

单词 会试
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-worded〕I don't try to memorize speeches word for word.我不会试图一字不落地记住讲话要说的内容。柯林斯高阶〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕I'll try and read this, but the handwriting's pretty unclear. 我会试着读一读的,可字迹非常模糊。朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕You'll have a chance to try out the latest in kitchen equipment. 你将有机会试用一下最新式的厨房设备。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The committee found itself coming up against the prejudices of many staff when it tried to introduce new working practices. 委员会试图推行新的工作方法时,遭遇许多员工的偏见。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕I can't guarantee the plan will work, but I'll give it a try. 我不能保证该计划行得通,但我会试一试。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕At this point, I wouldn't even try to predict the outcome, but we're hoping for the best. 此刻我是不会试图去预测结果的,我们只能抱乐观的态度。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕I'm not sure I'll be able to persuade him, but I'll certainly have a go. 我不能肯定我能够劝服他,但我当然会试一下。朗文写作活用〔additionally〕The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti.这个维护方案还会试图保护这些地点不被涂鸦。柯林斯高阶〔and〕I'll try and find out where we can buy tickets.我会试着去找找看哪儿能买到票。麦克米伦高阶〔asylum〕She would try to find a Canadian embassy and claim asylum.她会试图找一个加拿大使馆寻求避难。外研社新世纪〔bash〕I'll have a bash at it.我会试着做一下这件事。外研社新世纪〔bash〕I'm not sure I'll be any good but I'll have a bash.我不敢保证我能帮上什么忙,但我会试试。牛津高阶〔bring〕I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.我会试图把话题转到钱的方面。朗文当代〔cake〕The unions tried to secure a bigger slice of the cake of economic prosperity for the working populations.工会试图为工人们争取更多的由经济繁荣所带来的利益。英汉大词典〔circumvent〕Roosevelt occasionally attempted to circumvent him.罗斯福偶尔会试图避开他。柯林斯高阶〔could〕I think he could be trying to cheat us.我认为他可能会试图欺骗我们。韦氏高阶〔crack〕I'll have a crack at it.我会试一试。外研社新世纪〔crack〕It's not something I've done before, but I'll have/ (US take) a crack at it.这事我从未做过,但我会试一试。剑桥高阶〔dabble〕Are they composers?—Not really, although they dabble.他们是作曲家吗?——不是, 不过偶尔会试试手。外研社新世纪〔disentangle〕I will try to disentangle the facts from the fantasy.我会试着分清现实和虚幻。外研社新世纪〔dismantle〕There were fears that the new government would try to dismantle the state education system.人们担心新政府会试图废除国有教育制度。麦克米伦高阶〔doubtless〕He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds.他很可能会试图说服同事们改变主意。柯林斯高阶〔exercise〕That's when I try to meditate or do some deep-breathing exercises.这时我就会试着沉思或者做些深呼吸练习。柯林斯高阶〔explain〕I will try to explain how a car engine works.我会试着解释一下汽车引擎的工作原理。麦克米伦高阶〔exposure〕Banks will seek to minimize their exposure to risk.银行会试图将他们面临的风险最小化。牛津搭配〔far-fetched〕It's a bit far-fetched but I thought I would give it a shot.这有点儿不靠谱, 但我想我会试一试。外研社新世纪〔figure out〕I'll try to figure out how much it'll cost.我会试着算出需要花多少钱。外研社新世纪〔give〕Give me a chance to try the job.给我个机会试试这个工作吧。英汉大词典〔grope〕He would try to grope her breasts and put his hand up her skirt.他会试图摸她的胸部,还把手从她的裙子上向上移。柯林斯高阶〔harmony〕The Church tries to promote racial harmony.教会试图促进种族和睦。牛津搭配〔have〕I don't know if I can persuade her, but at least I can have a try.我不知道能否说服她,但至少我会试一试。麦克米伦高阶〔interpret〕We all seek to interpret what we hear and what we read.