

单词 价值
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕As a child he had admired his father's values and lifestyle. 他小时候很欣赏他父亲的价值观和生活方式。朗文写作活用〔MVP〕Brondello secured the MVP award by scoring 357 points.布龙代洛以357分稳获最有价值球员奖。外研社新世纪〔NOT〕The damage is very slight and in no way reduces the value of the painting. 损坏十分轻微,根本不会降低画的价值。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The government has pledged £500,000 worth of aid to the drought- stricken area. 政府允诺向旱灾地区提供价值50万英镑的援助。朗文写作活用〔Puritan〕Puritan values/traditions/attitudes 清教徒的价值观/传统/态度韦氏高阶〔THING〕The museum has over 5,000 items of historical interest. 这座博物馆藏有五千多件具有历史价值的文物。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕Becoming a member of a society means adopting its values.成为某个社会的一员意味着要接纳这个社会的价值观。朗文当代〔appraiser〕The appraiser gave us a detailed report on the value of the house and property.估价人给我们提供了一份有关房屋和地产价值的详尽报告。韦氏高阶〔appreciate〕To increase in value or price, especially over time.涨价,增值:尤指经过一段时期后价值或价格上涨美国传统〔at one/this etc. remove〕At this remove it is difficult to estimate what the total value of the estate was.隔了这么久,很难估计这些地产的总价值。剑桥高阶〔bedrock〕They reaffirmed family values as the moral bedrock of the nation.他们再度肯定做为国家道德基础的家庭价值观。文馨英汉〔bed〕Fishermen fear valuable oyster and mussel beds could be decimated.渔民们害怕价值很高的牡蛎和贻贝养殖场会被破坏。外研社新世纪〔book value〕The monetary amount by which an asset is valued in business records, a figure not necessarily identical to the amount the asset could bring on the open market.帐面价值:商业记录中标明资产价值的货币量,其数值不一定同公开市场中的资产价值相一致美国传统〔by-catch〕The portion of a fishing catch that is discarded as unwanted or commercially unusable.混获:因不想要或无商业价值而将捕获的一部分鱼类丢弃美国传统〔clue〕This information is a valuable clue in our hunt for the bombers.这一信息是我们追捕放置炸弹者极有价值的线索。朗文当代〔commodity〕Time is our most valuable commodity.时间是最有价值的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔counterculture〕A culture, especially of young people, with values or lifestyles in opposition to those of the established culture.反正统文化:(尤指年轻人的)一种具有与正统文化相对立的价值观和生活方式的文化美国传统〔cut〕The newly built houses in front cut into the value of his house.屋前新建的那些房屋降低了他的住房的价值。英汉大词典〔damn〕The contract isn't worth a damn if it hasn't been signed.合同如果还没签就毫无价值。麦克米伦高阶〔dead duck〕He admitted that the whole project was a dead duck.他承认整个计划毫无价值。朗文当代〔debase〕He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.他说议会和民主进程的价值都遭到了亵渎。外研社新世纪〔disbelieve〕She disbelieves in the value of exercise.她怀疑锻炼身体的价值。韦氏高阶〔dollar〕The property is worth a million dollars. = It's a million-dollar property.这房产价值一百万美元。韦氏高阶〔dust〕In the last 30 years many cherished values have bitten the dust.在过去三十年间, 很多备受珍视的价值观已经被完全抛弃。外研社新世纪〔equal〕They believe that all work is of equal value.他们认为一切工作都有同等价值。朗文当代〔erode〕The value of your savings can be eroded by inflation.存款的价值会因通货膨胀而贬值。韦氏高阶〔evaluate〕We need to evaluate the usefulness of new products before we spend money on them.我们在花钱购买新产品之前需要评估一下它们的使用价值。外研社新世纪〔exchange〕The amount of difference in the actual value of two or more currencies or between values of the same currency at two or more places.兑换率的差异:两种或多种币值之差价或同一种币值在两地或多地的价值差额美国传统〔explore〕The movie usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption.这部电影围绕领养问题作了有价值的探讨。牛津搭配〔family values〕We support family values, hard work, and helping each other.我们崇尚家庭价值、辛勤工作以及互相帮助。