

单词 休息
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕On her doctor's advice, she took a few days off work. 在医生的建议之下,她请假休息了几天。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Studies show that if screen workers have short but frequent breaks they become much more productive. 研究显示坐在电脑屏幕前工作的人如果经常有短时间休息,他们的工作效率就会提高许多。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Wednesday is my only day off this week. 星期三是我这个星期唯一的休息日。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Crawford had been ordered to take a day's rest after pulling a leg muscle. 克劳福德腿部一块肌肉拉伤了,被吩咐在家休息一天。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕The pair had their meeting in the VIP lounge at Heathrow airport. 他们两人在希思罗机场贵宾休息室见了面。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕I'm feeling a little tired, I think I'll go upstairs and have a rest. 我感到有点累了,我要上楼去休息一下。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Although we only had a short break, we were a long way behind the front runners. 虽然我们只短暂地休息了一会儿,但是我们比领先的赛跑运动员落后了一大截。朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕At 12.30, the committee broke for lunch. 12点半,委员会休息吃午餐。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕I'm going to put my feet up and take it easy this afternoon. 今天下午我打算架起脚来休息一下。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Can anyone relieve Tammy? She's been on duty for ten hours without a break. 谁能接替塔米?她已连续值班十小时没有休息过了。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Between projects, Morrison tries to rest, take stock, and do some gardening for relaxation. 在两个项目之间,莫里森会设法休息一下,检讨得失,干点园艺活放松一下。朗文写作活用〔be a question of doing sth〕It's simply/just a question of working hard for a month and then you can relax.那就只需努力工作1个月,然后你就可以休息了。剑桥高阶〔bone〕Let me rest my weary bones for a minute.让我疲乏的身子稍稍休息一下吧。英汉大词典〔brandish〕He appeared in the lounge brandishing a knife.他挥舞着一把小刀,出现在休息室里。柯林斯高阶〔break〕Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break in the performance.在演出中途适当的休息时间迟到者方可进场。朗文当代〔breather〕We'd been working solidly for two hours and felt it was time to take a breather.我们已经连续工作了两个小时, 感觉该休息一下了。外研社新世纪〔bum〕It's nice to have a day off to just bum around.休息一天闲逛放松一下非常不错。麦克米伦高阶〔collar〕He collared her in the staff room at lunchtime and started telling her about his holiday plans.中午他在员工休息室里逮到她,就开始说起他的休假计划来。朗文当代〔common room〕A faculty lounge in a college or university.交谊厅,休息室:在学院或大学的教员休息室美国传统〔couch〕To cause (oneself) to lie down, as for rest.使躺卧:使(自己)躺下,如为了休息美国传统〔couch〕To lie down; recline, as for rest.躺卧:躺下;斜倚,例如休息时美国传统〔cover〕I'll cover if you want to take a day off.你如果想休息一天,我可代你工作。英汉大词典〔dressing gown〕A robe worn for lounging or before dressing.晨衣:着装前或休息时穿的袍子美国传统〔dust ... off〕She dusted off her bed and lay down.她掸干净床,然后躺在床上休息。21世纪英汉〔earn〕At 81 years old and after 38 novels I have earned a rest.我已81岁, 写了38本小说, 也该休息一下了。外研社新世纪〔ease〕I found him taking his ease on the front porch.我发现他正在前廊休息。韦氏高阶〔experience〕She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine.经验告诉她在日常生活中要不时地休息一小会儿。外研社新世纪〔follow〕Follow your treatment with plenty of rest.你治疗以后要多休息。牛津高阶〔footboard〕A board or small raised platform on which to support or rest the feet, as in a carriage.