

单词 作保
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕Anxiety about job security mounted at the plant after profits fell by 68%. 自厂里利润下跌了68%之后,大家对工作保障的担忧加重了。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Anne had difficulty holding down a job for any period of time. 安妮无法把一份工作保住一段时间。朗文写作活用〔allotment〕A portion of military pay that is regularly deducted and set aside, as for the payee's dependents or for insurance.安家费,保险金:将军饷的一部分扣出或拨出,支付给领款人的家属或作保险费美国传统〔answer for〕I don't feel I can answer for any of them.我觉得我无法为他们中的任何一个作保。外研社新世纪〔bondsman〕A person who provides bond or surety for another.保证人:为别人提供担保或作保证人的人美国传统〔bond〕A sum of money paid as bail or surety.保证金:用作保释金或保证金的钱美国传统〔bond〕They refused to bond a criminal.他们拒绝为一名罪犯作保。21世纪英汉〔bond〕To furnish bond or surety for.为…作保或保证人美国传统〔cinch〕Hard work cinched his success.努力工作保证了他的成功。英汉大词典〔cut in〕Immediately, Daniel cut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance.乔安妮刚要作保证,丹尼尔就把她打断了。柯林斯高阶〔dongle〕A hardware device that serves as copy protection for certain software by rendering the software inoperable when the device is not plugged into a printer port.保护锁:一种硬盘装置,用作保护某些软件版权,当此装置未插在打印机的连接端口上时,该软件就无法作业美国传统〔emblem〕He has come to be regarded as an emblem of conservatism.他已经被视作保守主义的象征。韦氏高阶〔first〕Her success was secured by two factors. In the first place, she had the support of managers.她的成功有两个因素作保证,首先,她有经理们的支持。朗文当代〔glad〕You'll be relieved to know your jobs are safe.现在你们知道工作保住了,可以放心了。牛津高阶〔hold〕He's never held down a job for longer than a few weeks.他从未能把一份工作保住几周以上。朗文当代〔identity〕The informant was given a new identity (= a different name and new official documents) for protection.给了线人一个新身份以作保护。剑桥高阶〔oakum〕Loose hemp or jute fiber, sometimes treated with tar, creosote, or asphalt, used chiefly for caulking seams in wooden ships and packing pipe joints.麻絮,埋絮:疏松的大麻或黄麻纤维,有时涂上焦油、杂酚或沥青作保护层,主要用于木船上捻缝和填塞管子接头美国传统〔piquant〕The production retains its original piquancy.这部剧作保留了其原有的味道。朗文当代〔placidly〕Marcus remained placid in the face of her outburst.马库斯面对她的发作保持平静。柯林斯高阶〔plague〕Fears about job security plague nearly half the workforce.几乎一半的员工担心工作保障问题。外研社新世纪〔post〕He posted bail for the suspect.他为那嫌疑犯作保。英汉大词典〔post〕She posted bail for the suspect.她为嫌疑犯作保。21世纪英汉〔qualification〕Nurses in training should be given a guarantee of employment following qualification.接受培训的护士取得资格后应有工作保障。牛津高阶〔relieved〕You'll be relieved to know your jobs are safe.现在知道你们的工作保住了,可以放心了。牛津高阶〔security〕Workers want greater job security (=not being in danger of losing your job) .工人们希望有更多的工作保障。朗文当代〔sponsor〕I can sponsor him.我可以为他作保。21世纪英汉〔stretch〕Hold this stretch for five seconds.将这一伸展动作保持5秒钟。外研社新世纪〔strike〕Teachers went on strike last week to demand job security.上周教师举行罢工,要求得到工作保障。朗文当代〔treat〕All wood is routinely treated with chemicals to preserve it.按照常规,所有的木头都涂上了化学品以作保护。麦克米伦高阶〔visor〕To provide or protect with a visor.遮护:提供面盔或以面盔作保护美国传统〔vouch〕I'll vouch for the quality of the report. I read it last night.我为报告的质量作保,我昨晚看过。朗文当代〔vouch〕My friends will vouch for me.我的朋友们可以为我作保。21世纪英汉Anti-oxidants are used as preservatives to make food last a long time.抗氧化剂被用作保鲜剂来长时间保存食品。剑桥国际Consumers have cut back on their spending because of worries about job security.消费者因担心工作保障削减开支。牛津商务For many unions, the meat-and-potatoes issue is no longer pay increases but job security.许多工会面临的主要问题已不是加薪,而是工作保障。剑桥国际He posed as a health-worker in order to get into the old lady's house, and then stole her money.他扮作保健人员企图进入老妇人的房子偷钱。剑桥国际His employer bonded him. 他的雇主为他作保。译典通In times of recession, more graduates seek careers in the public sector because they perceive it as offering greater job security.在衰退时期,更多的毕业生去公营企业寻求职业,因为他们认为它提供更大的工作保障。剑桥国际Large loans need to be secured by strong collateral.大笔的贷款需要以充分的抵押品作保障。剑桥国际Patricia has checked the reports and vouches for the accuracy of the information.帕特丽夏已经核查过这些报告,并且对信息的准确性作保证。剑桥国际The company has agreed to guarantee the £10.5 million bank loan.这家公司同意为这笔1050万的银行贷款作保。剑桥国际The loan will be guaranteed by the German government.这笔贷款将由德国政府作保。牛津商务Try to keep your work on a high plane. 努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。译典通




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