

单词 书写的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Cyrillic〕signs written in Cyrillic用西里尔字母书写的标牌外研社新世纪〔NUMBER〕a written number 书写的数朗文写作活用〔engross〕grossa [a copy in a large hand] from Late Latin grossus [thick] grossa [用大字体书写的文稿] 源自 后期拉丁语 grossus [浓重的,厚的] 美国传统〔gadget〕the latest gadget for the technology obsessed: pocket-sized computers that you write on with a pen. 面向科技发烧友的最新玩意儿:可在上面用笔书写的袖珍电脑柯林斯高阶〔holographic〕a holographic will. 亲笔书写的遗嘱美国传统〔indelible〕a letter written in indelible ink 用不褪色墨水书写的信文馨英汉〔indelible〕a letter written in indelible ink 用不退色墨水书写的信英汉大词典〔longhand〕in longhand (不是用速记写法)用写法书写的文馨英汉〔register〕letters written in a formal register 用正式语言风格书写的信朗文当代〔script〕a document in Cyrillic script 一份用西里尔字母书写的文件牛津高阶〔script〕a text in the Malay language but written in Arabic script. 一篇使用阿拉伯字母书写的马来语演讲稿柯林斯高阶〔southpaw〕a laboriously printed southpaw note 刻意用左手书写的印刷体字条英汉大词典〔symbol〕symbols used in writing.书写的符号。牛津同义词〔write〕history written from the perspective of the losers 从失败者的角度书写的历史牛津搭配




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