

单词 件套
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PIECE〕The jumper was very cheap - it'll probably fall to bits the first time I wear it. 那件套头毛衣便宜极了一我第一次穿就有可能会裂成碎片。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Remember that three piece suite Mrs Killeen had? It was grey and mustard. It was absolutely revolting! 还记得基利恩夫人的三件套家具吗?又灰又黄的,看上去恶心极了。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕He was dressed in a three-piece suit with an incongruous tie shaped like a fish. 他穿了三件套的西服,戴了一条极不相称的鱼形领带。朗文写作活用〔as〕Today, as usual, he was wearing a three-piece suit.像往常一样, 他今天穿的是西装三件套。外研社新世纪〔bobble〕I've only worn this jumper twice, and it's already begun to bobble.这件套衫我只穿了两次,却已经开始起毛球了。剑桥高阶〔dressed〕She was dressed in a two-piece suit.她穿着一身两件套的套装。朗文当代〔dress〕A one-piece outer garment for women or girls.女外套:妇女或女孩穿的一件套的外穿衣服美国传统〔endless〕There is always something better the money can be spent on – a holiday, three-piece suite, upgrading a house. The list is endless.钱总是可以花在更值得花的地方, 比如度假、买三件套家具、把房子改造一下等等。例子举不胜举。外研社新世纪〔ensemble〕She wore an elegant three-piece ensemble.她身穿优雅的三件套女服。韦氏高阶〔extra〕If you're cold put an extra pullover on.如果你觉得冷, 就再加一件套头毛衣。外研社新世纪〔giveaway〕The furniture shop's offering three-piece suites at giveaway prices.家具店正以极低廉的价格出售一组三件套家具。剑桥高阶〔have〕This jumper's had it.这件套头毛衣没法穿了。外研社新世纪〔jacket〕An open envelope or folder for filing papers.文件套,公文夹:用来装纸的开口信封或文件夹美国传统〔knit〕She's knitting her husband a sweater.她在给她丈夫织一件套衫。英汉大词典〔smartness〕The jumper strikes the perfect balance between comfort and smartness.这件套头毛衣又舒服又漂亮。柯林斯高阶〔suite〕I've ordered a new three-piece suite for the living-room.我为客厅订购了一套三件套的新家具。剑桥高阶〔suite〕We bought a three-piece suite for the living room.我们为起居室买了一套三件套家具。牛津搭配〔sweat suit〕A two-piece outfit consisting of a sweatshirt and sweat pants, usually worn for exercise.运动套装:运动时穿着的两件套装,包括运动衫和运动裤美国传统〔take〕He took the two-piece suit he had tried on.他买下了试穿过的两件套西服。21世纪英汉〔tear〕He tore holes in umpteen jerseys of mine.他把我无数件套头毛衣都扯破了。外研社新世纪〔trio〕A group of three people or things joined or associated.三个(或人)一组,三件套:相互联系或相连接的三个人或物美国传统〔trio〕The trio are part of Sotheby's sale of Works of Art.该三件套是苏富比艺术品拍卖会上的一件拍品。柯林斯高阶〔twinset〕A sweater set comprised of a cardigan and a shell that match and are worn together.两件套:羊毛衫和外套搭配并一起穿着的毛衣套装美国传统〔twinset〕She always wore a twinset and pearls.她总是穿两件套毛衣,佩带珍珠饰物。剑桥高阶〔two-piece〕A garment, such as a swimsuit, consisting of two parts.两件套的服装,例如游泳衣美国传统〔vest〕A sleeveless garment, often having buttons down the front, worn usually over a shirt or blouse and sometimes as part of a three-piece suit.马甲:一种无袖衣服,经常在前面有扣,穿在衬衣或短上衣的外面,有时作为三件套西服的一部分美国传统〔wash〕This sweater washes well.这件套衫很耐洗。牛津高阶〔wring〕I'll just wring out this jumper and hang it up.我只需把这件套衫拧干挂起来。麦克米伦高阶He was resplendently dressed in a soft grey three-piece suit and red silk cravat.他穿着一套华丽的柔和灰色三件套装,系着一条红色丝绸领巾。剑桥国际I'm knitting Myra a jumper for her birthday.我在为迈拉的生日织一件套衫。剑桥国际It's a typically suburban house with a three-piece suite and wall-to-wall carpets (= ones which cover the whole floor).那是典型的郊区房子,有三件套沙发,地面全铺了地毯。剑桥国际It's silly to buy a jumper when you've already got one that's just like it.你有那么一件套衫了还要买一件一模一样的也太傻了。剑桥国际My aunt is the sort of elderly woman who always wears a twin set and pearls.我舅母是那种总是穿着两件套装和佩戴珍珠饰物的老年妇女。剑桥国际Our teacher always wears the same pullover.我们的老师总是穿着同一件套衫。剑桥国际The furniture shop's offering three-piece suites at give-away (= very low) prices.家具店提供极低价的三件套家具。0剑桥国际The jumper may be old but it's good for (= can be used for) another few months.这件套衫也许旧了,但再穿几个月还行。剑桥国际The software package contains five CD-ROMs.这软件套装包含 5 张只读光盘。牛津商务This sweater's full of snags.这件套衫被钩得全是洞。剑桥国际Waistcoats were mainly worn in the past under a jacket, as part of a three-piece suit.马甲过去主要穿在外套里面,作为三件套的组成部分。剑桥国际




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