

单词 假象
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRETEND〕Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children. 西蒙告诉苏珊他的婚姻是一种假象,只是看在孩子们的份上才维持着。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕Any semblance of democracy quickly disappeared when the military government announced it was taking over. 军政府宣布它要接管,民主的假象一下子就消失了。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The sea here is very deceptive -- it looks calm but is in fact very dangerous. 这一片海域容易造成假象—看上去风平浪静,但其实非常危险。朗文写作活用〔affectation〕A show, pretense, or display.假装:假装,假象,装出的样子美国传统〔amity〕The two nations kept up an elaborate pretense of warm amity.这两个国家煞费苦心装出热烈友好的假象。英汉大词典〔appearance〕Their expensive home created a false appearance of success and happiness.他们的豪宅营造出一种成功和幸福的假象。韦氏高阶〔artifact〕The drop in scores was merely an artifact of the way the test was administered.成绩下滑只不过是考试管理方式导致的一种假象。韦氏高阶〔artifice〕He spoke without artifice or pretense.他的话里既无诡计,也无假象。韦氏高阶〔bare〕The central problem has been laid bare of its various guises.去掉了种种假象,中心问题已暴露出来。英汉大词典〔bluff〕She bluffed me into believing that she was an actress.她以假象骗我相信她是个女演员。21世纪英汉〔bogus〕Bogus companies use fabricated invoices to make it look as if they're selling products abroad.非法公司伪造票据, 造成向国外销售产品的假象。外研社新世纪〔coloring〕False or misleading appearance.假象:虚假或欺骗性的外观美国传统〔comprehension〕The research project will focus on children's comprehension of pretence.这项研究将集中于儿童对假象的理解。朗文当代〔context〕The paper quoted him out of context to make it appear that he did not care about the inmates' condition.报纸对他的话断章取义, 造成了他不关心犯人生活条件的假象。外研社新世纪〔cover〕He acts tough, but that's just a cover. He's a real softy underneath.他作风强硬,但那只是假象。骨子里他是个心肠软的人。韦氏高阶〔deceive〕If you can make the last 10 seconds exciting, you can deceive your audience into thinking it's been like that all along.如果能让最后 10 秒钟紧张刺激,就可以给观众造成场面一直都是如此的假象。柯林斯高阶〔deceptively〕The house looks deceptively small from the outside(=but really it is big).这座房子从外面看给人一种显得很小的假象。麦克米伦高阶〔dissemble〕To disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.掩饰感情:用假象掩盖真实的性格、动机或感情美国传统〔dissemble〕To make a false show of; feign.假装,伪装:做出…的假象;佯做美国传统〔distort〕To give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.曲解,歪曲,误传:给出假象或使人迷惑的原因;误传美国传统〔facade〕All that jollity is just a facade.所有那些欢乐只是一种假象。麦克米伦高阶〔facade〕They were trying to preserve the facade of a happy marriage.他们试图维持一个美满婚姻的假象。韦氏高阶〔fake〕He arranged the accident in order to fake his own death.他策划了这次事故以便造成自己死亡的假象。牛津高阶〔fake〕He faked his own death to collect on an insurance policy.他制造了自己死亡的假象, 以骗取保险赔偿金。外研社新世纪〔fallacy〕A false notion.假象美国传统〔falsehood〕She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.她将判决称为一场真相战胜假象的胜利。外研社新世纪〔feint〕To make a deceptive show of.制造假象美国传统〔fiction〕For years he managed to keep up the fiction that he was not married.多年来他设法一直给人一种未婚的假象。牛津高阶〔fiction〕She still tries to maintain the fiction that she is happily married.她仍然在努力给人一种她婚姻幸福的假象。牛津搭配〔four-flush〕Slang To make empty claims; bluff.【俚语】 以假象唬人;虚张声势美国传统〔ghosting〕The appearance of one or more false images on a television screen.幻影:电视荧屏上出现的一个或多个虚幻的假象美国传统〔gilding〕Something used to give a superficially attractive appearance.表面装饰,假象:被给予引人注目的外表的物体美国传统〔gloss〕A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance.