

单词 伸入
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ann〕A peninsula of northeast Massachusetts projecting into the Atlantic Ocean northeast of Gloucester.安海角:美国马萨诸塞州东北部的一个半岛,伸入格洛斯特东北的大西洋中美国传统〔Bon〕A peninsula of northeast Tunisia extending into the Mediterranean Sea across from Sicily.波恩角:突尼斯东北部延伸入地中海的一个半岛,在西西里岛对面美国传统〔Comorin〕A cape at the southernmost point of India projecting into the Indian Ocean.科摩林角:印度最南端的海角,伸入印度洋中美国传统〔Gris-Nez〕A promontory of northern France extending into the Strait of Dover near Calais. It is the nearest point to the island of Great Britain.格里内兹角:法国北部的海峡,靠近加来伸入多佛海峡。为最靠近大不列颠岛的地点美国传统〔Hafun〕A promontory of northeast Somalia on the Indian Ocean. It is the easternmost point of Africa.哈丰角:索马里东北部伸入印度洋的一个海角,它是非洲的最东点美国传统〔Kathiawar〕A peninsula of western India projecting into the Arabian Sea between the Gulfs of Kutch and Cambay.卡提阿瓦半岛:印度西部伸入阿拉伯海的一个半岛,位于卡奇湾和坎贝湾之间美国传统〔Lindesnes〕A cape of extreme southern Norway projecting into the North Sea.林海角:挪威最南端的海角并伸入北海美国传统〔North Cape〕The northernmost point of North Island, New Zealand, projecting into the southern Pacific Ocean.北角:新西兰北岛的最北点,伸入南太平洋美国传统〔REACH〕Smith Point is a small piece of land extending a hundred yards or so into the water. 史密斯岬角是伸入水里一百码左右的一小块土地。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕The pier would be 1000 metres long and project about 400 metres into the sea. 码头全长将有1,000米,有400米左右伸入海里。朗文写作活用〔San Lucas〕A cape of western Mexico at the southern tip of Baja California extending into the Pacific Ocean.圣卢卡斯角:墨西哥西部一个伸入太平洋内的海角,位于加利福尼亚半岛南端美国传统〔Scoresby Sound〕An arm of the Norwegian Sea indenting eastern Greenland. It has numerous fjords branching generally westward toward the icecap.斯科斯比松:挪威海的一个港湾,伸入格陵兰岛东部。它有许多大体上向西扩展到冰盖的狭长海湾美国传统〔Seward Peninsula〕A peninsula of western Alaska projecting into the Bering Sea just below the Arctic Circle.苏华德半岛:美国阿拉斯加州西部半岛,紧靠北极圈延伸入白令海峡美国传统〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡美国传统〔Suez〕An arm of the Red Sea off northeast Egypt west of the Sinai Peninsula.苏伊士湾:红海伸入埃及东北岸和西奈半岛西岸之间的海湾美国传统〔Taman〕A peninsula of southern European U.S.S.R. projecting westward between the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. It is rich in petroleum deposits.塔曼半岛:原苏联南欧部分一半岛,向西伸入亚速海和黑海之间。该半岛有丰富的石油资源美国传统〔cape〕A point or head of land projecting into a body of water.海角,岬:伸入一片水域的陆地尖端或一角美国传统〔corkscrew〕The road corkscrewed its way in and out of a gully.道路蜿蜒曲折伸入沟壑,又盘陀而出。英汉大词典〔creek〕Chiefly British A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove.【多用于英国】 小湾:在海岸线上的小港湾,比如小湾伸入陆地内美国传统〔dip into〕He dipped into his purse.(或pocket)他掏钱包。(或:他把手伸入钱包或口袋中。)21世纪英汉〔dip〕Dipping his hand into his pocket, he produced the letter I'd sent him.他把手伸入口袋,掏出了我寄给他的信。麦克米伦高阶〔dive into〕The thief dived his hand into my handbag and made off with my purse.那小偷神不知鬼不觉地把手伸入我的提包,抢了钱包逃走了。21世纪英汉〔dive〕She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper.她立即将手伸入包中拿出一张折好的纸。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕To plunge one's hand into.把手伸入,(手)突伸美国传统〔duodenum〕The beginning portion of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum.