

单词 习性
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔appetency〕the appetency of ducks for the water 鸭子喜水的习性英汉大词典〔apt〕plants apt to suffer from drought 习性惧旱的植物英汉大词典〔behaviour〕the behaviour of dolphins/chromosomes 海豚╱染色体的习性牛津高阶〔biology〕the biology of bacteria 细菌的生理习性朗文当代〔biology〕the biology of marine animals 海洋动物的生理习性牛津高阶〔break〕break a dog of barking 驯狗使之克服狂吠习性英汉大词典〔contain〕contain one's tendency to argue 克服好争辩的习性英汉大词典〔domestic〕the habits of the domestic cat 家猫的习性麦克米伦高阶〔elusive〕their elusive behaviour (often heard but rarely seen)它们难以捉摸的习性(只闻其声, 不见其影)外研社新世纪〔heart〕the habit of wearing one's heart on one's sleeve 心直口快的习性 英汉大词典〔inclination〕a young lady from a respectable family, but with bohemian inclinations 一位出身体面却有着放荡不羁习性的少女英汉大词典〔inveteracy〕an inveteracy of criminal disposition 犯罪习性的根深蒂固文馨英汉〔inveteracy〕an inveteracy of criminal disposition 犯罪习性的根深蒂固英汉大词典〔inveterate〕the inveterate laziness of these boys这些男孩子根深蒂固的懒惰习性外研社新世纪〔morbid〕a morbid habit 病态习性英汉大词典〔nomadic〕a nomadic custom 游牧习性英汉大词典〔proclivity〕have a proclivity for finding fault 有爱挑错的习性英汉大词典〔propensity〕a propensity to sudden anger 动辄发怒的习性英汉大词典〔propensity〕resist one's propensity for using lavatorial puns 抑制自己动辄爱说低俗双关语的习性英汉大词典〔propensity〕the mischievous propensities of children 孩子们淘气的习性英汉大词典〔read〕read up (on) the habits of elephants 研究大象的习性 英汉大词典〔recidivist〕show recidivist tendencies 表现出重犯习性英汉大词典〔resident〕resident fauna. 无迁徙习性的动物群美国传统〔sociable〕a sociable disposition 合群的习性英汉大词典〔sticky fingers〕people with sticky fingers 有偷窃习性的人韦氏高阶〔uproot〕uproot one's bad propensities 革除坏的习性英汉大词典〔vagrant〕vagrant habits 游民习性英汉大词典〔wise〕be wise in the ways of computers 对计算机的习性很熟悉英汉大词典




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