剑桥高阶〔female〕I realize there's no consensus on what are male or female values.我意识到人们对什么是男性价值观和什么是女性价值观并无共识。柯林斯高阶〔gang〕Detectives are hunting an armed gang that stole beer worth £20,000.侦探们正在搜寻一个盗窃价值2万英镑啤酒的武装犯罪团伙。麦克米伦高阶〔groupthink〕Conformity to the values or ethical standards of a group.小团体思想:与小团体的价值或道德标准一致美国传统〔incalculable〕The wealth of publicity generated by this affair was incalculable to him.这一事件所产生的宣传效果对他具有无可估量的价值。英汉大词典〔indicate〕Expense does not necessarily indicate worth.费用未必能反映价值。牛津搭配〔invaluable〕The book will be invaluable for students in higher education.这本书对于高校学生将有重大价值。牛津高阶〔invaluable〕This technology is invaluable for students with poor sight.这项技术对视力不好的学生来说极有价值。牛津搭配〔judge〕He was unqualified to judge of literary merit.他没有资格鉴定文学价值。外研社新世纪〔kickshaw〕A trinket; a gewgaw.无价值的饰物:华而不实的小玩意美国传统〔lightweight〕It is fairly lightweight research.这是一项价值不大的研究。外研社新世纪〔likely〕It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth.盗贼很可能不知道此物的价值。牛津高阶〔literary〕Do his books have any literary merit? 他的书有文学价值吗?韦氏高阶〔loft〕A loft conversion can add considerably to the value of a house.改装阁楼可使房子的价值大增。柯林斯高阶〔losel〕One that is worthless.无用的人:没有价值的人或物美国传统〔mud〕These mud flats (= level ground near the sea) are a site of special scientific interest.这片淤泥滩有特殊的科研价值。剑桥高阶〔newsworthy〕This situation might develop into an even more newsworthy item if the police were involved.如果警方涉入的话,这个局面就会变得更有新闻价值了。柯林斯高阶〔nominal〕Of, relating to, or being the amount or face value of a sum of money or a stock certificate, for example, and not the purchasing power or market value.面值的,非市场价值的:属于、关于或是一笔钱或者股票证券的票面价值量的,而并非购买力市场价值美国传统〔nose〕They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝, 就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。外研社新世纪〔overprice〕To put too high a price or value on.对…定价过高,定价高出…购买力:对…定价过高或赋予…过高的价值美国传统〔overvalue〕We generally tend to overvalue money and undervalue art.我们一般倾向于把金钱的价值看得过重而低估艺术的价值。英汉大词典〔par〕Of or relating to monetary face value.票面的:货币面额价值的或与之有关的美国传统〔piece〕He replaced the stolen carvings with less valuable pieces.他用价值较低的赝品来替代被盗的几件雕刻品。外研社新世纪〔pound〕They stole jewellery valued at £50,000 (= 50,000 pounds).他们偷了价值5万英镑的珠宝。剑桥高阶〔productive〕Much office work is not directly productive.许多办公室工作不是直接创造经济价值的。英汉大词典〔qiviut〕The soft wool lying beneath the long coat of the musk ox, valued for its use as a fiber.北极金羊毛:位于麝牛长毛下的柔软绒毛,用作纤维织物很有价值美国传统〔reappraise〕People began to reappraise their values.人们开始重新审视他们的价值观。朗文当代〔regard〕These nouns refer to a feeling based on perception of and a measure of approval for the worth of a person or thing.这些名词指基于对一个人或物的价值肯定的感受及衡量而建立的感情。美国传统〔reverse〕Property values have suffered another reverse.房地产价值再次遭受损失。牛津高阶〔self-worth〕Work gave me a sense of dignity and self-worth.工作给了我自尊和自我价值感。朗文当代〔sentimental〕The ring wasn't worth very much but it had great sentimental value.那枚戒指值不了几个钱,但却极有情感价值。牛津高阶〔sight〕It's worth a damn sight more than I thought.它的价值比我原先想的高多了。牛津高阶〔sixfold〕The value of the stock has decreased almost sixfold since 1997.股票价值自1997年以来几乎下跌到了原来的1/6。麦克米伦高阶〔steeply〕The value of the land has risen steeply.这块土地的价值迅速上涨。剑桥高阶〔stumpage〕The value of standing timber.未伐的木材的价值美国传统〔threepenny〕Worth or priced at threepence.三便士的:价值或标价三便士的美国传统〔timberland〕Forested land, especially land containing timber of commercial value.林地:尤指长有具商业价值木材的林地美国传统〔toy〕A small ornament; a bauble.