

单词 主人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔act〕act out the heroine's part in detail 把女主人公这个角色细腻地表演出来英汉大词典〔address〕address one's thanks to one's host 对主人表示感谢英汉大词典〔catatonic〕and the traumatised heroine sinks into a catatonic trance. 而且身受重伤的女主人公陷入了毫无知觉的昏迷状态。柯林斯高阶〔congenial〕a congenial host 好客的主人英汉大词典〔congenial〕a congenial host and hostess. 好客的男女主人美国传统〔congenial〕a most congenial host 非常好客的主人文馨英汉〔convivial〕a convivial atmosphere/host 欢乐的气氛/热情的主人剑桥高阶〔dowdy〕playing hostess to a lot of officials and their dowdy wives以女主人身份招待众多官员和打扮俗气的官太太们外研社新世纪〔genial〕a genial host 好客的主人韦氏高阶〔genial〕a host with a genial manner 友善的主人韦氏高阶〔gracious〕a gracious master 好心的主人英汉大词典〔head〕sit at the head of the table 坐在上首 (通常为主人的座位) 英汉大词典〔jovial〕a jovial host.See Synonyms at jolly 一位和蔼快活的男主人 参见 jolly美国传统〔liberal〕a freehanded host; 大方的主人;美国传统〔live〕household servants who live out. 不住在主人家的仆人们美国传统〔main〕the novel's main character 小说的主人公韦氏高阶〔master〕the master of a fortune 一笔财产的主人英汉大词典〔mistress〕the dog's mistress 狗的女主人英汉大词典〔obedience〕obedience classes for dogs and their owners 为狗和主人安排的服从训练课朗文当代〔offer〕the hostess offered us a cup of coffee. 女主人给了我们一杯咖啡。美国传统〔officious〕an officious host; officious attention. 过分殷勤的主人;过分注意美国传统〔owner〕a dog/factory owner 狗的主人;厂主牛津高阶〔owner〕dog-owners and cat-owners 狗主人和猫主人韦氏高阶〔personalized〕a unique collection of personalised presents, colourful toys & games. 独一无二的标有主人姓名的礼物、五彩缤纷的玩具和游戏的汇集柯林斯高阶〔personalize〕personalized luggage 标明主人姓名的行李英汉大词典〔principal〕the principal character in the book 书里的主人公朗文当代〔protagonist〕the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye'. 塞林格的小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公柯林斯高阶〔protagonist〕the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye'塞林格的小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公外研社新世纪〔punctilious〕a punctilious host 一丝不苟的主人牛津高阶〔royal〕have a right royal welcome from the hosts 受到主人非常铺陈的欢迎英汉大词典〔sassy〕the heroine's sassy charm 女主人公生气勃勃又充满自信的魅力韦氏高阶〔self-directed〕a self-directed personality (不受外界影响的)自主人格英汉大词典〔sleep-out〕a sleep-out cook 不住在主人家的厨子英汉大词典〔take ... to〕to take to one's master伺候主人21世纪英汉〔temporal〕lords temporal and spiritual. 世俗和信仰上的主人美国传统〔tender-hearted〕a tender-hearted pet owner 有侧隐之心的宠物主人韦氏高阶〔tend〕watched the house while the owners were away. 当主人离开时照看房子 美国传统〔unctuous〕an unctuous hostess 虚情假意的女主人韦氏高阶〔undying〕a dog's undying love for its master 狗对其主人恒久不变的爱英汉大词典〔wit〕the battle of wits between the hero and the villains 主人公和反面人物之间的智斗麦克米伦高阶




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