

单词 人们说
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕He was described as a man in his early thirties. 人们说他是个30岁出头的男人。朗文写作活用〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕People say she's too ambitious. 人们说她野心太大了。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕Witnesses say the argument started after a careless remark about the victim's wife. 证人们说争吵是由受害人妻子的一句轻率的话引起的。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Police officers are expected to keep their tempers whatever people say to them. 不管人们说什么,警察都应保持冷静的态度。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕He spends a lot of time trying to dispel the myth that he takes after his famous, alcoholic father. 他花了很多时间想纠正人们说他像他那出了名的酒鬼父亲的这个错误观念。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕People say that older people need less sleep. 人们说年纪大的人需要的睡眠较少。朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕People talk about the British constitution, but as things stand there is no real constitution. 人们说英国宪法,但实际上目前英国并没有真正的宪法。朗文写作活用〔bioweapon〕He warned that influenza could be used as a bioweapon.他警告人们说流感可被用作生物武器。朗文当代〔broken-hearted〕They say he died of a broken heart.人们说他因情而殇。剑桥高阶〔buck up〕People are saying if we don't buck up we'll be in trouble.人们说,如果我们再不积极行动起来,我们就会有麻烦。柯林斯高阶〔burden〕Men say they are willing to share the burden of domestic work.男人们说他们愿意分担家务活的重担。麦克米伦高阶〔careful〕People should be more careful about the things they say.人们说话时应当更小心。麦克米伦高阶〔citizen〕He reassured people that law-abiding citizens (= people who do not break the law) would have nothing to fear from the enquiries.他宽慰人们说遵纪守法的公民对质询没有什么可害怕的。剑桥高阶〔claim〕It is claimed to be true.人们说这是确实的。英汉大词典〔comment〕I won't comment on what people say.对人们说的话我不作评论。21世纪英汉〔compliment〕I take it as a compliment (= I am pleased) when people say I look like my mother.当人们说我长得像我母亲的时候,我觉得很高兴。剑桥高阶〔crack up〕The new restaurant is not all it's cracked up to be. When we went, the service was awful and our food was cold.新开的那家餐馆没有人们说的那么好。我们去就餐时,服务很差,饭菜是凉的。韦氏高阶〔crack〕I thought the film was OK, but it's not all it's cracked up to be.我认为这部电影还可以,但没有人们说的那么好。朗文当代〔crack〕Package holidays are not always all they're cracked up to be.全包旅游并不总像人们说的那么好。外研社新世纪〔cutting〕People make cutting comments to help themselves feel superior or powerful.人们说话尖酸刻薄是为了使自己感觉高高在上或是有权有势。外研社新世纪〔cutting〕People make cutting remarks to help themselves feel superior or powerful.人们说话尖酸刻薄是为了使自己感觉高高在上或是有权有势。柯林斯高阶〔define〕People define him as a genius.人们说他是天才。英汉大词典〔definition〕People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.人们说学生总是理想化的、急躁的。朗文当代〔draw sb out〕Like all good interviewers he manages to draw people out of themselves.像所有优秀的采访者一样,他能设法引导人们说出自己的想法。剑桥高阶〔extinction〕The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales.伐木工人们说由于木材销售额的下降, 他们的工作恐不复存在。外研社新世纪〔folk〕Folks say that ...人们说… 英汉大词典〔folk〕Folks say that house is haunted.人们说那房子闹鬼。韦氏高阶〔give〕They say it's better to give than to receive.人们说施比受有福。牛津高阶〔have news for someone〕People tell me that my business will never succeed. Well, I have news for them. I'm going to make a profit by the end of the year.人们说我的生意永远不会成功。那么,我要告诉他们,我今年年底就会盈利。韦氏高阶〔jolly〕He jollied people along and got useful information out of them.他鼓励人们说出来,从而获得了有用的信息。朗文当代〔laugh〕He laughed with pleasure when people said he looked like his dad.人们说他长得像父亲时,他乐得大笑起来。柯林斯高阶〔let〕People said we should just let the firm go under.人们说我们应该就此让这家公司破产。外研社新世纪〔liken sb/sth to sb/sth〕She's been likened to a young Elizabeth Taylor.人们说她很像年轻时的伊丽莎白‧泰勒。剑桥高阶〔look sb in the eye/face〕I wanted to look people in the eye and tell them I made a mistake.我想坦诚地和人们说,我犯了一个错误。剑桥高阶〔make ... out〕Jack is not such a fool as he's made out to be.杰克并不像人们说的那么傻。21世纪英汉〔make out〕It's not as hard as people make out.这并不像人们说的那样困难。