

单词 买书
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕Workers at the store get a discount on books and records. 那家商店的员工买书和唱片可以打折。朗文写作活用〔MOST〕Alex spent most of his allowance on books. 亚历克斯把他的大部分津贴都花在买书上了。朗文写作活用〔any〕If I had some money, I would spend it on books.假如我有钱的话,我会用来买书。韦氏高阶〔basics〕Some schools lack money for basics like books and pencils.有些学校缺少资金购买书本、铅笔之类的基本工具。牛津高阶〔book〕That left little for book purchases or anything else.那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。英汉大词典〔deal〕He spent a great deal of money on books.他花了大量的钱买书。英汉大词典〔flush〕In his flusher days he spent a good deal on books.在比较富裕的日子里他花了许多钱买书。英汉大词典〔important〕He spent important money on books.他花了很多钱买书。英汉大词典〔money〕I spent all my money on books.我把钱都用于买书了。英汉大词典〔overbought〕You overbuy books than your income.你过多的买书已超出了你的收入。21世纪英汉〔percent〕He spends a few percent of his monthly income on books.他每月收入中有百分之几花在买书上。英汉大词典〔plain〕The plain fact is people still buy books.事实很明显,人们还在购买书籍。朗文当代〔stint〕She never stinted her children for money to buy books.她从不吝惜掏钱让子女们买书。英汉大词典〔term〕Students have less money in relative terms, but spend more on books.相对来说,学生手里的钱较少,但买书花的钱却较多。朗文当代One of the things I want to talk about is buying books -- another thing is ordering stationery.我要谈的一件事是买书,另一件事是订购文具。剑桥国际Our survey of 100 people showed that they spent an average of £52 on books per year, with a standard deviation of £12.我们对 100 个人所做的调查显示,他们每年花在买书上的钱平均为 52 英镑,标准偏差 12 英镑。牛津商务Sometimes customers buy books in twos and threes, but rarely in larger quantities than that.有时顾客会两本或三本地买书,但很少有人会买得比那多。剑桥国际The phone call pricked his conscience--he remembered he had agreed to buy the books but had forgotten all about it.电话声提醒了他,他想起他曾答应买书,但全忘记了。剑桥国际




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