

单词 人体
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔atrophy〕muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis. 因麻痹而导致人体肌肉萎缩美国传统〔biological〕the biological functions of the body 人体的生物机能朗文当代〔biologist〕human biology. 人体生命机理柯林斯高阶〔bodily〕descriptions of natural bodily functions. 对人体自然生理功能的描述柯林斯高阶〔chemistry〕a person's body chemistry 人体的化学结构朗文当代〔chemistry〕natural changes in body chemistry 人体化学的自然变化牛津搭配〔circulatory〕the human circulatory system人体循环系统外研社新世纪〔convert〕naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins可被人体转化为维生素的天然物质外研社新世纪〔culture〕a culture of human cells人体细胞的培养物外研社新世纪〔defense〕the body's natural defenses against disease and infection 人体对疾病和感染的天然防御韦氏高阶〔dummy〕department store dummies 百货商店的人体模型英汉大词典〔economy〕the economy of the human body 人体组织英汉大词典〔ergonomics〕a new ergonomic design 新的人体工学设计朗文当代〔examination〕an examination on human anatomy 人体解剖学考试牛津搭配〔excreta〕human excreta 人体排泄物牛津高阶〔fragile〕the fragility of the human body 人体的脆弱牛津高阶〔full-frontal〕full-frontal nudity 正面全裸的人体剑桥高阶〔gland〕the hormones secreted by our endocrine glands. 人体内分泌腺分泌的荷尔蒙柯林斯高阶〔hiv〕to be HIV-positive/HIV-negative(= to have had a medical test which shows that you are/are not infected with HIV) 人体免疫缺损病毒检测呈阳性/阴性反应牛津高阶〔hormonal〕our individual hormonal balance我们每个人体内的激素平衡外研社新世纪〔human〕human anatomy/activity/behaviour/experience 人体解剖学;人的活动╱行为╱经历牛津高阶〔incarnate〕an incarnate spirit. 具人体的灵魂美国传统〔insertion〕the first experiment involving the insertion of a new gene into a human being. 将新基因植入人体的首次实验柯林斯高阶〔model〕a plastic model of the human heart 人体心脏的塑料模型韦氏高阶〔normalize〕normalize a patient's temperature; normalizing relations with a former enemy nation. 使病人体温正常;与以前的敌国关系正常化美国传统〔o.f〕a painting of figure一幅人体画21世纪英汉〔orifice〕various bodily orifices 人体上的各种孔洞朗文当代〔part〕parts of the human body 人体器官韦氏高阶〔pipe〕pipes The passages of the human respiratory system. pipes 呼吸器官,呼吸道:人体呼吸系统的通道美国传统〔production〕the body's production of red blood cells 人体红细胞的产生韦氏高阶〔renegade〕drugs that attack renegade cells in cancer patients 消灭癌症病人体内癌变细胞的药物韦氏高阶〔rhythm〕the body's natural rhythms 人体的自然节律朗文当代〔scanner〕a body scanner 人体扫描器牛津高阶〔secretion〕bodily secretions 人体分泌物牛津高阶〔sequence〕the complete DNA sequence of the human genome. 人体基因组的完整 DNA 序列柯林斯高阶〔skeleton〕a human skeleton. 人体骨骼柯林斯高阶〔strontium〕strontium 90 锶九十(锶的放射性同位素的一种;存在于辐射尘中,对人体有害)文馨英汉〔substitute〕tests on humans to find a blood substitute made from animal blood. 为从动物血液中提取人血的替代品而在人体上进行的试验柯林斯高阶〔suppression〕the strongest evidence so far that ultraviolet light can suppress human immune responses. 迄今为止可证明紫外线能抑制人体免疫反应的最有力证据柯林斯高阶〔weightless〕the human body's response to weightlessness. 人体对失重的反应柯林斯高阶




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