

单词 仍然
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NEW〕food and drink that is new and still tastes good 新鲜的、味道仍然很好的食物和饮料朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕a very old object, custom etc that still exists 仍然存在的十分古老的物件、风俗等朗文写作活用〔account〕homosexuals, whose sexual behaviour is still accounted sinful by the church. 其性行为仍然被教会认为是罪孽深重的同性恋者柯林斯高阶〔after-effect〕people still suffering from the after-effects of the world's worst nuclear accident. 仍然因世界上最严重的核事故留下的种种后果而饱受折磨的人们柯林斯高阶〔alive〕an old tradition that is still alive 至今仍然沿袭的老传统韦氏高阶〔allure〕charms that still allure. 仍然有吸引力的魅力美国传统〔cleave〕the racial problems that still cleave American society 仍然在分裂美国社会的种族问题朗文当代〔crisp〕an old recording that still sounds remarkably crisp 听起来仍然很清晰的一段旧录音朗文当代〔dead hand〕those nations still struggling to shrug off the dead hand of the past那些仍然在竭力摆脱旧时不利影响的国家外研社新世纪〔division〕children who still can't do division仍然不会做除法的孩子们外研社新世纪〔embroil〕the swathe of red tape that still embroils enterprise in this country仍然束缚该国企业发展的大量繁文缛节外研社新世纪〔exalted〕the knowledge that even at your moments of most exalted emotion, you do not matter即使在你怀有最高尚的情怀时仍然无足轻重的这一事实外研社新世纪〔faithful〕soldiers who stayed faithful to the king 仍然效忠国王的士兵牛津搭配〔fresh〕memories that remained fresh 仍然清晰的记忆韦氏高阶〔good〕a warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good. 两年有效的保证;驾驶执照仍然有效美国传统〔haunt〕the great fear that still haunts her 她至今仍然挥之不去的巨大恐惧牛津搭配〔impact〕still gauging the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers. 仍然在估测自动化对工厂工人生活的影响美国传统〔indescribable〕her indescribable joy when it was confirmed her son was alive当确定她儿子仍然活着时她那难以形容的喜悦外研社新世纪〔institutionally〕the Government's policy still appeared to be institutionally racist. 政府政策看来仍然存在根深蒂固的种族主义。柯林斯高阶〔live〕a live topic; still a live option. 热门话题;仍然热门的选择美国传统〔live〕older people still living independently 仍然独自居住的老年人牛津搭配〔mileage〕a tape player that still has a lot of mileage left. 一个仍然可以使用很多时间的录音机美国传统〔nudge〕a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere一个舞台剧作者兼演员, 年近四旬却一事无成, 仍然寂寂无名外研社新世纪〔opalescence〕a sky which was still faintly opalescent. 仍然泛白的天空柯林斯高阶〔opalescent〕a sky that was still faintly opalescent仍然泛白的天空外研社新世纪〔outlive〕a regulation that has outlived its usefulness. 已经没用却仍然存在的规则美国传统〔practise〕an old-fashioned custom still practised in the suburbs 在郊区仍然遵循的一种旧风俗英汉大词典〔product〕for those still concerned about product safety 为那些仍然关心产品安全的人牛津搭配〔sever〕oil still gushing from a severed fuel line. 石油仍然从被切断的燃料运输管中喷涌而出柯林斯高阶〔still〕still unfinished; will still be here tomorrow. 仍然没有完成;明天仍会在这儿美国传统〔technically〕young people who are technically still children 实际上仍然是孩子的年青人剑桥高阶〔unaccustomed〕is still unaccustomed to a life of stress. 仍然无法适应充满压力的生活美国传统〔uniform〕uniform He was still wearing his school uniform . 他仍然穿着校服。朗文当代〔unrelenting〕an unrelenting ice storm. 仍然凛冽的冰雪风景美国传统〔unsettled〕were still unsettled with respect to their future plans. 对于他们有关未来的计划仍然心怀疑虑美国传统〔vigour〕laws that are still in vigour 仍然有效的法律英汉大词典〔warlike〕hopes of a peaceful solution despite increased warlike rhetoric from both sides. 双方唇枪舌剑,火药味儿越来越浓,但仍然存在和平解决的希望柯林斯高阶〔waver〕people who are still wavering between the two candidates 仍然在两名候选人之间摇摆不定的人们韦氏高阶〔worse〕think none the worse of sb. 仍然看重某人英汉大词典companies still in the start-up phase 仍然处于创办阶段的公司牛津商务




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