

单词 介绍
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRANGE〕The marketing people will take care of all the arrangements for the presentation. 销售人员会把这次产品介绍安排妥的。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕After an introduction by the chairperson, we'll get on with the day's discussions. 由主席给大家作介绍之后,我们将进行今天的讨论。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a soul-destroying experience. 到职业介绍所去并在那里等上数小时会令人感到非常沮丧。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕My mother keeps introducing me to men she considers to be prospective husbands. 母亲不停地给我作媒,把她认为合适的对象介绍给我。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕I'd like you to meet Janice, my fiancée. 向你介绍一下,这位是贾尼丝,我的未婚妻。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕Have you two been introduced? 有人给你们两个互相介绍过了吗?朗文写作活用〔STOP〕She managed to overcome her shyness, and stepped forward to introduce herself. 她克服了自己的腼腆,走上前介绍自己。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕Baseball cards give a rundown on each player's statistics. 棒球卡简要介绍每个球员的资料。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕In this paper I will give a broad outline of the research we have been doing. 在这篇论文中,我将把我们所做的研究作一大概的介绍。朗文写作活用〔account〕The book presents an unbiased account of the historical event.这部书对于那次历史事件提供了不偏不倚的介绍。英汉大词典〔account〕The document is an account of the country's reasons for going to war.这份文件介绍了这个国家参战的种种原因。韦氏高阶〔acquaint〕He acquainted his classmate with my younger brother.他把我的弟弟介绍给他的同班同学。21世纪英汉〔ado〕And now, without further ado, let me introduce our next speaker.下面, 闲话少说, 让我来介绍我们的下一位演讲者。外研社新世纪〔and〕And now I'd like to introduce our next speaker, Mrs Thompson.现在我想介绍下一位发言人汤普森夫人。朗文当代〔backgrounder〕The Congressman called in some reporters for a backgrounder.众议员把一些记者叫来参加背景情况介绍会。英汉大词典〔bare〕She gave me only the bare facts of the case.她只给我介绍了这个案件的一些基本资料。牛津高阶〔billboard〕An introductory list of highlights from the program or text that follows, as in a broadcast or magazine.插播:节目或文章之前的一段介绍性目录的要点,如在广播或杂志中美国传统〔booklet〕This booklet describes how to set up the DVD player.这本小册子介绍了DVD播放机的设置方法。韦氏高阶〔breeze throught〕On his first day as the new-comer,he breezed through the office to introduce himself.他作为新来者上班后的第一天在办公室呆了一会儿,作了自我介绍。21世纪英汉〔brief〕The captain briefed the crew on the new safety procedures.船长向全体船员简要介绍了新的安全规程。韦氏高阶〔centre spread〕Tomorrow's edition will include a centre spread on the Spanish royal family.明天的报纸将会包含一个中间跨页,专门介绍西班牙皇室。剑桥高阶〔chance〕Ralph was waiting for a chance to introduce himself.拉尔夫正在等待机会作自我介绍。朗文当代〔description〕The guide gives a general description of the island.导游对这座岛屿作了大致的介绍。朗文当代〔detail〕He talked in great detail about the furniture he's chosen for the living room.他详细介绍了他为起居室选定的家具。剑桥高阶〔discover〕One by one these old fishing villages have been “discovered” by a prominent painter.由于一个著名画家的介绍,这些古老的渔村一个个逐渐为人们所知晓。英汉大词典〔documentary〕The documentary took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.这部纪录片从一个崭新的角度介绍了达尔文的一生。剑桥高阶〔door〕Researchers are pushing back the frontiers and opening doors to reveal why things happen and how things work.研究者们拓展了其研究领域,介绍并揭示了事物发生的原因和机理。柯林斯高阶〔escape〕It seems to have escaped him that I was the one who first introduced him to her.他似乎已经忘了是我把他介绍给她认识的。麦克米伦高阶〔everywhere〕Everywhere he went he was introduced as the current United States Open Champion.他所到之处人们都介绍他是本届美国公开赛的冠军。柯林斯高阶〔flesh〕I'll try to put some flesh on the plan Margaret has outlined.我来具体说说玛格丽特刚才简单介绍的这个计划。朗文当代〔friend〕He introduced me to his circle of friends.他把我介绍给他的那群朋友认识。