脚踏板:宽或小且凸出的供人们休息脚的踏板,如在四轮马车中美国传统〔foot〕I'm going to go home and put my feet up.我要回家休息了。韦氏高阶〔garment〕Garmented like a mummy in acres of clingfilm, you will be left alone to relax for the duration of the treatment.你会像木乃伊一样被裹在大量的保鲜膜里, 在整个治疗过程中一人独处, 放松休息。外研社新世纪〔get away〕I'm taking some time off because I really need to get away for a few days.我要休息一段时间,因为我真的需要出去休几天假了。韦氏高阶〔getaway〕We had four days at our mountain getaway.我们可以在山间度假屋休息4天。麦克米伦高阶〔greenroom〕A waiting room or lounge in a theater or concert hall for the use of performers when they are off-stage.演员休息室:剧场或音乐厅里后台供演员休息的房间或休息厅美国传统〔habit〕She has (或 is in) the habit of resting after lunch.她有午饭后休息的习惯。英汉大词典〔halftime〕The score was tied at halftime.中场休息时,双方战平。韦氏高阶〔highway〕We pulled off the highway and stopped for a break.我们把车停到公路边稍作休息。牛津搭配〔interlude〕Play resumed after a brief interlude.短暂的幕间休息后, 演出继续。外研社新世纪〔kick back〕As soon as they've finished up, they kick back and wait for the next show.他们一结束就放松休息, 等着下一场表演。外研社新世纪〔k〕To rest, be quiet.休息, 平静.美国传统〔lay ... off〕The doctor advised the patient to lay off for a month after the operation.医生建议病人在手术后休息一个月。21世纪英汉〔layoff〕A period of temporary inactivity or rest.休息:暂时闲散或休息的时间美国传统〔lie back〕You should lie back and take life easy.你应该休息休息放松一下。21世纪英汉〔lieu〕He worked on Sunday and took Monday off in lieu.他周日工作,这样周一可以休息。剑桥高阶〔little〕We rested a little, then went on.我们休息了一会儿, 然后继续。外研社新世纪〔luxury〕We were going to have the luxury of a free weekend, to rest and do whatever we pleased.我们将有一个难得空闲的周末,可以休息,还可以高兴干什么就干什么。柯林斯高阶〔mercy seat〕The golden covering of the ark of the covenant, regarded as the resting place of God.施恩座:约柜上的金色护板,被认为是上帝休息的地方美国传统〔news〕The good news is that we've all been given an extra day's leave.好消息是我们每个人都可以多休息一天。牛津搭配〔off day〕Friday is an off day to give both teams a chance to rest before the weekend games.星期五没安排比赛, 让两支队伍在周末比赛前有机会休息。外研社新世纪〔off〕At noon, workers take time off for lunch.中午时,工人们休息吃午饭。韦氏高阶〔order〕The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.医生叮嘱你要卧床休息。21世纪英汉〔ourselves〕After a short rest, we are almost ourselves again.经过短暂的休息,我们又差不多恢复过来了。英汉大词典〔permit〕Smoking is only permitted in the public lounge.只允许在公共休息室里抽烟。朗文当代〔pipe〕He lit his pipe, then settled down to relax.他点燃了烟斗, 然后坐下来休息。外研社新世纪〔pit stop〕A brief stop for rest and refreshment, especially during an automobile trip.中途停车:中途停留片刻以休息和加餐,尤指驾车旅行途中美国传统〔playtime〕You'll have to stay in at playtime today, because it's raining.今天课间休息时你们得呆在室里,因为外面正在下雨。剑桥高阶〔recess〕I had to see my teacher during recess.课间休息时, 我只得去见了老师。外研社新世纪〔relax〕Just relax and enjoy the movie.休息休息,看看电影吧。牛津高阶〔relax〕To take one's ease; rest.松散;休息美国传统〔repose〕To rest or relax (oneself).休息;放松(自己)美国传统〔resting place〕We found a good resting place by the side of the trail.我们在这条小径的边上找到了一个理想休息处。韦氏高阶〔rest〕Can we stop for a minute? I need a rest.我们能停一会儿吗?我需要休息一下。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕He was ordered to have complete rest after his heart attack.他心脏病发作后,被告知要彻底休息。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕They smoked for a while, contented and at rest.他们抽着烟,心满意足地休息了一会儿。英汉大词典〔road〕I pulled off the road for a rest.我把车驶向路边休息了一会。