

单词 人均
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔brawl〕a regular free-for-all in the schoolyard; 校园内一次定期的任何人均可参加的竞赛;美国传统〔expenditure〕the country with the highest per capita expenditure on health care in the EU 欧盟之中人均保健支出最高的国家牛津搭配〔head〕average incomes per head 人均收入朗文当代〔income〕the average per capita income 人均收入牛津搭配〔open〕an open debate/championship/scholarship 公开的辩论会;人人可以参加的锦标赛;人人均可申请的奖学金牛津高阶〔per capita〕a rise in per capita income 人均收入增加麦克米伦高阶〔per capita〕average earnings per capita 人均收益牛津高阶〔per capita〕the country's per capita income 该国的人均收入朗文当代〔per capita〕the number of crimes that occur per capita 人均犯罪数朗文当代〔split〕a three-way split in the profits 利润三人均分朗文当代




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