

单词 但仍
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SURVIVE〕to continue to live a normal life even though you have very little money 虽然钱不多,但仍继续过正常的生活朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕to continue to live your normal life in spite of problems 虽然有问题,但仍继续过正常的生活朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕when something continues to exist in spite of difficulties 某事物虽有困难但仍继续存在朗文写作活用〔albeit〕clear albeit cold weather. 虽然天冷但仍很晴朗美国传统〔band〕a small but growing band of Japanese companies taking their first steps into American publishing. 数量不多、但仍在增长的一批初次涉足美国出版业的日本公司柯林斯高阶〔borrowed time〕cancer patients living on borrowed time; an unstable government that existed for months on borrowed time. 本该死去但仍未死去的癌症病人;苟延残喘地存在几个月的不稳定政府美国传统〔force〕a retired senator who is still a force in national politics. 已退休但仍在国家政治事务中举足轻重的议员美国传统〔useful〕an old but still useful pair of shoes 一双虽旧但仍可穿的鞋 英汉大词典〔warlike〕hopes of a peaceful solution despite increased warlike rhetoric from both sides. 双方唇枪舌剑,火药味儿越来越浓,但仍然存在和平解决的希望柯林斯高阶〔year〕a man in (或of) years but a child in understanding 年老但仍幼稚的人英汉大词典




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