

单词 书架
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔browse〕browse the shelves for something to read 在书架上找书看英汉大词典〔cleverly〕cleverly designed fitted bookshelves设计巧妙的定制书架外研社新世纪〔derelict〕books lying derelict on the top shelf 在书架顶层闲置不用的书英汉大词典〔down〕lift down that book from the shelf 把那本书从书架上取下英汉大词典〔finger〕finger through the dusty shelves of old books 用指触摸满是灰尘的旧书书架英汉大词典〔fit〕fitted the shelves for large books. 使书架能放大部头的书美国传统〔freestanding〕a freestanding bookcase 独立式书架朗文当代〔freestanding〕a freestanding bookshelf 独立式书架剑桥高阶〔furniture〕the furniture of a bookshelf 书架上的书籍英汉大词典〔gather〕books just gathering dust on the shelf 书架上积灰的书本朗文当代〔jumbled〕jumbled shelves of books 堆放得乱七八糟的书架麦克米伦高阶〔knock ... together〕to knock a bookshelf together拼凑做成一个书架21世纪英汉〔let〕a shelf let into the study wall 嵌进书房墙壁的书架英汉大词典〔line〕a big reading room all lined with bookshelves 四壁列满书架的大阅览室英汉大词典〔lower〕a lower shelf. 下层书架美国传统〔multi-tier〕a multi-tier book stack 多层的书架英汉大词典〔over〕kicked the bookstand over. 把书架踢翻美国传统〔paperback〕a shelf full of paperbacks 放满了平装书的书架朗文当代〔reach〕couldn't reach the shelf. 没法够着书架美国传统〔recessed〕a recessed bookshelf 嵌进墙壁的书架朗文当代〔recess〕a recessed bookshelf 嵌进壁内的书架英汉大词典〔replace〕replace the books on the shelf 把书放回书架 英汉大词典〔restore〕restore a book to the shelf 把书放回书架 英汉大词典〔return〕the return of the books to shelves 书本的一一放回书架 英汉大词典〔revolving〕a revolving bookcase 旋转书架剑桥高阶〔shelf〕a shelf of books 一层书架的书英汉大词典〔shelf〕read a whole shelf in a week 一星期内读了整整一层书架的书英汉大词典〔shelf〕shelves of books 一层层书架的书朗文当代〔shelf〕supermarket/library shelves 超市的货架;图书馆的书架牛津高阶〔shoot〕to shoot a book back into the shelf把书迅速插回到书架上21世纪英汉〔shove〕shove a book back in the shelves 把书放回书架英汉大词典〔size〕shelves containing books of various sizes. 摆放了各种开本书籍的书架柯林斯高阶〔space〕the space between the bookshelves 书架间的空间牛津搭配〔take〕take down a book from the top shelf 从书架顶格拿下一本书 英汉大词典〔the〕the magazines on the shelf 书架上的那些杂志英汉大词典〔top〕the top shelf. 书架顶部美国传统〔transfer〕transfer books from a table to a shelf 把书从桌上搬到书架上英汉大词典〔unit〕kitchen/shelf/sink units 厨房/书架/水槽组合件剑桥高阶〔warp〕bookshelves made of unaged timber, which would warp and sag用未经陈化的木材制成的可能会弯曲凹陷的书架外研社新世纪〔whereupon〕the shelf whereupon the book rests 放着那本书的那个书架英汉大词典




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