牛津搭配〔friend〕May I introduce Peter Flint, a very old friend of the family.我来介绍一下彼得·弗林特,我们家的老朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔fully〕This method is described more fully in the next chapter.这个方法在下一章会进行更详细的介绍。外研社新世纪〔gp〕The GP referred her to a specialist.全科医生转而把她介绍给一位专科医生。牛津搭配〔hackles〕You could see her hackles rising as she heard him outline his plan.看得出来,她在听他大致介绍他的计划时很是恼火。柯林斯高阶〔hand〕The two men introduced themselves and shook hands.这两个人自我介绍后握了握手。麦克米伦高阶〔here〕The book goes into recent work in greater detail than I have attempted here.与我在这方面的尝试相比,这本书对近期研究的介绍更为详尽。柯林斯高阶〔host〕Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests.主人伊恩把我们介绍给了其他客人。牛津高阶〔initiative〕If you want to meet her, you're going to have to take the initiative and introduce yourself.如果你想认识她,你就要采取主动,介绍自己。韦氏高阶〔inoculate〕To introduce an idea or attitude into the mind of.灌输:把思想或态度介绍给美国传统〔introduce〕Allow me to introduce a friend to you.让我给你介绍一个朋友。21世纪英汉〔introduce〕Have you two been introduced (to each other)? 介绍你们俩认识了吗?剑桥高阶〔introduce〕I'd now like to introduce our next guest, who will be singing songs from her latest album.现在我想介绍我们的下一位嘉宾,她将为我们演唱她最新大碟里的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔introduce〕May I introduce my wife, Sarah? 请允许我介绍一下我妻子萨拉。牛津搭配〔introduction〕A means, such as a personal letter, of presenting one person to another.介绍方式:将一人介绍给另一人的方法,例如通过私人信件美国传统〔introduction〕Elaine performed the introductions.伊莱恩作了介绍。外研社新世纪〔introduction〕Introductions are unnecessary since you all know each other.既然你们都互相认识,就没有必要介绍了。麦克米伦高阶〔introduction〕Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.大家相互介绍之后交谈就开始了。牛津高阶〔introduction〕Our first contestant needs no introduction (=everyone already knows the person) .我们第一位参赛选手就不用介绍了。朗文当代〔introductory〕I'd like to make a few introductory remarks before we start the program.在我们开始演出之前,我想先给大家做个简短的介绍。韦氏高阶〔intro〕An introduction.介绍美国传统〔know〕After she had gone, Paul made himself known to Dr Heatherton.她离去后,保罗对希瑟顿医生作了自我介绍。朗文当代〔manner〕Forgive my manners. I forgot to introduce myself.请原谅我的失礼,我忘了自我介绍了。牛津搭配〔master of ceremonies〕A performer who conducts a program of varied entertainment by introducing other performers to the audience.节目主持人:介绍其他表演者给观众(听众)的表演者美国传统〔measure〕For good measure, a few details of hotels were included.除此之外还包括对宾馆的一些详细介绍。柯林斯高阶〔middle〕The middle section of the book deals with training a dog.这本书的中间部分介绍了驯狗方面的知识。麦克米伦高阶〔naturalize〕To adapt or acclimate (a plant or an animal) to a new environment; introduce and establish as if native.使(动、植物)顺化:使(植物或支物)适应或驯化在一个新的环境;当作土生的介绍和安置美国传统〔nature study〕The study of natural objects and phenomena, especially animal and plant life, often as an introductory subject in school.自然课:自然物体和现象的学习,尤其是动物或经常作为学校里的介绍课程美国传统〔nervous〕Paul always gets nervous whenever he has to give a presentation.一到要作介绍的时候保罗总觉得紧张。朗文当代〔newsconference〕The proposed changes were outlined at a news conference.新闻发布会上大概介绍了提议中的改革。牛津搭配〔ombudsman〕The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。外研社新世纪〔orientation〕New employees receive two days of orientation.新雇员用两天时间听取介绍,熟悉情况。英汉大词典〔outline〕The course gave us a brief outline of European art.这门课程为我们介绍了欧洲艺术的概况。外研社新世纪〔preliminary〕Something that precedes, prepares for, or introduces the main matter, action, or business.开端,初步:先于、准备或介绍主要事件、行动或业务的事美国传统〔prelude〕An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.序幕:先于较重要部分的介绍性表演,事件或行动;开端或序美国传统〔preview〕On page 11, Sally Gaines previews next week's movies on TV.在第11页,萨莉•盖恩斯介绍了下周将在电视上播出的电影。剑桥高阶〔program〕A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation.节目单:用于公开介绍的按事件和其他相关信息发生顺序而列的单子美国传统〔prologue〕An introduction or a preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play.开场白:介绍或序言,尤指介绍戏剧而背诵的诗美国传统〔purpose〕The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.本书旨在全面介绍这所大学。牛津高阶〔put on〕A friend of mine put me on to this book in high school.高中时我的一位朋友向我介绍了这本书。韦氏高阶〔quite〕I'll have to introduce you to her – she's quite something.我得把你介绍给她,她是个很不寻常的人。麦克米伦高阶〔reader〕The books provide the reader with an introduction to natural history.这些书向读者介绍了博物学的入门知识。麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕A person who is in a position to recommend another or to vouch for his or her fitness, as for a job.介绍人:可以为另一人推荐或保证他或她适合做如某工作的人美国传统〔reference〕The firm offered to give her a reference.公司主动给她开具介绍信。柯林斯高阶〔relation〕Lucas wrote in his recommendation: “I recommend James Lucas (no relation) to you.” 卢卡斯在推荐书上写道:“兹向贵方介绍詹姆斯·卢卡斯(非本人亲属)。”英汉大词典〔request〕Leaflets giving details are available on request.备有介绍详情的传单以供索取。柯林斯高阶〔resume〕She gave us a brief résumé of the project so far.她向我们简要介绍了目前工程的进展情况。剑桥高阶〔see〕He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself.他从事婚姻介绍工作,这多少有点讽刺意味,因为他最大的愿望就是自己能结婚。柯林斯高阶〔shall〕In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.在第三章,我会介绍我收集到的一些文献记录。柯林斯高阶〔should〕I should like to introduce our guest speaker.我想介绍一下我们的嘉宾发言人。麦克米伦高阶〔sign〕I'll probably have to sign on with a nursing agency.我也许得和护理介绍所签约。朗文当代〔staffer〕White House staffers briefed reporters before the president arrived.白宫工作人员在总统到达之前向记者扼要介绍了一下情况。剑桥高阶〔staff〕The director will introduce the new staff and ask him to say a few words.主任将介绍新来同人,并请他说几句话。英汉大词典〔stop on〕If you could stop on for more days I would introduce you to the famous writer.如果你能多呆几天,我就能把你介绍给著名的作家了。21世纪英汉〔tiler〕Can you recommend a good tiler? 你能介绍一个好的瓦匠吗?剑桥高阶〔view〕The course provides a comprehensive view of Shakespearean literature.这门课程全面介绍了莎士比亚的文学作品。外研社新世纪〔view〕The staff handbook gives an overall view of the company.员工手册介绍了公司概况。牛津搭配〔word〕Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words about who I am.在开始之前,我想先自我介绍一下。牛津搭配Applicants should send a covering letter (= giving more information about themselves) and a CV to the following address...申请人须附上一封介绍自己的信件,连同个人简历邮寄至以下地址…牛津商务I made an awful bloomer when I introduced Mary's new boyfriend using her ex-husband's name.我用玛丽前夫的姓介绍她的新男友,我犯了一个十分愚蠢的错误。剑桥国际I'd like to introduce our newly appointed members of staff.我来介绍一下我们新任用的员工。剑桥国际Observers recalled other times he'd slighted his wife, by neglecting to introduce her.善于观察的人们回忆起其他时候他对妻子的轻视,他都不屑于介绍她。剑桥国际She calls her sister's friends the Cambridge mafia--they are all in computing and find work for each other.她称她姐姐的朋友为剑桥帮----他们都干电脑一行,且相互介绍工作。剑桥国际The book offers some tips on writing a good business plan.这本书介绍了一些撰写优秀商业计划的提示。牛津商务The course introduces students to drafting business plans.这门课程向学生介绍起草商业计划的事宜。牛津商务The director will introduce the film personally at its world premiere.导演将在这部影片的国际性首映式作介绍。剑桥国际The magazine had a section on bridal wear (= the clothes that a woman wears at her marriage).杂志中有一专栏介绍新娘礼服。剑桥国际The opening chapter of the book introduces the school staff and their problems and preoccupations, both emotional and academic.这本书的开篇介绍了学校员工,以及他们在感情和学术上的问题和关心的焦点。剑桥国际They went up to the Ambassador and made themselves known (to her) (= told her who they were). 他们走到大使跟前,作了自我介绍。剑桥国际You'll have to do/make the introductions--I don't know everyone's name.得由你来作介绍,我可不知道每个人的姓名。剑桥国际




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