十二指肠:小肠的开始部分,开始于胃的底部,伸入空肠美国传统〔extrudabilities〕The land masses extrude into the sea.大块大块的陆地伸入海里。21世纪英汉〔headland〕A point of land, usually high and with a sheer drop, extending out into a body of water; a promontory.海岬:尤指高地并有大幅度落差的伸入一片水域的土地的一点;岬美国传统〔hearth〕The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement.壁炉地面:通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面美国传统〔heterocercal〕Relating to, having, or being a tail fin in which the upper lobe is larger than the lower and the vertebral column extends into the upper lobe, as in sharks.歪尾的:(有)上片大于下片、脊椎延伸入上片中的尾鳍的, 与其有关的,如鲨鱼的鳍美国传统〔jut〕The northern end of the island juts out like a long, thin finger into the sea.岛屿的北端像一根细长的手指一样伸入海中。外研社新世纪〔jut〕The northern end of the island juts out like a long, thin finger into the sea.岛屿的北端像一根细长的手指一样伸入海中。柯林斯高阶〔muff〕A small cylindrical fur or cloth cover, open at both ends, in which the hands are placed for warmth.手笼:一种常用皮毛或布做成的、两端开口的小圆筒状套子,手可伸入用以保暖美国传统〔neurofibril〕Any of the long, thin, microscopic fibrils that run through the body of a neuron and extend into the axon and dendrites.神经微纤维:一个神经元中的长而细的微小纤维,它还伸入轴突和树突美国传统〔nose〕Hold your nose(=press the two sides of it) and put your head under the water.捏住鼻子,然后把头伸入水中。麦克米伦高阶〔out〕A long peninsula juts out into the sea.一个长形的半岛伸入海中。朗文当代〔palate〕Botany The projecting part on the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla that closes the throat, as in a snapdragon.【植物学】 似颚的突出部位:从下唇瓣基部伸入一假面状花冠窄口的突出体美国传统〔plunge into〕She plunged her hand into her pocket.她突然把手伸入口袋里。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕The rocky cliffs plunge into the swirling rapids below.岩石峭壁陡然向下,伸入下面的漩涡急流中。韦氏高阶〔point〕A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula, cape, or promontory.角,岬,半岛:伸入水中的一块逐渐变得尖细的陆地;半岛、角或岬美国传统〔quench〕To cool (hot metal) by thrusting into water or other liquid.将…淬火:将(烧热的金属)伸入水或其它液体中使冷却美国传统〔shelf ice〕An extension of glacial ice into coastal waters that is in contact with the bottom near the shore but not toward the outer edge of the shelf.陆架冰:冰河的冰延伸入岸边水中的部分,它与接近浅滩的底部接触但不朝向陆架边缘美国传统〔shoot〕The cape shoots out into the sea.岬伸入海中。文馨英汉〔shoot〕The land shoots into a promontory.这片陆地伸入岬角。英汉大词典〔steal〕He stole a hand into hers.他偷偷地把一只手伸入她手中。英汉大词典〔stomach pump〕A suction pump with a flexible tube inserted into the stomach through the mouth and esophagus to empty the stomach in an emergency, as in a case of poisoning.胃唧筒:一种紧急情况下(如在食物中毒时)使用的从口和食道伸入胃中以抽出胃内物的唧筒,用可弯曲的管制成美国传统〔thread〕Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.医院开发研制的仪器使医生们得以将显微内镜伸入消化道。柯林斯高阶〔thrust〕The stage is thrust forward into the auditorium.舞台向前突出,伸入观众席。英汉大词典〔trabecula〕Anatomy Any of the supporting strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ and constituting part of the framework of that organ.【解剖学】 小梁、小柱:任何结缔组织的支撑纤维,伸入一器官之中并构成该器官构架的一部分美国传统A huge rock beetles into the water. 一块巨石突出来伸入水中。译典通I plunged my arms into the thick bubbles and furiously began scrubbing the pots.我将手臂伸入厚厚的泡沫里,开始用力擦洗罐子。剑桥国际If you burn your hand, you should plunge it into cold water.手烧伤后应把手伸入冷水中。剑桥国际




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