小装饰品;美观而无价值之饰物美国传统〔trade-in〕The trade-in value is roughly $3000.折价贴换价值大约是 3000 美元。朗文当代〔trumpery〕Showy but worthless finery; bric-a-brac.无价值的装饰品;小玩艺儿美国传统〔unimproved〕Not built on or cultivated so as to increase in value. Used of land.荒废着的:没有建造或耕作以增加价值的。用于土地美国传统〔valuation〕Assessed value or price.估定的价值或价格美国传统〔value judgment〕I am not making value judgments, I am simply presenting the facts.我不是在做价值判断,我只是在摆事实而已。韦氏高阶〔value〕The piano has held its value.这架钢琴保持了原有价值。牛津搭配〔value〕The story has very little news value.这件事没有什么新闻价值。牛津高阶〔value〕The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000.获胜者将得到价值为 1 000 英镑的奖项。牛津高阶〔vanity〕Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.无用:缺少实用性、价值或效果的;无价值美国传统〔viable〕The company ensured that it had a commercially viable product which would appeal to children.该公司保证他们拥有一款既能吸引儿童又具有商业价值的产品。外研社新世纪〔voucher〕I got a credit voucher for £30.我得到一张价值 30 英镑的代金券。牛津搭配〔warp〕I never had any toys, my father thought that they would warp my personal values.我从来没有任何玩具,我父亲认为它们会扭曲我的价值观。柯林斯高阶〔worthless〕He said the jewels were worthless fakes.他说这些珠宝是毫无价值的赝品。剑桥高阶〔wrench〕Many of the things are of great sentimental value and it is going to be a wrench parting with them.其中很多东西都具有重要的情感价值,令人难以割舍。柯林斯高阶〔write〕To overstate the value of (assets).对资产高估:过高估评(一笔资产)的价值美国传统Companies report on derivatives at market values rather than historic cost.公司按照市场价值而不是历史成本报告其衍生产品。牛津商务Harvey Nichols regard the Edinburgh store as the jewel in their crown.哈维 • 尼科尔斯把爱丁堡店视为最有价值的资产。牛津商务In the course of a lifetime's research, she made some very valuable discoveries.在她一生的研究中,她得出几项很有价值的发现。剑桥国际Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing. 缺乏常识的知识是没有价值的。译典通Silver plate (= objects made of metal with a thin covering of silver) is less valuable than solid silver.镀银的东西没有纯银的那么有价值。剑桥国际The committee say they will consider the applicants' cases on their own merits and not in comparison with other cases.委员会表示他们将考虑申请者自身的价值,而不是相比之下的价值。剑桥国际The deal might be more expensive in the short term, but it would offer shareholders better value in the longer term.这笔交易从短期来看可能较贵,但是从长期来看会给股东带来更大的价值。牛津商务The fall in share values is reaching crisis proportions.股票价值下跌即将达到危机的程度。牛津商务The group has a property portfolio worth $2.4 billion.这个集团有价值 24 亿元的房地产投资组合。牛津商务The pearl, valued at £75,000, is so big that it has been described as a freak of nature.那颗珍珠价值75000英镑,体形如此硕大,被称为是自然界之奇物。剑桥国际The portfolio manager's job is to ensure that there is steady growth in the value of the investments.有价证券经营人的工作是确保投资价值稳定增长。剑桥国际The thieves got away with £15,000 worth of church plate, some of it dating back to the twelfth century.小偷偷走了教堂中价值1.5 万英镑的餐具,其中的一些产于12 世纪。剑桥国际The value of the company's stock has risen by 80%.公司的股票价值上涨了 80%。牛津商务The value of the new television technology to the company is that it is highly exportable (= can be sold in other countries).这种新电视技术对公司的价值在于其高度可出口性。剑桥国际They are a built-to-last company in a built-to-flip environment.他们是处于以快速创造价值后等待收购的环境中的永续经营公司。牛津商务They cost ten bucks.这些东西价值十元。牛津商务To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life. 对一些人来说,财富是人生最有价值的东西。译典通Under accounting standard FRS 17, companies must adjust their profits for changes in the value of their pension fund.根据《财务报告准则》第 17 号会计准则的规定,公司必须随着养老基金价值的变化调整其利润。牛津商务




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