender, peppermint, and jasmine are essential oils which are widely available.熏衣草油、薄菏油和茉莉油是到处都可买到的香精油。剑桥国际Personal computers are readily available these days. 现在个人电脑很容易买到。译典通The cars raced in rallies are supposed to be the same as those you can buy from the car showroom.参加拉力赛的车子跟人们在汽车展示厅可以买到的应该是一样的车子。剑桥国际The software usually comes as part of a package, although you can also buy a stand-alone version.这一软件通常随软件包出售,尽管也可以买到独立版。牛津商务They turned up at the airport on spec, hoping to be able to get tickets.他们来到机场碰碰运气,希望能买到机票。剑桥国际To be eligible for the lower fare, you must purchase your tickets 21 days in advance.要想买到低价票,你就得提前21天购票。剑桥国际We got it at a shop in William Highroad. 我们在威廉公路上的一家店里买到了它。译典通We were able to buy the furniture from a friend at cost (price).我们能从朋友处以成本价买到家具。剑桥国际Well/Oh well, it doesn't matter--I can always buy another one.这个,没关系----我总能再买到一个。剑桥国际When you're buying a flight, you should always shop around for the best deal.买机票时,你得多询问几处售票点以便买到最便宜的票。剑桥国际You can buy lots of devices for curling hair.你能买到许多卷发用的小器具。剑桥国际You can buy the best of gourmet cuisine here, for a price.在这里你可以以高价买到最好的菜肴。剑桥国际You can get the basic model for $100.100 元能买到基本型号。牛津商务




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