假象,虚饰:表面上或具有欺骗性之吸引人的外表美国传统〔happy families〕I'm not going to play happy families just for the benefit of your parents.我不会仅仅为了顾全你父母而装出合家欢的假象。牛津高阶〔hocus-pocus〕Foolishness or empty pretense used especially to disguise deception or chicanery.故弄玄虚的言词:为掩饰欺骗或诡计而使用的愚蠢空洞的假象美国传统〔illusion〕An erroneous perception of reality.错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法美国传统〔illusion〕Credit creates the illusion that you can own things without paying for them.赊购给人一种假象,好像买东西不用付钱。朗文当代〔illusion〕For some time, Yeltsin's rule provided an illusion of stability.有一段时间,叶利钦的统治给人一种稳定的假象。麦克米伦高阶〔illusion〕Mirrors can give the illusion of extra space.镜子可以造成一种空间加大的假象。外研社新世纪〔illusion〕She says that all progress is just an illusion.她说所有的进步都只不过是一种假象。韦氏高阶〔illusion〕The impression of calm in the office is just an illusion.办公室里的平静其实只是种假象。剑桥高阶〔illusion〕They are trying to maintain the illusion that the company is in good shape.他们在努力维持公司运转良好的假象。牛津搭配〔illusion〕This eerie calm is an illusion.这种怪诞的平静是一种假象。柯林斯高阶〔impression〕She was trying to maintain the impression that she was in control.她努力维持她还在掌控局面的假象。牛津搭配〔lie〕Appearances often lie.假象经常存在美国传统〔lie〕Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.假象:目的在于欺骗或给人造成错觉的某事美国传统〔lie〕Statistics can often lie.统计数字往往会造成一种假象。朗文当代〔lie〕The results of these surveys often lie.这些调查结果常常会给人以假象。麦克米伦高阶〔lull〕She was scared she was being lulled into happiness.她害怕自己的幸福只是别人制造的假象。外研社新世纪〔mild〕His voice was deceptively mild.他的语调给人以温和的假象。牛津搭配〔normality〕By now any semblance of normality had disappeared.到了现在,任何常态的假象都消失了。牛津搭配〔patina〕Beware their patina of civility, it's only an act.当心他们礼貌、客气的假象,那只不过是在装样子。剑桥高阶〔phony〕Giving a false impression of truth or authenticity; specious.伪善的:给人以诚实或真诚的假象;貌似有理的美国传统〔pretence〕It had all been a pretence.一切都是假象。外研社新世纪〔pretense〕Their indifference is merely pretense.他们的漠不关心只是假象而已。韦氏高阶〔propagate〕Television advertising propagates a false image of the ideal family.电视广告传播着理想家庭的一种假象。牛津高阶〔pseudomorph〕A false, deceptive, or irregular form.假象:一种假的、欺骗性的、不规则的形态美国传统〔sham〕Their independence is a sham.他们的独立是一种假象。外研社新世纪〔spurious〕He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.他设法制造出一种彻头彻尾的假象,让人误以为公司一派兴旺。牛津高阶〔trick〕It's all done using trick photography(= photography that uses clever techniques to show things that do not actually exist or are impossible).这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。牛津高阶〔wash sale〕The illegal buying of stock by a seller's agents to give the impression of an active market.空头交易:为制造股市兴旺假象,买入代理人进行的非法股票交易美国传统He twisted the facts of his early life to give the appearance of extreme poverty.他歪曲了自己早期生活的事实, 给人极其贫困的假象。剑桥国际Instead of cutting expenditure, the government's relying on smoke and mirrors to make it seem as though it's doing something.政府不削减开支,而是依赖转移注意力,造成一种在干事的假象。剑桥国际The calm on the streets is an illusion--people are very angry.街道上的平静是个假象----人们非常愤怒。剑桥国际The committee have managed to create the illusion of activity, but they have actually achieved very little.委员会设法制造了活动的假象,但实际上他们成绩很少。剑桥国际The government is hoping that this is not a false dawn for economic recovery.政府希望这不是经济复苏的一种假象。剑桥国际




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