

单词 书后
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GCSE〕She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs.她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。柯林斯高阶〔LIST〕There is a short bibliography at the back of the book. 书后有一个短短的参考书目。朗文写作活用〔READ〕After plowing through so many huge textbooks it was a relief to pick up a novel again. 费力地看了那么多又厚又重的教科书后,再拿起一本小说真是轻松。朗文写作活用〔answer〕All answers are printed in the back of the book.正确答案印在书后。麦克米伦高阶〔appendix〕The book is indexed and appendixed.书后有索引和附录。英汉大词典〔appendix〕There's an appendix at the end of the book with a list of dates.书后有一个附录,列有年代日期。剑桥高阶〔appreciate〕Teachers will especially appreciate the lists at the back of the book.老师会特别关注书后面的列表。牛津搭配〔back〕The answers are in the back of the book.答案见书后。朗文当代〔bibliography〕There's a long bibliography at the back of the book.这本书后附有长长的文献目录。外研社新世纪〔body〕I thought the most interesting details in the book were not in the body of the text, but in the notes at the end.我认为本书最有趣的部分不在正文中,而在书后的注释中。剑桥高阶〔catapult〕He catapulted to fame after his first book was published.他在出版了第一本书后一举成名。韦氏高阶〔check with〕Please check your answers with those in the back of the book.请将你的答案与书后的答案核对一下。21世纪英汉〔downhill〕After the beautiful imagery of the first chapter it's all downhill.看过了第一章描写的美丽意象,这本书后面就没什么看头了。麦克米伦高阶〔explanatory〕There are explanatory notes at the back of the book.书后有注解。牛津高阶〔fully〕Major elements of these debates are discussed more fully later in this book.这些争论的主要内容将在本书后面的章节中更为充分地加以讨论。柯林斯高阶〔glossary〕A list of difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back of a book.词汇表:难懂或专门性的词汇表,具有解释,常置于书后面部分美国传统〔go on〕After I finished reading the first book, I immediately went on to the next one.我读完第一本书后,马上接着读下一本了。韦氏高阶〔guide〕The book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back.这本书的书后附有基本语法的简明参考指南。牛津搭配〔hide〕She keeps a bottle of gin hidden behind a stack of books.她把一瓶杜松子酒藏在一堆书后。朗文当代〔key〕Check your answers in the key at the back of the book.用书后的解答核对答案。牛津高阶〔note〕Consult the notes at the end of the book for further information.查阅书后的注释可了解更多信息。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Pass the book on to me when y ou've finished with it.你看完那本书后请传给我。牛津高阶〔peep〕He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions.他偷看书后面的内容想找到题目的答案。英汉大词典〔put ... back〕Please put the book back on the shelf when you've finished with it.用完书后请放回到书架上。21世纪英汉〔release〕He was released on his own recognizance and could face up to four years in jail.他在具结保证书后被释放,但他有可能面临最高达 4 年的刑期。牛津搭配〔remark〕I asked her to give me her comments on the book when she finished it.我请她读完这本书后给我写个书评。韦氏高阶〔replace〕Please replace the books after reading.看完书后请将书放回原处。21世纪英汉〔solution〕The solutions to the math problems are in the back of the book.这些数学题的答案附在书后。韦氏高阶〔subsequently〕The book was subsequently translated into 15 languages.那本书后来被译成了 15 种语言。朗文当代〔thereinafter〕In a later part, as of a speech or book.在下文:演讲或书后面的部分美国传统〔tone〕There is a marked change of tone in the second half of the book.这本书后一半的基调有明显的变化。牛津搭配A list of selected words and their etymologies is printed at the back of the book.书后面印着一张选出的词汇及其词源表。剑桥国际After she read his book she started to see the issue in another/a different/a new light (= differently).她读完他写的书后开始以另一个角度看待那个论题。剑桥国际After two years spent teaching abroad, she returned home for a month to take stock of her life.在国外教了两年书后,她回家待了一个月来总结一下自己的生活。剑桥国际He suffered a mental/nervous collapse after ten years’teaching.在教了十年书后,他的精神/神经崩溃了。剑桥国际I thought the most interesting details in the book were not in the body of the text, but in the notes at the end.我认为此书最有趣的部分不在书的正文而在书后的注释。剑桥国际Many children leave school after GCSE.许多学生在拿到普通中等教育证书后便离校了。剑桥国际The blurb on the back of the book says that it “will touch your heart”.书后的简介说此书“将触动你的内心”。剑桥国际The book is indexed and appendixed. 这本书后有索引和附录。译典通There is a glossary at the end of the textbook. 这本教科书后面有词汇表。译典通There was a biographical note about the author on the back of the book.书后有作者生平简介。剑桥国际There's an appendix at the end of the book with a list of dates.这本书后有一个附录, 附有日期表。剑桥国际Two years after I started at a single-sex school, it went co-ed.我在单性学校读了两年书后,该校改为男女同校的学校。剑桥国际




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