

单词 书上
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aim〕directing her eyes on the book; 使她的目光注意到书上;美国传统〔append〕notes appended to a book 附在书上的注解英汉大词典〔autograph〕to autograph a book在一本书上亲笔签名21世纪英汉〔corresponding〕a test question and its corresponding chapter in the textbook 测试题与教科书上的对应章节韦氏高阶〔hand〕get hands to a petition 征集在请愿书上签名 英汉大词典〔hit〕to hit a couple of books发表在二三本书上21世纪英汉〔lift〕lifted whole paragraphs from the encyclopedia. 整段都是从百科全书上照抄的美国传统〔note〕a note in a textbook.教科书上的注释。牛津同义词〔off〕to tear a page off the book从书上撕下一页21世纪英汉〔overwrite〕to overwrite a book which someone has read在某人读过的书上写满了批注21世纪英汉〔page〕tore a page from the book. 从这本书上撕下一页美国传统〔petition〕sign an anti-tuition-increase petition 在反对提高学费的请愿书上签名英汉大词典〔record〕historically recorded events 史书上记载的事件牛津搭配〔sign〕the signers of the petition 在请愿书上签名的人牛津高阶〔specify〕specify teak flooring throughout (建筑说明书上)载明要全部铺上柚木地板英汉大词典〔unstoried〕an unstoried island 史书上无记载的小岛英汉大词典




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