对所听到的和读到的东西我们都会试图作出解释。牛津搭配〔jammed〕They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.他们会试图用电子信号对发射进行干扰。柯林斯高阶〔jam〕They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.他们会试图对这种信号传送实施电子干扰。外研社新世纪〔jolly〕I'll try to jolly my parents into letting me borrow the car this weekend.我会试着哄父母周末把汽车借给我。剑桥高阶〔nail〕I'll try to nail Jim down about the date.我会试着说服吉姆同意这个日期。麦克米伦高阶〔nose〕His enemies will attempt to rub his nose in past policy statements.他的对手会试图揪住他过去政策陈述的漏洞不放。柯林斯高阶〔package deal〕The Commission attempted to bring all three proposals into one package deal.委员会试图将全部三项提议作为一揽子交易。朗文当代〔page〕We'll try to page him at the airport.我们会试着在机场通过广播找他。麦克米伦高阶〔pass sth off as sth〕It's hard to believe anyone would try to pass this nonsense off as literature.很难相信有什么人会试图把这种毫无意义的文章当作文学。剑桥高阶〔picture〕I'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do.我会试着更清楚地向你描述一下这些男孩子都干些什么。外研社新世纪〔picture〕I'll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do.我会试着更清楚地向你描述一下这些男孩子都干些什么。柯林斯高阶〔reproduce〕I shall not try to reproduce the policemen's English.我不会试图去模仿那个警察讲的英语。柯林斯高阶〔seek〕He also denied that he would seek to annex the country.他也否认他会试图吞并该国。外研社新世纪〔seek〕He also denied that he would seek to annex the country.他还否认会试图吞并该国。柯林斯高阶〔solid〕The committee attempted to find solid solutions to these problems.委员会试图找出彻底解决这些问题的办法。英汉大词典〔sound〕Candidates will be sounding out voters during the months before the election.候选人在选举前的几个月里会试探选民的意见。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕I don't know if I can do it, but I'll try.我不知道我能否做得了,但我会试一试。韦氏高阶〔try〕I don't think I'll be any good at tennis, but I'll give it a try.我不认为我有打网球的特长,但是我会试一试。牛津高阶〔try〕I will try and get the report to you today.我会试试看,并在今天向你提交报告。麦克米伦高阶〔uninhabitable〕As parts of the world become uninhabitable, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.随着世界的一些地方变得不适人居,数以百万计的人将会试图迁移到环境更加宜人的地区。柯林斯高阶He sustained severe knife-wounds whilst trying to part two men who were fighting in a night-club.当他在夜总会试图拉开两个打架的男人时身上挨了严重的刀伤。剑桥国际I thought I might try out a new yoga class tonight.我想今晚我也许会试上一堂新的瑜伽课。剑桥国际I try to strike a (=achieve a) happy medium when I'm on holiday, and spend half my time doing things and the other half just relaxing.在假期中我会试用一种折中方案,用一半时间做事,另一半时间休息。剑桥国际I will never try to work with anyone so rude and uncooperative again.我永远不再会试着与任何这么粗鲁、不合作的人一起工作。剑桥国际I'll try and hunt out those old photographs (= search for them although I do not know where they are) for you.我会试着为你找出那些旧照片。剑桥国际It's not something I've done before, but I'll have a crack at it/give it a crack.我以前没做过这种事,但我会试一试。剑桥国际Products which do not meet consumer desires will fail the market test.那些不能满足消费者需求的产品将会试销失败。牛津商务The association is trying to attract new members by offering discounts on subscriptions for the first year.协会试图通过提供第一年减价订阅(刊物)来吸引新会员。剑桥国际The examiner will try to catch you out, so stay calm and think carefully before you speak.考官会试图让你犯错误,所以保持冷静,在回答前好好考虑一下。剑桥国际The union made an attempt to wreck the deal.工会试图破坏协议。牛津商务We'll try to alter the rota --but don't expect overnight (=sudden) changes.我们会试图改变值勤表的----可是别指望突然的变化。剑桥国际




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