

单词 人口稠密
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔centre〕an urban centre (人口稠密的)市中心区英汉大词典〔centre〕people who live in the main centres of population 住在人口稠密区的人们麦克米伦高阶〔contagion〕prevent contagion in a densely-populated area 在人口稠密地区预防接触传染英汉大词典〔dense〕a densely populated area 人口稠密的地区朗文当代〔dense〕densely populated regions 人口稠密的地区麦克米伦高阶〔density〕areas with high densities of immigrant populations. 移民人口稠密的地区柯林斯高阶〔heavily〕a heavily populated district 人口稠密的地区文馨英汉〔heavily〕heavily populated/forested areas 人口稠密/林木茂密的地区韦氏高阶〔megalopolis〕the Tokyo-Osaka megalopolis 东京-大阪人口稠密区英汉大词典〔populated〕a densely [thickly] populated district 人口稠密的地区文馨英汉〔populated〕a heavily populated area人口稠密地区外研社新世纪〔population〕areas of dense/sparse population(= where many/not many people live) 人口稠密╱稀少的地区牛津高阶〔settle〕a fertile area that was densely settled in early times 早期人口稠密的肥沃地区牛津搭配〔thickly〕a thickly settled neighborhood 人口稠密的街区韦氏高阶




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