牛津搭配〔sack〕I decided to hit the sack (= go to bed) and have an early night.我决定上床睡觉,早早休息一晚。牛津搭配〔serenade〕In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。柯林斯高阶〔set〕During the interval the stage was set for the second act.在幕间休息时,工作人员布置了第二幕的布景。剑桥高阶〔set〕The band is taking a 15 minute break between sets.乐队将在两组音乐演奏之间休息15分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔should〕She recommended that I should take some time off.她建议我应该休息一段时间。牛津高阶〔spell〕Australian A period of rest.【澳大利亚】 一段休息时间美国传统〔superintend〕During the interval, Linton superintended a prize draw.中间休息时,林顿组织了一次抽奖。柯林斯高阶〔surroundings〕We spent the afternoon relaxing in the beautiful surroundings of my parents' home.我们在父母家优美的环境中休息了一下午。牛津搭配〔tea-break〕There are two tea-breaks during the day.每个工作日中有两次喝茶休息时间。英汉大词典〔time-out〕A short break from work or play.休息时间:工作或比赛中的短暂的休息美国传统〔time-out〕We've been working all morning. Let's take a time-out and get some coffee.我们一上午都在工作。休息一会儿,喝点咖啡吧。韦氏高阶〔time〕I need time to rest.我需要时间休息。英汉大词典〔toss ... off〕She tossed off a letter during the 10-minute break.在10分钟休息时,她很快地写了一封信。21世纪英汉〔trail〕He scored again, leaving Dartford trailing 3-0 at the break.他又进球了,使得中场休息时达特福德队以 3: 0 落后。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.治疗感冒的最佳方法是休息和多喝流质。朗文当代〔turn〕Each of us takes a break in turn.我们轮流休息。剑桥高阶〔vacation〕A fixed period of holidays, especially one during which a school, court, or business suspends activities.休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子美国传统〔vigour〕A brief rest restored the traveller's vigour.旅客短暂休息后体力恢复了。英汉大词典〔warrant〕You'll be glad for a rest, I'll warrant! 毫无疑问,你一定想休息一会儿了。英汉大词典Feeling tired-out is Nature's way of telling you to rest.感觉疲惫不堪是自然在提醒你该休息了。剑桥国际He's been working too hard and some time off would do him a power of good (= would be extremely good for him).他工作一直很努力,休息一段时间将对他大有好处。剑桥国际Her illness arose from lack of rest. 她的病是缺乏休息引起的。译典通I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break now.我看午饭时间快到了,我们休息一会儿吧。剑桥国际I usually go for a stroll around the botanical garden during my lunch break.午饭休息时间我通常到植物园散散步。剑桥国际I usually have a bit of a lie down after lunch.我午饭后经常要躺下休息一会。剑桥国际I was relaxing in the bath, having toiled away in the garden all afternoon.在花园里劳累了整整一下午后,我一边洗澡一边休息。剑桥国际I'm going to bed early, and so for that matter should you (= you should also).我要早些休息,你也应该如此。剑桥国际I'm not tired at the moment but I will need a rest at some stage (= at some time) during the walk.我现在不累,但在途中我有时会需要休息一会儿。剑桥国际She lay down to rest her tired and aching limbs.她躺下来让疲劳的酸痛的四肢休息一下。剑桥国际She reposed on the sofa.她躺在沙发上休息。剑桥国际She spent the five-minute break between games gathering her wits and rethinking her strategy for the second half of the match.她利用中场休息的5分钟镇静下来,并重新考虑下半场比赛的策略。剑桥国际Stop for a rest now -- then you won't have to go to bed early.现在停下来休息一会,那样你就不必早上床了。剑桥国际There will be two fifteen-minute intermissions during the show.放映期间将有两次15分钟的中间休息。剑桥国际We arrived late and weren't allowed to take our seats (= go to our seats to watch the performance) until the interval.我们去晚了,要等到中间休息才能落座观看演出。剑桥国际We travelled by night and rested by day.我们夜间行进白天休息。剑桥国际




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