外研社新世纪〔make〕She's not as rich as people make out.她并不像人们说的那样富有。牛津高阶〔nonsense〕People are talking a lot of nonsense about him being the new Michael Jordan.人们说他是新一代迈克尔・乔丹,净是胡说八道。牛津搭配〔nothing could be further from the truth〕People say we're splitting up, but nothing could be further from the truth.人们说我们将要分手,可是他们完全错了。剑桥高阶〔outfitter〕Hunters say it's the best outfitter in the state.猎人们说这是全州最好的户外用品商店。韦氏高阶〔par〕People say they feel below par and have no energy.人们说自己感觉不舒服, 没有精力。外研社新世纪〔patois〕In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.在欠发达的法国农村, 人们说土语。外研社新世纪〔people〕I've heard people say that they should just send in the bulldozers and if the protesters don't move that's their problem.我听人们说过, 就是应当把推土机开进去, 而如果抗议者不走, 那就后果自负。外研社新世纪〔political correctness〕Political correctness has had an impact on the language people use to describe women.政治正确性影响着人们说到女性时所用的语言。朗文当代〔power〕People say that the First Lady is the power behind the throne.人们说第一夫人是幕后的操控者。牛津搭配〔prickly〕Patients reported a feeling of heat and a prickly sensation.病人们说有发热和刺痛感。外研社新世纪〔punishment〕Some religions teach that wicked people will suffer eternal punishment in hell after they die.某些宗教告诫人们说,恶人死后将下地狱永受惩罚。韦氏高阶〔same〕People say I look just the same as my sister.人们说我和我姐姐长得一模一样。剑桥高阶〔sceptic〕People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a sceptic.人们说它能治感冒,我有些怀疑。剑桥高阶〔self-sacrifice〕People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但坦白地说,我看过太多善良、自我牺牲和慷慨之举,因此不会轻信这个说法。剑桥高阶〔skeptic〕People say it can cure colds, but I'm a skeptic.人们说它能治感冒,我有些怀疑。剑桥高阶〔sort〕People say I look sort of like my grandfather when he was young.人们说我有点儿像我爷爷年轻时的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔soul〕They say that hardship is good for the soul.人们说艰难困苦对人有好处。朗文当代〔spell〕People said he was able to cast a spell on the public.人们说他能吸引公众。柯林斯高阶〔squint〕They say she squints.人们说她有斜视。英汉大词典〔the name of the game〕People say that in politics the name of the game is making the right friends.人们说在政界最重要的就是交对朋友。剑桥高阶〔they〕They say he is very clever.人们说他很聪明。21世纪英汉〔time〕Shakespeare's works were said to be not of a particular era, but for all time.人们说莎士比亚的作品不属于某一个时代, 而是属于所有时代。外研社新世纪〔travel〕They say that travel broadens the mind.人们说旅行可以增广见识。牛津同义词〔vacuous〕Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be.男模特儿并不总像人们说的那样愚蠢。柯林斯高阶〔whore〕People call me a media whore.人们说我在媒体面前搔首弄姿, 曲意逢迎。外研社新世纪He told people that he was a serious and well-known musician, but he was a fraud really.他告诉人们说他是一个严肃的、有名的音乐家,实际上他是个骗子。剑桥国际People often contract word combinations when they are speaking.人们说话时常常缩略单词组合。剑桥国际People said that the tiger was still lurking close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。译典通People say that breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding because it's more natural.人们说母乳喂养比人工喂养好,因为它更加自然。剑桥国际People say that physical exercise is good for you but I think the contrary--it's dangerous and a waste of valuable time.人们说体育锻炼对你有好处,我认为恰恰相反----它很危险而且浪费宝贵的时间。剑桥国际People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.人们说这是个自私的社会,但是坦白地说,我看到过太多的仁慈、自我牺牲和慷慨,因而不会轻信这一观点。剑桥国际People talk a lot of tripe about fashion.人们说了很多关于时尚的废话。剑桥国际The prisoners said that they felt like animals in a zoo.犯人们说他们觉得像是动物园里的动物。剑桥国际The story goes (= People say) that he was sacked after he was caught stealing company property. [+ (that) clause] 人们说他被抓住偷窃公司财产后就被解雇了。剑桥国际There was a ceaseless (=continuous) background noise of machines and voices.机器轰鸣和人们说话的背景声一刻不停。剑桥国际They are quote‘just good friends’ unquote.人们说他们“不过是好朋友”。剑桥国际They say that power is an aphrodisiac.人们说权力是一种春药。剑桥国际When you say to people that you're a feminist, they expect you to be some sort of virago.当你对人们说你是个女权主义者时,他们认为你或许是一个悍妇。剑桥国际




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