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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Tatra Mountains〕A range of the Carpathian Mountains in east-central Europe along the Czechoslovakia-Poland border. The Tatras are a popular resort area.塔特拉山脉:喀尔巴阡山脉中的一列山脉,位于欧洲中东部,沿捷克斯洛伐克和波兰边界延伸。塔特拉山脉是一个游人众多的度假区美国传统〔Taunus Mountains〕A range of western Germany extending northeast from the Rhine River. The range includes notable vineyards and popular resort areas.陶努斯山脉:德国西部的一列山脉,从莱茵河向东北延伸。该山脉有许多著名的葡萄园和游人众多的度假胜地美国传统Despite having a large family, they still had no son and heir.尽管家人众多,他们仍然没有儿子作继承人。剑桥国际There is growing speculation surrounding the appointment of a successor to Flanagan, the executive director.关于任命总经理弗拉纳根的继承人众说纷纭。剑桥国际




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