

单词 为标准
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accept〕a word that has come to be accepted as standard 受到认可并成为标准用语的单词韦氏高阶〔ethic〕ethics (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession: ethics (与单数或复数动词连用)行为准则:支配个人或某一行业中人员的行为法则和行为标准:美国传统〔guardian〕a usage criticized by people who consider themselves guardians of proper English 为那些自诩为标准英语捍卫者所诟病的一种用法韦氏高阶〔high〕high standards of conduct 高尚的行为标准韦氏高阶〔low〕low standards of conduct 低劣的行为标准韦氏高阶〔protocol〕a violation of safety protocols; academic protocol.See Synonyms at etiquette 违反安全行为标准学院规则 参见 etiquette美国传统improving standards of training and professional conduct 培训和职业行为标准的不断提高牛津商务




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