

单词 偏偏
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ESPECIALLY〕Why is Jennifer Stern, of all people, so important? 在这么多人当中,为什么偏偏珍妮弗·斯特恩就这么重要呢?朗文写作活用〔all〕And now she's chosen to live in Alaska, of all places! 现在她决定住在阿拉斯加,怎么偏偏在这个地方!麦克米伦高阶〔all〕I didn't think you, of all people, would become a vegetarian.我真没有想到,在所有的人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。牛津高阶〔all〕She did not want to quarrel with Maria today, of all days.偏偏今天她不想与玛丽亚争吵。朗文当代〔all〕They met and fell in love in a supermarket, of all places.那么多地方,他们偏偏就在超市里相遇并相爱了。柯林斯高阶〔all〕Why ask me to help, of all people? 在所有人中为什么偏偏叫我去帮忙? 英汉大词典〔all〕Why today of all days? 为何偏偏在今天?文馨英汉〔apart〕The whole thing just came apart in my hands.这整件东西偏偏在我手里破裂了。牛津高阶〔awkward〕They'd chosen an awkward time to call as I'd just got into the bath.他们偏偏在我刚开始洗澡的时候来电话,真不是时候。剑桥高阶〔bad〕Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us.本来情况就够糟的了,偏偏我们自己的大炮又向我们开起火来。牛津高阶〔chance〕As chance would have it , the one time I wanted to see her, she wasn't in.真凑巧,我就这么一次想见她,她却偏偏不在。朗文当代〔exactly〕The doctor told him not to smoke, but he did exactly the opposite.医生叫他不要抽烟,他却偏偏背道而驰。英汉大词典〔have〕Of course it had to happen on today, when all the shops are shut.偏偏是今天,所有的商店都关门了。朗文当代〔ineligible〕Shawls will be brought by injudicious mothers at precisely the most ineligible moments.考虑欠周的母亲们偏偏会在最不合宜的时刻把围巾带来。英汉大词典〔least〕It is quite amazing what turns up when you are least expecting it.事情偏偏就在你最意想不到的时候发生,真是很奇怪。朗文当代〔must〕The car must break down just as we were going on our holiday.我们正要出去度假,偏偏汽车坏了。英汉大词典〔must〕The machine must break down at this busy hour.正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。21世纪英汉〔must〕Why must it rain today?怎么偏偏今天下雨?21世纪英汉〔must〕Why must she be so stubborn? 为什么偏偏她要这么顽固?文馨英汉〔needs〕He must needs go away just when I want his help.我正需要他帮助时他偏偏要走。英汉大词典〔of all people/things/places〕And why did you choose Iceland for a holiday, of all places? 那么多的地方,你为什么偏偏要去冰岛度假?剑桥高阶〔people〕Why should he, of all people, get a promotion? 在所有人中为什么偏偏是他应该获得晋升呢?朗文当代〔pocket〕Higgins just missed and sent the cue ball into the pocket.希金斯偏偏没击中, 把母球撞进了球袋。外研社新世纪〔sod's law〕It was Sod's Law—the only day he could manage was the day I couldn't miss work.真是天不遂人愿,他只有那天抽得出时间,偏偏我上班离不开。牛津高阶〔thing〕He tried to do, of all things, that job.他偏偏要想做那份工作。 英汉大词典〔wade〕Most politicians would have tried to avoid the subject, but he waded right in.多数从政者都对这一问题避之不及,可他却偏偏介入其中。韦氏高阶〔wherefore〕Wherefore art thou Romeo? 为什么你偏偏是罗密欧呢?朗文当代I can't understand why you live in Iceland, of all places.我不懂为什么你不住别的地方,偏偏要住在冰岛。剑桥国际I'm amazed that Dave, of all people (= in particular), got married.令我吃惊的是在所有的人中偏偏大卫结婚了。剑桥国际It was just ill (=bad ) fortune/luck that the burglar picked on her house.窃贼偏偏挑中她家作案实在是件倒霉的事。剑桥国际The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候机器偏偏坏了。译典通They'd chosen an awkward time to call as I'd just got into the bath.他们早不打,晚不打,偏偏在我正要洗澡时打电话给我。剑桥国际




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