

单词 五家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNLUCKY〕This is the fifth company she's worked for that's gone bankrupt - she's jinxed. 她工作的公司倒闭这已是第五家了—她真倒霉。朗文写作活用〔ally with〕This newspaper is allied with five others.这家报纸与另外五家报纸有业务联系。21世纪英汉〔blitz〕Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。牛津高阶〔controlling interest〕The firm paid over $10 million for a controlling interest in five hotels.这家公司斥资一千多万美元买下了五家酒店的控股权。朗文当代〔converge〕Reporters from five different news sources converged on her after the game.比赛结束后,五家不同媒体的记者纷纷向她涌来。韦氏高阶〔dominate〕The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.这个行业受五家跨国公司控制。朗文当代〔parlay〕He owned five movie theaters, which he eventually parlayed into hotels.他拥有五家电影院,最后他以此进军酒店业。朗文当代Atlanta's five largest banks receive more than a billion dollars in public deposits from local, state and federal governments.亚特兰大最大的五家银行收到来自地方、州和联邦政府 10 多亿元的政府存款。牛津商务Five companies have tendered for the hospital contract.已有五家公司投标承建医院。剑桥国际Localized control at our five plants had cost us money.对我们的五家工厂实行局部控制使我们花了不少金钱。牛津商务She lived five doors from Jennie. 她住的地方与珍妮隔五家。译典通The bank syndicated the loan to five other banks to cut the risk.这家银行向其他五家银行提供辛迪加贷款以降低风险。牛津商务The company has retained five law firms as well as other specialist firms.公司聘用了五家律师事务所以及其他专业公司。牛津商务The five banks were fined $100 000 for fixing prices.这五家银行因价格垄断而被罚款 10 万元。牛津商务




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