

单词 人人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AGREE〕when everyone agrees on a decision, plan etc 人人都同意某个决定、计划等朗文写作活用〔Anglo〕the town's Anglo population 小镇的非西班牙裔美国白人人口韦氏高阶〔Negroid〕a Negroid population黑人人口外研社新世纪〔accessible〕the need for a health service that is accessible to all 对人人都能享受的医疗服务的需求朗文当代〔adult〕the adult population 成年人人口朗文当代〔anonymity〕the anonymity of city streets (=you do not know anyone, and no one knows you) 城市街道上人人互不相识朗文当代〔arm〕the number of Americans now under arms around the world 在世界各地服役的美国现役军人人数韦氏高阶〔black〕the Black population of South Africa. 南非的黑人人口美国传统〔blazing〕a blazing lie 人人都看得出的谎言英汉大词典〔breach〕trespass implies willful intrusion on another's rights, possessions, or person: trespass 却含有侵犯他人的权力、财产或侵害他人人身的意思: 美国传统〔celebrity〕a celebrity fundraising dinner; celebrity exercise books. 一次社会名流筹措资金的晚宴;人人皆知的练习书美国传统〔concept〕the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity 人人应当机会均等的观念牛津高阶〔covet〕win the coveted prize 得到人人都想望的奖品英汉大词典〔devoid〕imprisonment that devoids a person of humanity剥夺某人人权的关押21世纪英汉〔egalitarian〕an egalitarian society 人人平等的社会朗文当代〔equal〕equal before the law. 法律面前人人平等美国传统〔flutter〕the one day a year when everyone would have a flutter每年一次的人人参加小赌的日子外研社新世纪〔found〕a society founded on the belief that all men are equal 建立在人人平等这一信仰基础上的社会麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕do sb. bodily harm 危害某人人身 英汉大词典〔ill-tempered〕an ill-tempered meeting人人怒气冲冲的会议外研社新世纪〔impinge〕actions which seriously impinge on other people's personal freedoms 严重侵犯他人人身自由的行为牛津搭配〔kale〕a ritzy neighborhood where everybody has the kale 人人有钞票的豪华居住区英汉大词典〔leveller〕death, the great leveller 死亡,人人都要面对的东西剑桥高阶〔narrow〕narrow down the candidates 缩减候选人人数英汉大词典〔native〕the aboriginal population; 原始土著人人口;美国传统〔need〕our common need for self-preservation 人人都需要的自我保护牛津搭配〔open〕an open debate/championship/scholarship 公开的辩论会;人人可以参加的锦标赛;人人均可申请的奖学金牛津高阶〔overfamiliar〕overfamiliar sayings. 人人皆知的谚语美国传统〔precept〕an electoral process based on the precept that all men are born equal建立在人人生而平等信条上的选举程序外研社新世纪〔principle〕the principle that education should be free to everyone 人人都有权接受教育的原则麦克米伦高阶〔proverbial〕his proverbial good humour 他那人人皆知的好脾气剑桥高阶〔psychedelic〕at a time when everyone was doing kind of trippy, psychedelic music当人人都在搞那种神游的迷幻音乐的那段时间外研社新世纪〔psychedelic〕at a time when, you know, everyone was doing kind of trippy, psychedelic music. 你知道,当人人都在那种神游的迷幻音乐的那段时间柯林斯高阶〔revel〕a detective novel in which everyone revels 人人都会着迷的一本侦探小说 英汉大词典〔right〕equal rights for all 人人平等的权利牛津搭配〔short〕the number of workers on short hours 工时做不足的工人人数英汉大词典〔stand〕stand alone in the world, condemned by everyone 在世界上处于人人谴责的孤立地位 英汉大词典〔structure〕a society structured on the assumption that all men are equal 依据人人平等的设想建立起来的社会英汉大词典〔voice〕a society in which individuals are able to make their voices heard 一个人人都能够发表意见的社会牛津搭配the number of young people entering the workforce 加入工作大军的年轻人人数牛津商务




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