

单词 乡村
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accusation〕the accusation that Country music is sentimental说乡村音乐过于感伤的指责外研社新世纪〔area〕a rural area (=countryside) of woodlands and fields 有林地和田野的乡村地区朗文当代〔benefit〕the benefits of living in the country.住在乡村的好处。牛津同义词〔community〕small rural communities that rely on agriculture 依赖农业的乡村小社区麦克米伦高阶〔constituency〕a rural constituency 一个乡村选区朗文当代〔constituency〕a rural/urban constituency 乡村/城市选区剑桥高阶〔countrified〕countrified rock 乡村摇滚乐英汉大词典〔country and western〕a successful country and western singer. 成功的乡村乐歌手柯林斯高阶〔country〕a country singer 乡村音乐歌手朗文当代〔country〕a country town/road 乡下小镇;乡村公路韦氏高阶〔country〕an area of wooded country 树木覆盖的乡村地区牛津高阶〔delight〕the delights of living in the country 生活在乡村的乐趣牛津高阶〔denude〕a countryside denuded by wildfires 被野火烧光的乡村韦氏高阶〔desolated〕the misery of the desolated countryside荒无人烟的乡村的穷困状况外研社新世纪〔do out〕a room newly done out in country-house style. 装饰一新的带有乡村风格的房间柯林斯高阶〔farm〕village and farm life 乡村和农场生活牛津搭配〔grip〕be at grips with the poverty and disease in the country 在与乡村的贫困和疾病斗争英汉大词典〔inconvenience〕the inconveniences of life in the smaller and more remote villages 在较偏远的小乡村生活的种种不便麦克米伦高阶〔inn〕a country inn 乡村客栈英汉大词典〔life〕country/city life 乡村╱城市生活牛津高阶〔life〕life in the city/country = city/country life 城市/乡村生活韦氏高阶〔lily-white〕a lily-white country club 清一色白人乡村俱乐部英汉大词典〔lush〕the lush green countryside 郁郁葱葱的乡村牛津高阶〔mansion〕an 18th century country mansion *18 世纪的乡村宅第牛津高阶〔model〕build a house on the model of a country villa 仿照乡村别墅的样式建造房屋英汉大词典〔neighbourly〕a belief that country folk are more neighbourly 认为乡村人更友善的观念麦克米伦高阶〔nowhere〕country roads that go from nowhere to nowhere不知从哪到哪的乡村道路外研社新世纪〔outring〕church bells outringing over the countryside 声音回荡在乡村上空的教堂大钟英汉大词典〔plain〕an unpretentious country church. ornate 朴实无华的乡村教堂 ornate美国传统〔population〕the rural population of America 美国乡村人口韦氏高阶〔retreat〕a country retreat 乡村静居所朗文当代〔rough〕rugged countryside. 多丘陵的乡村。美国传统〔rural〕people who live in remote rural areas 生活在偏远乡村地区的人们麦克米伦高阶〔rustic〕the rustic charm of a country lifestyle乡村生活的质朴魅力外研社新世纪〔sample〕sample the pleasures of country life 体验乡村生活的乐趣英汉大词典〔store〕a village store 乡村商店英汉大词典〔tranquility〕the tranquility of the quiet countryside 寂静乡村的安宁韦氏高阶〔unsuitable〕taking heavy traffic out of unsuitable towns and villages. 消除车流量不宜过大的城镇和乡村的交通拥挤局面柯林斯高阶〔village〕the village shop 乡村商店牛津高阶〔virtue〕people practising the rural virtues 过着与人为善的乡村生活的人们英汉大词典




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