

单词 令状
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abate〕The marriage of a feme sole defendant does not abate the writ.单身女性被告结婚不会导致该令状无效。外研社新世纪〔assize〕Law A judicial inquest, the writ by which it is instituted, or the verdict of the jurors.【法律】 判决令:法官要求,据以颁布的令状或法官的判决美国传统〔bailiff〕An official who assists a British sheriff and who has the power to execute writs, processes, and arrests.司法官:协助英国执行官的官员,有权执行令状、发传票以及逮捕美国传统〔certiorari〕A writ from a higher court to a lower one requesting a transcript of the proceedings of a case for review.调审令,调取案卷令状:上级法院为了复审而向下级法院提出的调取案卷命令美国传统〔execution〕A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment.执行令:授予官员执行判决的令状美国传统〔habeas corpus〕One of a variety of writs that may be issued to bring a party before a court or judge, having as its function the release of the party from unlawful restraint.人身保护令:一种令状,传讯一方当事人出庭或见法官,其作用是使该方从非法的拘禁中豁免美国传统〔judgment〕A writ in witness of such an act.(确定债务的)判决书:作为这种法庭判决之证据的书面令状美国传统〔libel〕He has issued a writ for libel against the radio star Michael Clery.他发布了不许诽谤广播明星迈克尔・克利里的令状。牛津搭配〔praemunire〕The writ charging this offense.蔑视王权罪诉令状:传讯犯有蔑视王权罪被告的令状美国传统〔precept〕Law An authorized direction or order; a writ.【法律】 训令:经批准的指示或命令;令状美国传统〔process〕A summons or writ ordering a defendant to appear in court.传票:法院用来传讯被告出庭的传票或令状美国传统〔process〕The total quantity of summonses or writs issued in a particular proceeding.发出传票的总数:在某特定诉讼程序中发行的传票或令状的总数量美国传统〔process〕To serve with a summons or writ.发传票,传…出庭:向…发出传票或令状美国传统〔reprieve〕Postponement or cancellation of a punishment.缓刑;取消刑罚的令状美国传统〔return〕To render or deliver (a writ or verdict, for example) to the proper officer or court of law.呈递,提出:向有关官员或法庭提供或传送(例如,一份令状或裁决)美国传统〔scire facias〕A judicial proceeding under this writ.告知令状的司法程序:由此令状产生的司法程序美国传统〔scire facias〕A writ requiring the party against which it is issued to appear and show cause why a judicial record should not be enforced, repealed, or annulled.告知令状:说明判决何以不应执行、撤销或宣告无效的理由令状美国传统〔sequestration〕A writ authorizing seizure of property.扣押令:扣押财产的书面命令状美国传统〔serve〕The police officer served a summons/writ on him.警官向他送交了传票/令状。韦氏高阶〔serve〕To deliver or present (a writ or summons).送达:送或传(令状或传票)美国传统〔supersedeas〕A writ containing a command to stay legal proceedings, as in the halting or delaying of the execution of a sentence.中止执行令状:中止(或延缓)诉讼程序的讼状,如中止或延缓一判决执行的令状美国传统〔warranted〕Equipment is allocated by warrant.设备已经按照令状分配好了。柯林斯高阶〔warrant〕He has an outstanding warrant for his arrest.逮捕他的令状未得到执行。牛津搭配〔warrant〕Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.拉里瓦法官已经签署了一份逮捕状/逮捕他的令状。剑桥高阶〔warrant〕The court issued a warrant for his arrest.法院发出了逮捕他的令状。麦克米伦高阶〔warrant〕The police had a warrant for his arrest.警方拿到了逮捕他的令状。韦氏高阶〔warrant〕The police served a warrant on him.警方将令状送交给他。牛津搭配〔warrant〕There is a warrant out for the suspect's arrest.逮捕嫌疑犯的令状已经发出。英汉大词典〔warrant〕They issued a warrant for her arrest.当局发出了逮捕她的令状。牛津高阶〔writ of election〕A writ issued by a governor or other executive authority requiring that an election be held, especially a special election to fill a vacancy.大选令:由政府或其他执行机关颁发的要求举行选举的令状,尤指为填补空缺而举行的特殊选举美国传统〔writ of summons〕A writ directing a person to appear in court to answer a complaint.传讯令,传票:要求某人出庭答辩的令状美国传统〔writ〕A writ was filed in the High Court.向高等法院提交令状。牛津搭配〔writ〕Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。牛津搭配〔writ〕He issued a writ against one of his accusers.他向其中一个原告发出了令状。外研社新世纪〔writ〕He issued a writ against the newspaper.他签发了传讯这家报纸的令状。朗文当代〔writ〕He was served with a writ for the return of the letters.他接到要求他退还信件的令状。麦克米伦高阶〔writ〕He was served with a writ.他接到了法院令状。韦氏高阶〔writ〕Law A written order issued by a court, commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act.【法律】 令状:由法院发布的书面命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为美国传统〔writ〕She has served a writ for libel on the newspaper (= she has delivered it to them officially).她已将起诉这家报纸诽谤的令状送达。剑桥高阶〔writ〕The Supreme Court granted a writ.最高法院发出了一个令状。牛津搭配〔writ〕The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract.这家公司因违约已接到法院令状。牛津高阶〔writ〕The company has been served with a writ for damages.这家公司收到了交纳损害赔偿金的令状。朗文当代〔writ〕The judge issued a writ of habeas corpus.法官签发了人身保护令状。韦氏高阶Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.拉利瓦法官已经签署了一份逮捕令/逮捕他的令状。剑桥国际The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract.这家公司因为违约已收到法庭令状。牛津商务There have been at least seven writs issued against him for late payment of bills.对他迟付帐单至少发出了7次令状。剑桥国际We intend to issue a writ against the newspaper.我们打算向这家报纸发布令状。牛津商务




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