

单词 作罢
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕Alan tried to start a conversation, but when Lockwood made no response, he gave up. 艾伦想说说话,但洛克伍德没有回应,他只得作罢。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Her comments were nothing more than a veiled criticism of my work. 她的那番话不过是在含蓄地批评我的工作罢了。朗文写作活用〔drop〕Some time later, the matter was quietly dropped.过了一段时候,这件事就无声无息地作罢了。朗文当代〔fatigue〕Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll.克拉克说,他的团队本来还可以再坚持 15 天,只是疲劳可能会造成严重后果,只好作罢。柯林斯高阶〔kiss〕If the war escalates, then you can kiss all thought of negotiations goodbye.如果战争升级,你那关于谈判的一切想法都只得作罢。英汉大词典〔much〕Now it's started raining; so much for my idea of taking a walk.下雨了,我散步的打算就只好作罢。英汉大词典〔no〕The noes won and the idea was dropped.反对派取胜,这条意见就此作罢。英汉大词典〔overturn〕When the Russian parliament overturned his decision, he backed down.俄罗斯议会推翻了他的决定, 他只好作罢。外研社新世纪〔overturn〕When the Russian parliament overturned his decision, he backed down.俄罗斯议会推翻了他的决定,他只好作罢。柯林斯高阶〔palaver〕Oh, I know you want to palaver me into saying it's all right.噢, 我知道你想恭维我, 好让我就此作罢。外研社新世纪〔relinquish〕To put aside or desist from (something practiced, professed, or intended).作罢,断念:停止或把(练习过的,专长的或想做的事)放在一边美国传统〔so much for sth〕The car won't start. So much for our trip to the beach.汽车又出毛病了,我们去海边的旅行只好作罢。剑桥高阶〔technicality〕I'm not going to be put off by mere technicalities.我不打算仅因这些技术性细节便就此作罢。英汉大词典〔thing〕Let's call the whole thing off.此事就此作罢吧。剑桥高阶〔think〕Rosie was about to protest but thought better of it.罗西刚要抗议,但又一想决定作罢。牛津高阶〔turn〕We watched until the car had turned (= gone around) the corner.我们一直看着那辆车子拐弯后才作罢。剑桥高阶Let's call the whole thing off.此事就此作罢。剑桥国际




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